December 2023 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 12/1/2023 held at the tribal office and via Zoom
CM’s Marion, Glenn, Chris, Emily, and CoC Dalton were present. Elders Charles and Larry were present. Vice Chief Cheryl, 2C Alan, and 2C John were present. 2C Alan served as a proxy for CM Susan.
Members Starla C, Nancy J, Clayton G, David B, Randy W, Ray A, Aaron F, Rebecca F, Carol H, Lisa L, Jennifer R, and Josh W were present.
Financial Report (as of 11/28/2023 at 8:31 pm)
General Fund: $42,645.30
Building Fund: $1906.61
Cemetery Fund: $407.00
Old Business
Online Votes
10/8 Purchase materials to replace water pipe due to leak
Emily-yes, Susan (2C Alan)-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Dalton-yes
11/6 Running internet cable with the PVC pipe
Emily-yes, Susan (2C Alan)-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Dalton-yes
11/28 October Meeting Summary approval
Emily-yes, Susan (2C Alan)-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Dalton-yes
New Business
$293.87 to Glenn Cook for cable connector and cable
Emily-yes, Susan (2C Alan)-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Dalton-yes
Check 865
Committee Reports
Building & Grounds: Glenn
Thanks to all who helped this year
Volunteer hours have been reported (emailed to Michelle)
I didn’t find a leak before the pauwau; we may get an adjustment on the GSW&S bill
Replace the water line to the circle, probably reroute it to campsites
Rent trenches and run wifi to the circle, but we’ll need a cable box
Benches: no time to put them up
Hay: approximately 100 bales: come and get them
Proposal to allot 10 loads of gravel each year (would like to see 15) until we get what we need
It may take 2 years; spread it all over
VC Cheryl: Rebecca Harper/ Sam Ward: soil report shows we’re in a flood area
Before we put more dirt, there may be funds for nature-based solutions
They could do a free survey to decide on the best thing to do
CoC Dalton: how about we get the survey done and see what can be done with them
Get the first $5000 of loads of gravel and Glenn and VC Cheryl can work together on it
VC Cheryl: I’m trying to coordinate a mapping day to identify Dimery/ Waccamaw land and excavated sites
I did a tour of the cemetery
Pisgah Church Rd has houses there now
David and Eliza were buried there
2C John: how is the heat and air?
Glenn: I have not checked on it
2C John: do we need to spend money on it?
Glenn: probably; I can talk to someone about it
CoC Dalton: I motion to give B&G a $5000 budget to begin putting down gravel and Glenn and VC Cheryl to begin working on grants to help with it; Marion seconded
Emily-yes, Susan (2C Alan)-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Dalton-yes
2C John: I’m concerned with the shape of the office and how people perceive it
We need new windows, floors, refrigerator
CoC Dalton: how much do the windows cost?
Glenn: probably $300 each x 11 windows
2C John: what about the cost of a new kitchen floor?
VC Cheryl: The subfloor probably has to be done too
Elder Larry: you may be able to get linoleum for nothing in exchange for an ad in the PW book
2C John: check on materials cost
VC Cheryl: and the bathroom
Randy: I’ve seen so much wood thrown away at sites
2C John: can we completely get rid of the tub?
Glenn: I will get prices on windows
CoC Dalton: table the office until our next meeting
2C John: can we get a schedule on work on the longhouse so we can advertise?
VC Cheryl: spring for sure; Carolyn will have a better idea when the students can be out to help
Chris: I asked Austin about the price of using his tractor and he said no cost
Glenn: tell him to bring it empty and let us use it again
Arts & Crafts: VC Cheryl
I was approached in mid-October about doing a presentation/ workshop at CCU, but they gave us little notice
It has to be done during the academic year
More people who do arts & crafts could help, like Rebecca F, Carol H, and Lisa L
Lisa: I’ll be doing one at USC-Lancaster tomorrow
Grants: Michelle & VC Cheryl
SCAC final report for the school day event has been done; we’re waiting to hear back
VC Cheryl: Natural Resources Conservation Fund & a climate grant
One is through USDA and the restoration of flood hazards
One is Anthropocene Alliance: $25k capacity
Then you use that grant to go after a $100k project grant
Each grant would lead to one big project
The more we’re doing, the more it helps with federal recognition and getting some of our land back
Open Space Institute:
Protecting water, climate, parks, and more
Elder Charles: if we get federal recognition, will we get land or a reservation?
