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May 2024 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/3/2024  held at the tribal office and via Zoom

  1. CM’s Emily, Glenn, Susan, and Marion were present. Elders Larry and Becky were present. 2C Alan acted as a proxy for CoC Dalton. Acting Chief Cheryl and 2C Alan were present. CM Robert arrived late.

  2. Members Nancy J, Steve T, Carol L, Aaron F, Rebecca F, Scott B, Starla C, and Sara R were present. Tim H and Jonathan B. arrived late.

  3. Financial Report (as of 5/1/2024 at 1:13 pm)

  4. General Fund: $40,274.95

  5. Building Fund: $1816.21

  6. Cemetery Fund: $407.00

  7. Old Business

  8. Online Votes 

  9. 4/7: Tennessee Land Sale to Catawba

  10. Susan: no monetary amount has been set yet

  11. AC Cheryl: motion to proceed with negotiations and determine a minimum amount to accept and if 10% of profits is acceptable

  12. Susan: go with a straight price; it has water, sewer, electricity

  13. The best thing to do is to determine its worth

  14. AC Cheryl: the assessed value is 2/3 of the total value

  15. $10k for how many acres?

  16. Susan: go with the true value

  17. 2C Alan: get an appraisal done first

  18. AC Cheryl: why go with $10k if it’s worth $50k?

  19. AC Cheryl: I’m going to sit down with Harris and Smith and determine what they want to do with it

  20. Glenn: I agree with the suggestion to check the offer and then get an appraisal

  21. AC Cheryl: when are the taxes due?

  22. Glenn: we’d have to pay taxes unless they assumed it

  23. Marion: this wasn’t a true vote; just a discussion

  24. AC Cheryl: keep the future profits on the table, with a minimum of $20k?

  25. Susan: minimum of $10k

  26. Glenn: I wouldn’t put a minimum on it yet

  27. Glenn: motion to approach them to get an offer and bring it back to the tribe; Marion seconded

  28. Emily-yes, Glenn-yes, Susan-yes, Marion-yes, 2C Alan (Dalton)-yes

  29. 4/23: Give or sell the hot dog trailer to the person willing to cook for us

  30. There was no vote; just a discussion; the consensus was to give it to him

  31. Susan: I talked to Joe (the son) and said to go with a 5-yr contract and renewable

  32. Susan: motion we do a 5-yr renewable contract and let Joe’s dad cook for Pauwau, Family Day, Fishing Day; Marion seconded

  33. Emily-yes, Glenn-yes, Susan-yes, Marion-yes, 2C Alan (Dalton)-yes

  34. Susan: I will write something up for the Tribal Council to review and then send it to him

  35. 4/25: Approve April Open Meeting Summary with change

  36. Change: 4(a)(iii)(1) should have included Marion’s YES vote

  37. Emily-yes, Glenn-yes, Susan-yes, Marion-yes, 2C Alan (Dalton)-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Robert- abstain

  38. Survey quotes

  39. Glenn: no third quote yet

  40. Susan: I called Spartina and they said to call back in June

  41. We have to do the initial survey (look at the land)

  42. AC Cheryl: I met with Creel, Collins, Lowcountry Land Alliance

  43. They said they could help us with the survey and appraisal

  44. We could have dedicated funds for that reason

  45. Glenn: the one I talked to was 6 weeks out at least

  46. Policy Letters

  47. Susan: Policy Letters were forwarded to the Tribal Council

  48. Has anyone looked at them?

  49. Glenn: not yet; are they online?

  50. Michelle: they are in Drive; the folder was sent to all Council Members

  51. Susan: Be prepared to talk about them next month

  52. Brookgreen Gardens: Susan

  53. We can hold events there (inside if cold), like the SCIAC, a 50-person meeting, or CMA meetings

  54. Waccamaw hosting with tickets

  55. AC Cheryl: sit down and finalize how we want to do it

  56. New Business

  57. AC Cheryl: are the audio/ video cameras on 24/7?

  58. We can’t have a closed meeting (like the Elders meeting today)

  59. AC Cheryl: there are privacy concerns

  60. 2C Alan: the only way is to put an in-line switch on it

  61. Glenn- you can unplug it

  62. 2C Alan: is there anything needed to reset if you do that?

  63. Glenn: possibly

  64. Elder Becky: does that kill audio?

  65. Glenn: it kills all video and audio

  66. AC Cheryl: do we want a policy to turn it off during meetings?

  67. 2C Alan: For open meetings, leave it on for backup

  68. Glenn: just unplug it

  69. Elder Larry: that might work

  70. Susan: turn the audio off; if we turn the cameras off, someone in the area could come in and take something and we wouldn’t know

  71. I think it’s how the white shirts went missing

  72. 2C Alan: put a sign up saying that people are under surveillance as a deterrent

  73. Susan: in SC, only one person needs to know

  74. 2C Alan: it’s just to kill it for closed meetings

  75. Susan: we still need to know who’s in the building

  76. 2C Alan: 1 person is the bare minimum; I think people need to know they are being recorded

