March 2017 Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 3/3/2017 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CM’s John, Susan, Dalton, Robert, and CoC Rick present.
February Minutes read
Dalton motioned to accept; Robert seconded
John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Financial Report
General Fund: $9944.20
Building Fund: $1659.90
Cemetery Fund: $531.26
New Business
Resolution DH-12-02-2016-001: Certification of the results of the 2016 tribal election
John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Chief Hatcher swore-in Tribal Council members
Committee Reports
Arts & Crafts: Susan
4/22 @ 2pm: choker class for $40: RSVP
USC-Lancaster: items removed
3/16 USC-Lancaster Chief luncheon featuring PAIA items
Grants: Michelle
SCAC grant submitted online through Submittable App; will be April or May before we hear back
Pauwau: Michelle
Courtney to replace Debbie as a voting member on the committee; needs Council approval
John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Hog Heaven fundraiser on 6/13 with Chris Judge as speaker
Meetings are second Wednesday of the month at 6pm
Buildings & Grounds: Rick
Roof Expenses: $5277.92; under budget
Thanks to all who helped
Special Needs Fishing Day
Roger Barber donated 200lbs of fish for pond for Special Needs Fishing Day
2nd Chief Cheryl: help will be here for volunteers
Elder Doug: can we have an Easter Egg Hunt the same day?
Rick: sure
3/31-4/2 Elder Doug will have a yard sale while items last & proceeds go toward the Special Needs Fishing Day
Held across from Hwy 90 Diner
Rick: Marshall’s Marine: Lake City: possible sponsor; they were given pictures to look at
Bass Pro Shop committed, but haven’t received anything yet
Susan: Ashley Paige: Kids Summer Programs
Possible funding for lunches for kids; just need #’s
Rick: would like to send out 75 apps; date moved back this year to be more accommodating
Parking Lot & Shuttle: John
Worth pursuing; just not sure it will be ready to do by first bike weekend
As a trial run, let people park at no charge with donation
Ray & John willing to stay on grounds as security
Chief Hatcher: will we need more insurance for this?
John: possibly more for days we have people here
Chief: policy is a year-round policy
2nd Chief Cheryl: Non-profits running a business outside their mission statement: create a LLC (run risk of unrelated business income tax & ricking nonprofit status)
Rick: how would 1 year of not charging work?
2nd Chief Cheryl: we would have to look into it
Rick: is it feasible to get the LLC done before May 15?
Chief Hatcher: should get it within 30 days
Rick: is there a taxi service in Aynor?
John: no
Rick: work with the taxi company in Conway
2nd Chief Cheryl: or Uber
John: will check on the cost of advertising on sites
2nd Chief Cheryl: should we pursue the LLC?
Rick, Chief Hatcher: yes
2nd Chief Cheryl into the cost of LLC with Mr. Beverly
Alan: doesn’t the LLC have to get its own insurance because of use of the grounds?
Susan: we’ll have to look into it
John: we can increase it just for those weeks that we have people here
Susan: you may get some who won’t come the second time because you didn’t charge the first time (other than donation)
John: motion to allow people to park here for free during bike week & I will pursue advertising; Robert seconded
Susan: thoughts for donations?
Dalton: just say “donations accepted”
John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Dalton: motion to make LLC an event planner; Robert seconded
Susan: wouldn’t the LLC need its own bank account?
2nd Chief Cheryl: yes; own bank account & books
Rick: $300 budget to start LLC; Robert seconded
John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Have to decide on LLC name; see what’s taken
Dalton: propose that heads of committees be the board of the LLC; Robert seconded
John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
John: attended the rally in Columbia for minorities
Next week: one in DC & Columbia
2nd Chief Cheryl
For Jackson Event 4/11
New Pauwau Demographics Sheet: still doesn’t show adults
Spoke with Brent Burgin: archivist at USC-L- Native American Studies
Site is collecting history (oral & video), pictures (very old and new) with caption to date, church, school, etc.
ICMN: Intergenerational trauma: Native Americans inherited pain
Honorary Applications
Greta Morgan (pending Picture)
Update: picture received 3/5/2017
Dan Morgan (pending picture)
Update: picture received 3/5/2017
Susan: free smoke detectors; pamphlet on tribal office table
Fuel Receipt: $26.70 Check 570
Chief Hatcher
Introduced investors to Tribal Council
Raising funds for federal recognition
Greg Smith: best Native American attorney in country
Alcade & Fay: best firm in the country
CMA Recognition Board Recognized Pee Dee, Sumter Band
3/10 March in Columbia for Natives @ 1pm for 2 miles or so, drum, 400+ people
CMA recognized 5 bills on the floor
Free Hunting & Fishing licenses
Eliminating Group recognition: stops future group formation
Bill for the Governor to appoint people as the Advisory Committee says
Game animal parts
CMA & Jobs in Education
Good job Alan
Goal is to increase education & income of Native American families
Proud of Tribal Council; set pace in SC
John motioned to close the meeting; Robert seconded.
Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 4/4/17 at 1:44 pm.1