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August 2010 Open Meeting Summary 08062010

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 8/6/2010 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor

  1. Craig Talbot presented tobacco to CoC Scott

  2. Meeting opened at 6:39pm with CoC Scott and CM’s Dalton, Neal, Richia, and Homer present.

  3. July minutes read

  4. Dalton motioned to accept; Homer seconded

  5. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes

  6. 5yes: 0no: 2absent: 0abstain (passed by majority)

  7. CoC to Council: when you receive minutes by email and find a mistake, email Michelle back with that mistake so the correction can be made. For time efficiency during the meeting, you would only have to come in and approve the minutes.

  8. Financial Report- 2nd Chief Iris

  9. Current Bank Balance: $3865.39

  10. Total Bare Bones Requirement through Oct. 2010: $2098.00

  11. 2nd Chief Iris: this office building is not a storage unit. A group of us spent a day out here getting it cleaned up and it needs to stay that way. This is an office building.

  12. Committee Reports

  13. Building & Grounds: Neal

  14. Donnie now has a Washer & Dryer and spare parts

  15. Treated for yellow jackets at cemetery

  16. Work Day before TV crew comes

  17. Bushes to plant

  18. Linda to donate 2 orange trees and crepe myrtle

  19. Richia to donate sage

  20. Arts & Crafts: Brian

  21. Susan taught all feathers (Iris: not veteran’s feathers)

  22. 3 people present for meeting

  23. Decided to leave artist certification as-is

  24. Mr. Moore brought up new law signed by President Obama and how it gives Chiefs more control to arrest people selling Native American art that should not be

  25. Think rules are done for certification

  26. Went to Wachesaw; she talked about coming there 2-3 times per year; will contact again

  27. Grants: Michelle

  28. SCAC Fellowship Grant deadline 10/1, but we cannot apply yet

  29. Elder Hank: Melanie hasn’t received anything through Food Lion

  30. No grants can be done yet because of court case and Secretary of State’s order

  31. PauWau: Linda

  32. Proud of her committee

  33. Neal: on-site dumpster: $300 deposit, Fri-Wed, $135, $35 per ton

  34. Exterminating $400: Wayne Turner

  35. 2nd Chief Susan talked to Harland Richardson (drum/ emcee) 5 rooms for 3 nights

  36. Vendors: She spoke to a vendor that knew of Harland and said we would not need a second drum

  37. Chief Hatcher: make sure Bill and Suzie are here

  38. Elder Hank: what about Rick Bird?

  39. 2nd Chief Iris: We want comparison prices from all (rooms, nights, etc…)

  40. Rodlyn: we have to think of the spirituality of it; want people who respect it

  41. 2nd Chief Iris: I agree, but I think it’s stupid to not comparison shop

  42. Elder Jerry: Last year, John didn’t charge us for Eastern Bull

  43. Homer: When John came back, people commented how glad they were to see him back

  44. Linda: PW Committee, listen to the people

  45. Brian: We got away from using John and we lost a lot of dancers. We have to think about that too

  46. Chief Hatcher: This is the biggest pauwau in SC; probably on the biggest on the east coast. If you stop chasing the spirit, it will suffer

  47. Mr. Moore: PauWau TV: he’ll run ad free-of-charge

  48. Plenty of work for volunteers

  49. 2nd Chief Iris: Robert will need help getting mixed hard woods for Pauwau this year

  50. Online Votes

  51. Attorney Deposition

  52. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes, (Robert-yes)

  53. Membership Files

  54. Please do not use white-out on the application; take the time to use another application.

  55. Michael Porter

  56. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes

  57. Pamela Stahl

  58. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes

  59. Eva Porter

  60. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes

  61. Asher Porter

  62. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes

  63. Samuel Cerezo

  64. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes

  65. Chief Hatcher

  66. Presented letter for tribal roll book (asked to do in last month’s meeting)

  67. 2nd Chief Iris: further discussion needed (agenda next month); not eliminate T-cards yet

  68. Chief Hatcher: Council will need to set the policies

  69. 2nd Chief Iris: I don’t want you to vote tonight; I want you to think about the policies and consequences

  70. Richia: also inconsistent in applications (different applications going out)

  71. Council needs Work Days to get caught up

  72. TV: Dan, Neal to meet Tues and film in a couple of weeks

  73. Elder Hank: going on Educational TV?

  74. Chief Hatcher: yes; if anyone can tape it, please do so

  75. Native American Prison Program

  76. Probably going to take a change to the law

  77. Cheryl Sievers active in program already

  78. Craig Talbot present a Celebrate Recovery card; Chief Hatcher said he wasn’t sure that was it

  79. Want to bring the program back; right now, only Muslim, Jews, & Christians are available to prisoners at night

  80. He wants to move the program statewide

  81. Dr. Trott, Cheryl, John George (Catawba), John Abrams, Liz Gilland (Horry County Chairman of Council)

  82. Write letters to encourage funding, making it a standard program, and allow Native American spiritual leaders access

  83. Would like to list Cheryl as point-of-contact

  84. Requires background check

  85. Dalton motioned to make Cheryl PoC; Homer seconded

  86. Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Homer-yes (pending background check), Richia-abstain, Scott-yes

  87. 4yes: 0no: 2absent: 1abstain (passed by quorum)

  88. Richia

  89. Email addresses: please keep the list updated

  90. Need help from Craig, Linda, Hank, Chief Hatcher, others for information to pass on to the younger generation

  91. Did we discuss retiring of numbers last month?

  92. Mr. Moore

  93. Tribe needs a culture

  94. Tents for young people on the weekend here; give the parents a break

  95. Drum and dancers of our own; no need to pay anyone

  96. Adopt our own language

  97. I’ll take every word/ syllable and give it to you

  98. 2nd Chief Iris: we have a Catawba language, but no one knows how to speak it

  99. Weekend classes to give the parents a break

  100. Chief Hatcher: We used to put 10 Waccamaw words in the newsletter

  101. Dalton: suggest a committee with Chief in it because it would involve presentations

  102. Presented handout about Cherokee and Lakota fire ceremonies

  103. Presented 7 life-saving Native American Herbal Healing Secrets

  104. Council to work with Mr. Moore

  105. Craig

  106. Busy from March until now

  107. Low Country Festival

  108. Alabama Mound Preservation

  109. Sparkleberry Festival

  110. Beaver Creek Family Day (Chavis)

  111. Blue Ridge (Cloudwalker)

  112. Pee Dee (Caulder) with Brian

  113. Edisto (Davison) with Brian

  114. Harborwalk

  115. Honor Feather for Cloudwalker in Columbia

  116. Funeral for Caleb Moore- Posthumous Naming Ceremony; named him Running Wolf

  117. Wachesaw East with Brian; BIA pictures of tipi poles because they were made of bamboo; however bamboo dates back to 1534

  118. Apologize for asking for a t-shirt while at the Edisto pauwau; it was their 35th anniversary and I wanted a t-shirt

  119. I pay for every expense while on the road

Neal motioned for the meeting to end; Homer seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 8/7/10 at 12:31pm.

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