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April 2021 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 4/2/2021 held via Zoom

  1. CM’s Marion, Susan, Marie, Glenn and CoC Dalton present. VC Cheryl, 2C John, and Filekeeper Starla present. Kevin Dyda, Dr. Wendy Trott, John A also present.

  2. March meeting summary

    1. Marion motioned to approve; Marie seconded

    2. Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes

  3. Financial Report (as of 4/1/2021, 1am)

    1. General Fund: $18,419.57

    2. Building Fund: $4,598.29

  4. Online Votes

    1. 3/12 Give Chief Spell $200 for training us on drum

      1. Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes

  5. Old Business

    1. Resolution: JT-08-07-2020-001 Subject: Tribal Council Candidate Requirements

      1. Glenn: Amend resolution to include VC Cheryl’s online proposed changes

      2. Glenn/ 2C John: felony conviction- 7-10 years instead of 5?

        1. Dalton: different between felonies (some are worse than others)

        2. Hopefully the background check (automatically shows 10 years) will uncover all wrongs and people will know about it

        3. Dalton: ok with 7 years

        4. VC Cheryl: background check is 10 years; a person could change in 10 years

        5. Dalton: Some Native leaders are felons (ex: Peltier, those who defended not having the pipeline)

        6. 2C John: you could just remove it for now and add it later

          1. Dalton: I don’t want to force it in or out, but I want people to think about it

        7. Glenn: If it’s not in there as a check for us, do we want someone to run the tribe without it who is a felon?

        8. Kevin D: Where I am: 7 years+ is checking to see if someone has reformed- accepted back, but watched

          1. Any violence (except self-defense and defense of family), fraud, theft, sex offenders

          2. Dalton: can we get a written rundown of your program requirements? (to Kevin D, VC Cheryl)

          3. Kevin: yes

          4. VC Cheryl: you can also spell it out in the resolution

          5. 2C John: I would eliminate it or just put in there as 7 or 10 years

          6. They could get an exception from the tribal judge

          7. VC Cheryl: the judge would have to say it violates something in the constitution

          8. 2C John: and just say felony; people can challenge it if it arises

        9. Marion: motion to include background checks

          1. Marie: you don’t even have to say felon; it could just be general

          2. Dalton: the motion needs to be more specific

        10. Dalton: Come back to later in the meeting

  6. New Business

    1. Receipts

      1. 3/17 Coquina, Tractor fuel, Lawn mower & tractor maintenance, Sewer electric: $1461.40

        1. Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes

      2. 3/24 Sewer conduits: $36.09

        1. Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes

      3. 3/29 Sewer Electric Box & Food for Fire Ceremony: $174.59

        1. Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes

      4. Receipt total paid by Glenn: $1672.08

    2. Committee Reports

      1. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn

        1. Thanks to Starla’s sister and Donnie for help with the equinox

        2. Worked on sewer and electric; ran water lines, had to replace box on the pole with a larger box

        3. Bought fertilizer for the circle; Donnie gave Miracle Gro and seeds

        4. Thanks to Donnie for helping leveling some of the dirt

      2. Pauwau: Dalton

        1. Nominated 2021 Chair: Michelle

        2. Contacting Demonstrators & Vendors

        3. Still using safety measures

        4. Fundraisers

        5. Host Hotel: Quality Inn & Suites NMB

        6. Items in office inventoried to judge how much more to purchase

      3. Drum: Glenn

        1. Chief got a grant for training with Chief Spell

        2. Will probably train a couple times here and and couple times at Edisto

      4. Campground: John and Glenn

        1. Coquina: need to finish 3 more spots and the parking site

          1. Also slanted the camping parking to get longer RV’s in without them getting stuck

          2. Dalton: are we getting the whole drive setup to keep from bogging down?

          3. Glenn: you won’t have to worry about bogging down

        2. 2C John: GSW&S is coming what day? (to Glenn)

          1. Glenn: he said it would be 4 weeks, so it should be this week

      5. Files: Starla

        1. Next meeting 4/17 via Zoom

    3. Marion: I would like to nominate Debbie Johnson to full member

      1. Glenn: She has been here since 2019

      2. Marion: motion to open the tribal roll book to change Debbie Johnson to full member; Glenn seconded

        1. 2C John: Is all of her paperwork in order?

          1. Dalton: can we get her paperwork checked by the next Files committee meeting and table this until the next open meeting?

          2. Marion: table the motion

          3. She will be core

          4. John A: does the Files committee determine who is core?

          5. Dalton: Files committee checks for a complete file before it proceeds to Council

          6. Glenn: she can do the newsletter (print, produce, mail/ email)

          7. Marion: she’s a former school teacher

    4. VC Cheryl

      1. My granddaughter (Kayla (sp?)) got scrubbed from the roll; she’s turning 18 soon

        1. Would like to resubmit her application

          1. she can’t apply for funding from SC Indian Development Council for school without membership

        2. Dalton: you may have to talk to Chief; think her membership when she was under 18 was under her father (who went inactive)

      2. Waccamaw Conference with Winyah River Alliance:

        1. Talked about connection to Waccamaw River

        2. More awareness of Indigenous People and land

        3. Getting our name and story out there

      3. Finally testing for PFAS

        1. Will be on a call 4/7 with EPA to discuss PFAS, what they cause, hotspot locations

          1. Wealth over health has to change

          2. PFAS need to be classified as a contaminate

          3. Lakota are considering an alliance with us

          4. Kevin D: it is being discussed with Council, elders, cultural preservation officers

          5. Ceremony if approved

          6. Read CFR 36 (Parks, Forests, Public Property)

          7. Politicians tell you what you want to hear

          8. New administration has a Native as Secretary of Interior (Haaland)

          9. VC Cheryl: sent a template to the State Preservation Society to give to other tribes to indicate their ancestral land

          10. Kevin D: there are grants for state-recognized tribes for this

      4. 4/27 Horry County Museum will have a Waccamaw exhibit from 3-5 pm

    5. Dalton: return to JT-08-07-2020-001

      1. View changes and discuss by email

      2. Table for now (2C John lost pc power)

Marion motioned to adjourn; Glenn seconded

Meeting adjourned at 9:07 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 4/6/2021 at 1:03 pm.


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