May 2017 Open Meeting
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/5/2017 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CM’s John, Susan, Robert, Mark, Dalton, and CoC Rick present. Summary prepared from audio file of May meeting.
April summary read
Dalton motioned to accept; Susan seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-abstain, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Financial Report
General Fund: $8893.34
Building Fund: $1532.29
Cemetery Fund: $531.26
Online Votes
4/12 Purchase Laptop for Office/ Filekeeper Use: $499
Robert-y, Susan-yes, John-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
4/19 Pay tractor Mowing Deck Repair Bill: $412
Robert-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Old Business
Cemetery Encroachment
Chief Hatcher: Spoke to Mr. Beverly, who is supposed to schedule a meeting with the opposing attorney
2nd Chief Cheryl: best way to reach Mr. Beverly is by email
Roof case Update
Chief Hatcher: Mr. Sampson will not answer door to receive papers
John: what if you never physically hand it to him?
Chief: He doesn’t have to physically handle it; you just need an unbiased person there to show he saw it
John: Will judge just say enough of this and force it to court?
Chief: no, he won’t go to court until he has been served
New Business
Open Forum
CoC Rick
To Doug & Jewell for their efforts on the Fishing Day, Chief made handmade arrows, I will put them on a plaque for you
Thank you to everyone who worked on the Fishing Day. It turned out well, even better than previous year
Chief: also wrote a letter to the couple who helped on the yard sale, want everyone to sign it, and then I’ll mail it to them
Susan: propose that minutes come out earlier so we can do the things we said we would do (example: email discussions)
Dalton: don’t necessarily need minutes to do that; we could have sent each other an email that night, but understand what you’re saying & we’ve talked about it before
Rick: want to schedule a work day coming up
Mark: Council work day
Rick: Ray donated the golf cart
Mark: for B&G & Donnie to use
Rick: it needs 6-6V batteries ($80-100 each)
John: the Mayor- doesn’t he run a golf cart place?
Several: yes, ex-mayor
John: perhaps he could help us out
Alan: CMA is looking for someone to do an internship. It’s in Columbia, but you can do it through the internet
Small Business grants from CMA, usually requires you to come up with 10% of it
They will conduct a 13-week workshop & $75 for whole course
Chief Hatcher:
I filed IRS & State paperwork for the tribe
I’ll be submitting an ANA grant for us, but first I have to write the proposal to Council, & Council has to pass it. I’d like for it to be on language.
Chief asked for a show of hands in people interested in being taught native language
Statue of Chief Norris being made in Greenville
Earl Manyskins: I would like to give him $200; he’s been sick
Dalton motioned to give Earl $400; Mark seconded
Robert-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Backhoe for sale in Greenville; will look at it while I’m there
Committee Reports
Buildings & Grounds: Rick
We figured out the electrical problem at the circle and it’s not going to be as expensive to fix as we thought
Arts & Crafts: Susan
Had our class with 3 people present
Have to think of another idea for another month (probably June)
Mark: do you need turkey feathers for membership feathers?
Susan: we don’t use the big feathers; we use the smaller ones
Mark: pin feathers and 2 sets of wing feathers
2nd Chief Phil: why don’t we do a feather wrap as a class?
Susan: we can do that
2nd Chief Cheryl: or dreamcatchers
Susan: would like to see more tribal involvement in the classes
I have a small display cabinet to start setting our own A&C museum
2nd Chief Cheryl: is there a possibility that Iris would be interested in teaching what she does?
Susan: you can ask her
Grants: Michelle
SCAC should start reviewing grants soon & we should hear back soon
Pauwau: Michelle
Next meeting: Thursday 5/13 @ 6pm
Still a handful of tickets to the Hog Heaven fundraiser on 6/13; tickets are $20
Susan: we would like to see more tribal members there instead of just the 8 or so usual people
Chris Judge from USC will be the speaker
Michelle: half of the ticket cost comes back to the tribe
Susan: money is used for billboards & flyers
Dalton: our budget should be ready to submit at the next meeting
2nd Chief Cheryl: we still have some things to work out, like hay
Rick: have you looked at bleachers recently?
Mark: will again soon
Susan: we like the idea of the benches at the front circle
2nd Chief Phil: remember to get pressure treated wood to use every year
Rick: we could look at the composite (more expensive but no maintenance)
Buildings & Grounds: Rick
Electrical problem at circle is due to one circuit (at 4,5,6 vendor plugs & lights going into grand entry)- it’s bleeding over
Plan is to come from campground boxes & add on
Mark: also talking about moving lights at grand entry up to about 20ft in the air
Rick: without knowing the cost of the pole, thinking probably a $300 budget
Susan: make it $500 since that’s what we received from the church
Dalton: budget it for $500 just in case
Mark motioned to budget $500 to fix the electrical; Susan seconded
Robert-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
2nd Chief Phil: PA system: how hard would it be to wire 2 speakers in around the circle as we’re doing this?
Rick: we can run 2 circuits while we’re doing this
2nd Chief Phil: we’d have speakers all around the circle, then we will have a sound system like you wouldn’t believe
Rick: this should take care of electrical for the year, but we may need money for rest of the circle or in case it fails
Susan: we should also put a padlock on the breaker box
Roof: still need to do siding & metal on the boxing, but it is weathertight now
John: faucet closest to circle needs to be repaired
Mark: we need to put a hydrant there
Mark: cemetery needs to have a work day sometime soon
Susan: who’s in charge of B&G
Mark: Neal’s got it
Rick: Neal’s took it over, but he’s not here
Drum: Rick
Nothing new to report
2nd Chief Phil: have been working on the old drum
Parking Lot & Shuttle: John
Haven’t received any responses to emails & brochures I sent out
Dalton: you probably want to have someone out here just in case
No inquiry calls or reservations
Dalton: a lot of people show up bike weekends without a reservation
Fuel Receipts: $27.20 Check 575
Special Needs Fishing Day: Rick
Thank you to everyone who participated, donated, come out & help
Will put arrows on plaque for Doug & Jewell
We received a lot of positive feedback
Tony & Dawn Collins: Bass Pro Shops professional crappy fisherpersons
Take a Child Fishing program
They would like to come back
Mark: only complaint was from game warden because it was Easter weekend
Elder Doug: I would leave it at the same time each year; people will come to expect it that way
Michelle: Jeri Hunter sent me pictures from the Fishing Day & they are now on the tribal website
Mark: I need to send you some too; I took a bunch
Rick: I will get Jessie to send some to you
Rick: Did anyone see the archery station set up by Greg Lee?
It was for the kids in wheelchairs
Elder Doug: Chief Locklear has a large stainless sink; we could get it for here
John: we need a new American flag
Michelle: and state
Rick motioned to let Susan buy the flags; Mark seconded
Robert-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Someone donated an American flag while in meeting
Elder Doug: would you be interested in opening our Pauwau with the national anthem?
Michelle, Susan, others: we can discuss it at the next Pauwau meeting
2nd Chiefs
Phil: Trail of Tears ride, 200-mile ride through AL in September
Cheryl: Salesforce grant went through
Will have a Council Work Day to get this off the ground
Potentially have it up and running in 30-60 days, depending on Doug’s schedule
Mark motioned to close the meeting; Dalton seconded.
Meeting adjourned 9:08 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 5/24/17 at 12:28 am.