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April 2009 Open Meeting Summary 04032009

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 4/3/2009 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor

1. Unofficial minutes read

a. Changes made

i. Attorney Snow given $1000

ii. Neal Richard also donated towards dirt

b. Motion to accept minutes with changes made by Robert; Second by Dalton

c. Jeanie-yes, Dalton- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- yes, Wayne- yes, Susan (Scott)- yes (passed unanimously)

2. Old Business

a. Brian and security

i. Donnie will price more cameras this week

b. Dirt- 7 loads were done for $500

c. Bank account- Elder Jerry Smith said our ID number was still in use

3. New Business

a. Resolution J-HH-01-10-2008-009 (Membership of Non-Core Persons) received its 3rd reading

i. Dalton motioned; Robert seconded

ii. Jeanie-yes, Robert- yes, Homer- yes, Wayne-yes, Susan (Scott)- yes, Dalton- yes (1 absent)

b. Reaffirm Online Votes

i. Camper on grounds- yes

ii. ASAP Please- yes

c. Please send all emails for CM Richia Powell to both work and home email addresses

d. Executive Session in March

i. Confirm $500 for dirt- 7 loads for Donnie

e. Financial Report

i. $4624.02 including the price of the dirt ($5124.02 without)

ii. Elder Jerry Smith: Feb- 16 Letters- $1335; March $1285

iii. Ronnie Floyd will bring in $100 donation from an art event

f. Keys- Elder Jerry Smith is ready to stamp them

g. On 3/18, Ronnie Floyd, 2nd Chief Susan Hatcher, Pat Hallman & family, & Others were at Huntington Beach State Park

i. The Park sent a form letter thanking us for our participation

h. Census 2010 is coming up

i. Get out in the community and let people know about it

ii. Should be a place to put your tribal affiliation on it, not just that you are Native American

i. Committee Reports

i. Building & Grounds (Neal Richard)

1. Trash has been hauled, fence has been fixed

2. Next project is getting Donnie situated, weed-eating, getting gas for mowing (possibly a running charge account (under $50 per month))

3. Ronnie will help with trees (Birch primarily, since they grow fast) if there is a landscape plan

ii. Arts

iii. PauWau

1. No response on drum

2. GoldenHawk (flutist) may demo for a free vendor slot

iv. Grants

1. SCAC grant went out on time and is available as a download for Council

2. Literary grant recently brought to my attention that requires a writer from outside the state

a. Was given the name and number of a writer in Texas who may help us

j. Events

i. 4/18 Yard Sale 7:30am; 9-2

1. 3 newspaper advertisements

2. $10 for 10ft; $20 for $20ft space

ii. Franklin Arts Museum at Springmaid Beach- Ronnie

1. Says we can have a spot

4. Chief Hatcher

a. From Ms. Norma Hucks- send excess phone bill to her to pay

b. Ms. Willie Ree Rogers and Andy Anderson passed away

c. “Prospective Member” letter read to everyone and should be put back in place

i. Dalton motioned that it apply to All members (associate, spousal, etc…)

ii. Robert seconded

iii. Homer said that anyone who renews their card should have to sign the new letter before getting their card

iv. 2nd Chief Susan Hatcher said if the letter was sent out for people to send back, it would need to have a notary seal on it

v. Chief Hatcher asked for an override to allow for just one reading

vi. Dalton- yes, Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- yes, Wayne- yes, Susan (Scott)- yes

d. Children and membership- 18

e. Hennis (JT) Skipper- money order not received

f. Judge slot open

g. Letter from Dr. Goings to CMA read in part

i. State recognition requirements have changed

h. Book signing Wed in Rock Hill at Winthrop College

i. Book will become a valuable tool in teaching about Native Americans in SC

i. Artist Certification issue- Linda and Robert to Discuss with Chief Hatcher

j. Council Training day 4/25

k. Neal and Chief Hatcher- Use poles to build a suk this weekend

l. TV13ad- usual guy isn’t there anymore. New person will give us the same price but will not distribute it for us

m. AC needs to be fixed; Chief Hatcher to price

n. Chief Hatcher proposed a monthly newsletter; Homer seconded. After discussion, Chief Hatcher withdrew his proposal

o. Items needed for Newsletter no later than June 15 (for July 1)

i. Arts & Crafts article- Linda

ii. Genealogy article- Linda

iii. Notes from the Elders- Jerry

iv. How to get to the website and listen to the tape- Dalton

p. Chief Hatcher attended the SC Hall of Fame dedication of King Hagler

q. Presenters must be certified before they can represent WIP in a presentation

i. 2nd Chief Susan Hatcher received her certificate to do presentations

ii. She will set up a meeting with presenters to establish guidelines and provide training

5. 2nd Chief Susan Hatcher and Membership Files

a. Mark A. Ammons

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

b. Regina E. Gasque (file paid for but incomplete)

c. William. M Gasque (file paid for but incomplete)

d. Allen M. Gasque (file paid for but incomplete)

e. James. G. Turner

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

f. Patsy. J. Turner (S)

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

g. Stephanie Turner

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

h. Anthony W. Cribb (S)

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

i. Dustin B. Turner

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

j. Chelsey N. Cribb

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

k. Joseph B. Turner

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

l. Hannah B. Turner

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

m. Holden B. Turner

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

n. Christopher G. Turner

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

o. Joshua T. Turner

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

p. Amber M. Hucks (S)

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

q. Colin G. Turner

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

r. Clay Talbot- Nominated for Associate membership by Chief Hatcher

i. Jeanie- yes, Robert- yes, Homer- Yes, Wayne- yes, Dalton- Yes, Susan (Scott)-yes (passed, 1 absent)

Homer Motioned and Robert seconded for the meeting to end.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 4/04/2009 at 12:13pm

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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