  77. Some are okay with that; some aren’t

  78. Glenn: I’m okay with putting up signs

  79. Susan: just remember to plug them back in

  80. Tim H: put something over the lens

  81. AC Cheryl: keep it as is and unplug it during closed meetings

  82. Committee Reports

  83. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn

  84. Need to finish the ditch

  85. Richard T spent 6 hours in the cemetery

  86. Marion C moved ashes from the pond level

  87. Also, assembled tables, pulled weeds, painted posts

  88. Thank David for the sewer dumps near the office

  89. AC Cheryl: stripped cedar trees; need more help

  90. The next time will be during the summer solstice

  91. Marion: will be here 5/16-19

  92. AC Cheryl: the Catawba do not need our willows

  93. Arts & Crafts: Susan

  94. Classes at Brookgreen; Natalie would like us to have them there in the Fall

  95. AC Cheryl: 10/24 event at Brookgreen

  96. Ronnie F did a demo, Susan helped with plants and arts & crafts history

  97. Grants: AC Cheryl

  98. Donnelly Grant

  99. We have a partner meeting next week to review the budget

  100. The grant got submitted without us being able to review it

  101. We may have to do it with different partners or resubmit in July

  102. Catalyst Grant submitted

  103. We should hear back in July

  104. EPA Community Change Grant

  105. SC Office of Resilience, Georgetown Rise, Sustain Coastal

  106. Meeting next week with SCOOR; we have met with OPR (Office of Parks & Recreation)

  107. This can be used for a community center, bathhouse, or educational facility

  108. Pauwau: Michelle

  109. Looking for pictures of our older members

  110. Start selling ads/ memorial pages for the program book

  111. Working on demonstrators to finalize the flier 

  112. Next meeting is 5/9/2024 @ 6:30 pm via Zoom

  113. CCU Archives: Rebecca

  114. This is not a CCU project

  115. Start submitting photos before 1995- the grounds, Dimery settlement

  116. Submit oral history, diaries, and arts & crafts without plastic that are older than 25 years

  117. Historical Markers: the Pine Level School

  118. We can assist with the paperwork

  119. Horry County Preservation Commission: working on a cemetery project

  120. AC Cheryl: I’ve worked with them on this project

  121. Rebecca: they’re updating it; AC Cheryl got a grant through the state

  122. Use ground-penetrating radar to find sites that weren’t marked

  123. Susan: do you know of the marker we get on 5/20 @ 5 pm?

  124. AC Cheryl: I  spoke to the Historical Preservation Society

  125. It will be at the new main courthouse by Beaty Street by the Register of Deeds & Assessor’s offices

  126. Files: 2C Alan

  127.  Files turned in for honorary:

  128. Tammy Adams (honorary)

  129. Melissa Garner (honorary)

  130. Files turned in for honorary to full, not voted on)

  131. Aaron Fecher (honorary to full, spousal)

  132. Rebecca Fecher (honorary to full, core)

  133. Coby Fecher (honorary to full, core)

  134. Newsletter: Michelle

  135. I sent the newsletter to the Tribal Council for approval

  136. One change has been made

  137. Longhouse Project

  138. David H will be here for 4-5 days just before the summer solstice

  139. He needs volunteers to help

  140. Reminder: Remaining Fire Ceremony dates for 2024: 6/22, 9/21, 12/14

  141. 2C Alan: Pickens Pow wow on 5/6 

  142. I will be unavailable 5/8-15 (personal days)

  143. AC Cheryl: embargoed item to discuss in closed session with Tribal Council

  144. We can discuss it by email

  145. Dr. Sara Rich: I’ll bring pictures next time to show everyone

  146. I went with Craig Sasser from Fish & Wildlife and Long in Sandy Island

  147. We collected a couple of pottery pieces: crudely decorated, gritty, and charred on the inside

  148. It warrants further investigation between the Waccamaw River & Sandy Island

  149. Flat-bottom canoe: we can see one of the ends sticking out of the bank

  150. It’s symmetrical, about 15-20 ft long

  151. Marion: is it protected?

  152. Dr. Rich: no, only 3 of us know where it’s at

  153. There is a process to go through for protection

  154. Susan: I met with a lady from SC Thrive who asked if we had sponsors

  155. I told her no

  156. She said they might pay for $1000- $1500 for a book

  157. They can help us find more sponsors

  158. Help with paperwork for Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP

  159. Put this on the June agenda for different programs

  160. Maybe have them come out once a month?

  161. They are working with a church on grants for kids’ meals

  162. They want to know if we have kids who could benefit from this program during the summer

  163. AC Cheryl: maybe coordinate it during the solstice?

  164. Susan: instead of the open meeting?

  165. AC Cheryl: that may be the best time to do it

  166. Susan: if they can get the money, they can help get food delivered to our kids

  167. AC Cheryl: can we give out kids’ names with parents’ consent?

  168. Marion: I think we need parental consent on it

  169. Susan: of course

  170. Susan: push to FB once we know

  171. 2C Alan: still bring her here for the meeting, but also the solstice/ equinox

  172. Marion: I thought the interpretative trail grand opening went well; thanks to tribal members for coming out

  173. AC Cheryl: close to 75 people were out here; it was well-received and got some media attention

  174. We definitely need more support to build it out with more funding

  175. Schedule: 1 hour after sunrise, 1 hour before sunset, donations accepted

  176. Susan: Ribbon-cutting with the Chamber of Commerce and others to get our name out there

  177. AC Cheryl: try in September with other events (autumn equinox)

  178. Susan: they do it on weekends

  179. AC Cheryl: try the Friday before the equinox

  180. Susan: I think we should stay with CoC and get our name out for different things

  181. It’s better for us & keeps us in the limelight

  182. Invite them to the pauwau

  183. Marion: they could hold more advertisements for the pauwau

Susan motioned to close the meeting; Emily seconded.

Emily-yes, Glenn-yes, Susan-yes, Marion-yes, 2C Alan (Dalton)-yes, Robert- yes

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 5/20/2024 at 11:49 pm.


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