April 2021 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 4/2/2021 held via Zoom
CM’s Marion, Susan, Marie, Glenn and CoC Dalton present. VC Cheryl, 2C John, and Filekeeper Starla present. Kevin Dyda, Dr. Wendy Trott, John A also present.
March meeting summary
Marion motioned to approve; Marie seconded
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
Financial Report (as of 4/1/2021, 1am)
General Fund: $18,419.57
Building Fund: $4,598.29
Online Votes
3/12 Give Chief Spell $200 for training us on drum
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
Old Business
Resolution: JT-08-07-2020-001 Subject: Tribal Council Candidate Requirements
Glenn: Amend resolution to include VC Cheryl’s online proposed changes
Glenn/ 2C John: felony conviction- 7-10 years instead of 5?
Dalton: different between felonies (some are worse than others)
Hopefully the background check (automatically shows 10 years) will uncover all wrongs and people will know about it
Dalton: ok with 7 years
VC Cheryl: background check is 10 years; a person could change in 10 years
Dalton: Some Native leaders are felons (ex: Peltier, those who defended not having the pipeline)
2C John: you could just remove it for now and add it later
Dalton: I don’t want to force it in or out, but I want people to think about it
Glenn: If it’s not in there as a check for us, do we want someone to run the tribe without it who is a felon?
Kevin D: Where I am: 7 years+ is checking to see if someone has reformed- accepted back, but watched
Any violence (except self-defense and defense of family), fraud, theft, sex offenders
Dalton: can we get a written rundown of your program requirements? (to Kevin D, VC Cheryl)
Kevin: yes
VC Cheryl: you can also spell it out in the resolution
2C John: I would eliminate it or just put in there as 7 or 10 years
They could get an exception from the tribal judge
VC Cheryl: the judge would have to say it violates something in the constitution
2C John: and just say felony; people can challenge it if it arises
Marion: motion to include background checks
Marie: you don’t even have to say felon; it could just be general
Dalton: the motion needs to be more specific
Dalton: Come back to later in the meeting
New Business
3/17 Coquina, Tractor fuel, Lawn mower & tractor maintenance, Sewer electric: $1461.40
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
3/24 Sewer conduits: $36.09
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
3/29 Sewer Electric Box & Food for Fire Ceremony: $174.59
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
Receipt total paid by Glenn: $1672.08
Committee Reports
Buildings & Grounds: Glenn
Thanks to Starla’s sister and Donnie for help with the equinox
Worked on sewer and electric; ran water lines, had to replace box on the pole with a larger box
Bought fertilizer for the circle; Donnie gave Miracle Gro and seeds
Thanks to Donnie for helping leveling some of the dirt
Pauwau: Dalton
Nominated 2021 Chair: Michelle
Contacting Demonstrators & Vendors
Still using safety measures
Host Hotel: Quality Inn & Suites NMB
Items in office inventoried to judge how much more to purchase
Drum: Glenn
Chief got a grant for training with Chief Spell
Will probably train a couple times here and and couple times at Edisto
Campground: John and Glenn
Coquina: need to finish 3 more spots and the parking site
Also slanted the camping parking to get longer RV’s in without them getting stuck
Dalton: are we getting the whole drive setup to keep from bogging down?
Glenn: you won’t have to worry about bogging down
2C John: GSW&S is coming what day? (to Glenn)
Glenn: he said it would be 4 weeks, so it should be this week
Files: Starla
Next meeting 4/17 via Zoom
Marion: I would like to nominate Debbie Johnson to full member
Glenn: She has been here since 2019
Marion: motion to open the tribal roll book to change Debbie Johnson to full member; Glenn seconded
2C John: Is all of her paperwork in order?
Dalton: can we get her paperwork checked by the next Files committee meeting and table this until the next open meeting?
Marion: table the motion
She will be core
John A: does the Files committee determine who is core?
Dalton: Files committee checks for a complete file before it proceeds to Council
Glenn: she can do the newsletter (print, produce, mail/ email)
Marion: she’s a former school teacher
VC Cheryl
My granddaughter (Kayla (sp?)) got scrubbed from the roll; she’s turning 18 soon
Would like to resubmit her application
she can’t apply for funding from SC Indian Development Council for school without membership
Dalton: you may have to talk to Chief; think her membership when she was under 18 was under her father (who went inactive)
Waccamaw Conference with Winyah River Alliance:
Talked about connection to Waccamaw River
More awareness of Indigenous People and land
Getting our name and story out there
Finally testing for PFAS
Will be on a call 4/7 with EPA to discuss PFAS, what they cause, hotspot locations
Wealth over health has to change
PFAS need to be classified as a contaminate
Lakota are considering an alliance with us
Kevin D: it is being discussed with Council, elders, cultural preservation officers
Ceremony if approved
Read CFR 36 (Parks, Forests, Public Property)
Politicians tell you what you want to hear
New administration has a Native as Secretary of Interior (Haaland)
VC Cheryl: sent a template to the State Preservation Society to give to other tribes to indicate their ancestral land
Kevin D: there are grants for state-recognized tribes for this
4/27 Horry County Museum will have a Waccamaw exhibit from 3-5 pm
Dalton: return to JT-08-07-2020-001
View changes and discuss by email
Table for now (2C John lost pc power)
Marion motioned to adjourn; Glenn seconded
Meeting adjourned at 9:07 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 4/6/2021 at 1:03 pm.