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March 2017 Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 3/3/2017 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s John, Susan, Dalton, Robert, and CoC Rick present.

  2. February Minutes read

  3. Dalton motioned to accept; Robert seconded

  4. John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  5. Financial Report

  6. General Fund: $9944.20

  7. Building Fund: $1659.90

  8. Cemetery Fund: $531.26

  9. New Business

  10. Resolution DH-12-02-2016-001: Certification of the results of the 2016 tribal election

  11. John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  12. Chief Hatcher swore-in Tribal Council members

  13. Committee Reports

  14. Arts & Crafts: Susan

  15. 4/22 @ 2pm: choker class for $40: RSVP

  16. USC-Lancaster: items removed

  17. 3/16 USC-Lancaster Chief luncheon featuring PAIA items

  18. Grants: Michelle

  19. SCAC grant submitted online through Submittable App; will be April or May before we hear back

  20. Pauwau: Michelle

  21. Courtney to replace Debbie as a voting member on the committee; needs Council approval

  22. John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  23. Hog Heaven fundraiser on 6/13 with Chris Judge as speaker

  24. Meetings are second Wednesday of the month at 6pm

  25. Buildings & Grounds: Rick

  26. Roof Expenses: $5277.92; under budget

  27. Thanks to all who helped

  28. Special Needs Fishing Day

  29. Roger Barber donated 200lbs of fish for pond for Special Needs Fishing Day

  30. 2nd Chief Cheryl: help will be here for volunteers

  31. Elder Doug: can we have an Easter Egg Hunt the same day?

  32. Rick: sure

  33. 3/31-4/2 Elder Doug will have a yard sale while items last & proceeds go toward the Special Needs Fishing Day

  34. Held across from Hwy 90 Diner

  35. Rick: Marshall’s Marine: Lake City: possible sponsor; they were given pictures to look at

  36. Bass Pro Shop committed, but haven’t received anything yet

  37. Susan: Ashley Paige: Kids Summer Programs

  38. Possible funding for lunches for kids; just need #’s

  39. Rick: would like to send out 75 apps; date moved back this year to be more accommodating

  40. Parking Lot & Shuttle: John

  41. Worth pursuing; just not sure it will be ready to do by first bike weekend

  42. As a trial run, let people park at no charge with donation

  43. Ray & John willing to stay on grounds as security

  44. Chief Hatcher: will we need more insurance for this?

  45. John: possibly more for days we have people here

  46. Chief: policy is a year-round policy

  47. 2nd Chief Cheryl: Non-profits running a business outside their mission statement: create a LLC (run risk of unrelated business income tax & ricking nonprofit status)

  48. Rick: how would 1 year of not charging work?

  49. 2nd Chief Cheryl: we would have to look into it

  50. Rick: is it feasible to get the LLC done before May 15?

  51. Chief Hatcher: should get it within 30 days

  52. Rick: is there a taxi service in Aynor?

  53. John: no

  54. Rick: work with the taxi company in Conway

  55. 2nd Chief Cheryl: or Uber

  56. John: will check on the cost of advertising on sites

  57. 2nd Chief Cheryl: should we pursue the LLC?

  58. Rick, Chief Hatcher: yes

  59. 2nd Chief Cheryl into the cost of LLC with Mr. Beverly

  60. Alan: doesn’t the LLC have to get its own insurance because of use of the grounds?

  61. Susan: we’ll have to look into it

  62. John: we can increase it just for those weeks that we have people here

  63. Susan: you may get some who won’t come the second time because you didn’t charge the first time (other than donation)

  64. John: motion to allow people to park here for free during bike week & I will pursue advertising; Robert seconded

  65. Susan: thoughts for donations?

  66. Dalton: just say “donations accepted”

  67. John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  68. Dalton: motion to make LLC an event planner; Robert seconded

  69. Susan: wouldn’t the LLC need its own bank account?

  70. 2nd Chief Cheryl: yes; own bank account & books

  71. Rick: $300 budget to start LLC; Robert seconded

  72. John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  73. Have to decide on LLC name; see what’s taken

  74. Dalton: propose that heads of committees be the board of the LLC; Robert seconded

  75. John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  76. Event

  77. John: attended the rally in Columbia for minorities

  78. Next week: one in DC & Columbia

  79. 2nd Chief Cheryl

  80. For Jackson Event 4/11

  81. New Pauwau Demographics Sheet: still doesn’t show adults

  82. Spoke with Brent Burgin: archivist at USC-L- Native American Studies

  83. Site is collecting history (oral & video), pictures (very old and new) with caption to date, church, school, etc.

  84. ICMN: Intergenerational trauma: Native Americans inherited pain

  85. Honorary Applications

  86. Greta Morgan (pending Picture)

  87. Update: picture received 3/5/2017

  88. Dan Morgan (pending picture)

  89. Update: picture received 3/5/2017

  90. Susan: free smoke detectors; pamphlet on tribal office table

  91. Fuel Receipt: $26.70 Check 570

  92. Chief Hatcher

  93. Introduced investors to Tribal Council

  94. Raising funds for federal recognition

  95. Greg Smith: best Native American attorney in country

  96. Alcade & Fay: best firm in the country

  97. CMA Recognition Board Recognized Pee Dee, Sumter Band

  98. 3/10 March in Columbia for Natives @ 1pm for 2 miles or so, drum, 400+ people

  99. CMA recognized 5 bills on the floor

  100. Free Hunting & Fishing licenses

  101. Eliminating Group recognition: stops future group formation

  102. Bill for the Governor to appoint people as the Advisory Committee says

  103. Game animal parts

  104. CMA & Jobs in Education

  105. Good job Alan

  106. Goal is to increase education & income of Native American families

  107. Proud of Tribal Council; set pace in SC

John motioned to close the meeting; Robert seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 4/4/17 at 1:44 pm.1

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