September 2012 Open Meeting Summary 09072012
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 09/7/2012 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
1. CoC Scott, CM's Susan, Neal, Homer, Richia, and Dalton present.
2. Thank you given to those who volunteered and helped with the building
3. August minutes read
a. missing word at 6b: should read "...on more than one sheet"
a. Neal motioned to accept; Dalton seconded
1. Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
4. Financial Report: Michelle
a. General Fund: $5410.14
b. Building Fund: $1376.71
5. Online Votes
a. 8/16 Apply unspecified donation to Building Fund
1. Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
b. 8/26 Purchase bearings and shafts to repair deck
1. Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
c. 8/29 Loan washer/ dryer & give upright freezer to a tribal member
1. Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-abstain, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes, [Robert-yes]
6. Committee Reports
a. Grants: Michelle
1. SCAC hasn't sent contracts yet; checking with Ms. Carroll
b. Buildings & Grounds: Neal
1. Carpet done
2. Desks & file cabinets moved in
3. Cleanup to be done- new Work Day to be set
4. Ramp about done
c. Arts & Crafts: Susan
1. Nothing new to report
d. Pauwau: Michelle
1. Vendor applications are coming in at a steady rate
2. Cutoff date for ads was 9/1
3. Program book is ready for the printer
7. Res: DH-08-03-2012-001: Creating an Inactive Membership Status: 2nd Reading
8. Donnie's fuel receipts: $98.82 Check 1450
a. Neal motioned; Homer seconded
1. Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
9. Donnie: bolts & gas: $26.80 Check 1451
a. Neal motioned; Homer seconded
1. Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
10. Rick Hudnall: lumber supplies: $80.83 Check 1452
a. Neal motioned; Dalton seconded
1. Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
11. Susan: ballot for election shown to Council
a. Reminder: must be postmarked by 10/31
b. Need to set up Elections Committee (SB-10-01-2010-001)
12. 2nd Chief Cheryl: J-CS-09-07-2012-001: Revocation of Membership
a. Dalton motioned; Susan seconded
b. Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
13. Susan: Suggestion: minutes get Council's signature & printed name
a. Richia: added Council seat number
b. Susan motioned; Dalton seconded
c. Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
14. Chief Hatcher
a. Thank you to Rick Hudnall for ramp & Paul Fisk for paint, concrete
b. Release hold on membership file
c. Council should include merit as well as signing Tribal Roll Book
1. apply to all prospective members
2. 2nd Chief Cheryl: perhaps an interview process before file goes before Council
d. Mr. Henry - business deal; should hear more soon
e. Policy Book: Council needs to sit down & put it together
1. Susan: would like to see Council go back to work days
f. Court Case: still no order on cemetery case
g. Elder Doug: calendar idea- sell at $ - look into it
15. Homer: get with Donnie and make his place livable/ presentable
16. Susan: events (also posted in newsletter)
a. 9/17: video viewing: UNC Pembroke- Governing Body and those in video
b. 9/27: HobCaw: $14.50/ member- call first
17. Elder Dan: Ronnie's in the hospital- moving to Charleston for surgery
Neal motioned to close the meeting; Susan seconded.
Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 10/03/12 at 2:00 am.