VC Cheryl: they look at historic land; we don’t have a treaty, but we have a settlement and money to offset some things like where houses were built on Waccamaw land
Pauwau: Dalton
Outbrief date to be set soon, probably around 12/12 depending on schedules
Volunteers will be emailed
Start working now towards 2024
Looking for pictures of our older members
Start selling ads for the program book
Will be discussing allowing 75% of vendors as Native & 25% appropriately signed non-native vendors because some vendors have passed away
Native vendors would get the first spots on the circle
2C Alan: ask Mike Benton if he would like to join
CCU Archiving Project: Jennifer R
I’ve got boxes of cultural items; you can see the index in Drive
I talked to the CCU library; they are not accepting new collections for 2 years
I can archive the project at home but will need help with the cost of materials
Glenn: create a list
I archived them with Rebecca F and others who want to join
2C John: did Christine leave?
Jennifer R: they said she’s no longer there and didn't know she was working with us
They have an Horry County archivist who didn’t seem interested
The next meeting will be 1/13, so no ID cards or certificates will be printed this month
Membership Updates
Tracey G (for full membership)
Carol L (honorary to non-core full member)
Sara R (honorary to non-core full member)
David H (honorary to non-core full member)
David B (honorary to core full member)
Sara Baskin-Sands (honorary to core full member)
Susan B (honorary to spousal member)
VC Cheryl: the apps that say “non-core native” need more information of other native tribes or go for “adopted non-native” and not need other items
COC Dalton: I suggest changing them to adopted and switching to non-core native if they submit the information; Marion seconded
Emily-yes, Susan (2C Alan)-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Dalton-yes
2C Alan: new files to look at:
Emily Kirkland (honorary)
Sara Mason (honorary)
Jennifer R (honorary to full)
Tim Harwell (honorary): needs a better picture; app given back to 2C Alan
Longhouse Project
VC Cheryl emailed David; he has been sick
2C John
I’m curious why we don’t move our banking account to a bank that gives interest
Like Allied Bank or ask CNB if they have interest-bearing accounts
VC Cheryl: I had a conversation with Mike about an endowment fund and better managing our money
I would like set up a time in January for him to come to a meeting and discuss it
It’s time to revisit the constitution and Chief eligibility requirements
Example: having to be core to be Chief
VC Cheryl: if you do that, it will shut the door on federal recognition
Tribal basis is on the core genealogy of the original tribe
It could potentially jeopardize state recognition
VC Cheryl
I spoke with Rick Elliott about a business plan and hope to work on it in a couple of months
We need to look at long-term goals
Marion: reminder, the solstice is 12/16
CoC Dalton
I would like us to start working towards Special Needs Fishing Day again
Glenn: I will talk to Rick H and see what we can come up with
Elders, have you voted on a new CoE?
Elder Larry: no
CM Chris: this Sunday: parade, going to bring a trailer here and get hay
Put a banner around the trailer and maybe the drum
The parade is at 3 pm, will probably be here at 1 pm
Elder Larry: 10 months for us to get one here
Chris: we could also talk to schools during their homecoming
CM Glenn
I plan to go to Santee next Friday and get help with the Turkey Shoot
Chris: Crossway Church on Hwy 701 has one
Starla: stress to people about ads- it doesn’t have to be for a business; it can be a memorial page or anything
Marion motioned to close the meeting; 2C Alan (Susan) seconded.
Emily-yes, Susan (2C Alan)-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Dalton-yes
The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 12/29//2023 at 12:07 am.