The 550 members of South Carolina’s Waccamaw Indian People have tried for years to have the right to bury more than 600 of its ancestors, but the federal government continues to stand in the way. In “A Right to Bury their Own.” The viewer will learn the story of the Palmetto State’s original inhabitants, and the difficult and seemingly discriminatory roadblocks they are trying to overcome.
Most of the Indians’ ancestral remains have been unearthed at construction sites and roadbuilding projects.
Chief Harold D. "Buster" Hatcher explains that those remains now are stored in museums; not on display but stuffed unceremoniously into boxes and warehoused.
Before the Waccamaws can properly bury their ancestors, they must be officially recognized as a tribe by the federal government.
Even though the State of South Carolina has recognized the tribe, the federal requirements are virtually impossible to meet.
The federal government requires the Waccamaws to show unbroken lineage from the first ancient Indian until today, a virtual impossibility since no records were kept by early Indians
Without this recognition, the ancestral remains are considered federal property and will not be released to the Waccamaw Indian People for burial.
The documentary will explore the determined, but so far unsuccessful, efforts by the Waccamaw to obtain federal recognition. It will explore the history and contributions of these peace-loving people, their service to our nation, their care for the land and our environment, the sacred rites of burial, why honoring indigenous Americans’ rites should be both permitted and honored, and what all of this means to the descendants of South Carolina’s first inhabitants.
Your help is needed to make this film possible. It will be a critical component of the Waccamaw Indian People’s fight to have the right to bury their own.

David Hinshaw’s television and video career spans over thirty years and includes a wide variety of production experience. He has worked with many independent documentary makers as well as producing three of his own.
David’s work has taken him to twenty-eight countries in Africa and Europe. His experience includes Live Sporting Events, News, Documentaries, Music Videos, Image Pieces, Training Videos, Reality TV, and Fund Raising Videos for non-profit organizations. Volunteering for the Democratic Party of Horry County South Carolina David continues producing web and broadcast videos.
David holds a masters degree; received a National Endowment for Arts grant; won three southeastern Emmys and winner of COVR awards and Video Librarian Best Video.

Journalist and communications consultant, Bob’s work has included scripting and producing video productions for national non-profit organizations as well as television and radio commercials for political organizations and candidates.
Bob served as a state capital bureau chief for United Press International, where he earned recognition for outstanding investigative reporting. His articles and profiles have been published internationally.
Bob is the founder of Not Fake News, an online blog ( that provides commentary on current events. He has written extensively about the Waccamaw Indian People and their need for federal recognition. Bob also is Director of Communications for the Horry County, SC, Democratic Party, for whom he helps to produce and script web and broadcast videos.