August 2022 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 8/05/2022 held at the tribal office and via Zoom
CM’s Susan, Marion, Robert, Chris, Marie, Glenn, and CoC Dalton present. Elders Glenn T, Becky S, and Larry J present. VC Cheryl and 2C’s John T and Alan F present. Members Debbie B, Wendy T, Nancy J, and Starla C present. Anita F also present.
Financial Report
General Fund: $15,852.37
Building Fund: $3,152.08
Cemetery Fund: $407.00
Old Business
Online Votes
7/24 Approve July Meeting Summary
Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-abstain
Applications for Betty Lyles, Dona Mitchell, Carolyn Mallard
Susan motioned to accept all 3 applications; Marion seconded
Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
New Business
We had a problem last month with people hearing on Zoom. Do we want to invest in a microphone/ sound system?
A friend wanted $2k, but we can probably do for $1k
He wanted $7500 for full sound and video
We could give the guy a tax write-off
CoC Dalton: we have a projector we could use
2C Alan: talk with Phil W; he has connections
Susan: I’ll speak with TV13 too
Committee Reports
Buildings & Grounds: Glenn
Marion: we need to think about hookups for electric vehicles
Arts & Crafts
Glenn: Carol H donated items; we have to pick them up, perhaps during the Santee Pauwau
VC Cheryl: there was a lady who made items and offered to come out to do classes on shirts and skirts
We could use part of the old trailer for it
Susan: we would need power there
Glenn: some power on the line; not 200 amps
CoC Dalton: we have 2 window AC units, but would need someone to pick them up
Susan: there was talk of a computer center, museum, etc…
VC Cheryl: we need a plan
Susan: one room with 2 desks, AC center. part museum
Susan: I also have a sleeper couch I might be able to donate for pauwau
Discuss more during the workday
Grants: Michelle
SCAC granted us $5200 this year
Pauwau: Michelle
Looking for Head Man
Glenn: asked Bostic, but he wants $800 + Room
Chris H: will ask Little Turtle
Working through budget
Securing donations (ex: water)
Marion: will check with Food Lion about water
Checking price on P-o-P since Gary’s was bought out
Cancel cut-off date: 8/31/2022
Vendor apps are being given out
Sell ads; form available for you to print
VC Cheryl: the pauwau is listed at but the link is wrong
We need to put the flyer on websites
Drum: 2C Alan
9/12, 9 am: play at the convention center in Myrtle Beach
Honor Guard, Carson dancing
VC Cheryl: has anyone talked to Rick H?
Susan: Chief Hatcher sent him an email
Files: Dalton
CoC Dalton: probably going to sponsor Chad P for full membership
Newsletter: Debbie B: winter edition
Send us the content by 8/18
Challenge Chief Hatcher to get his in first; easier to work around because of length
Thanks for letting us distribute them
Who will be sending information to us?
CoC Dalton: Susan or Michelle
Debbie B: how many are we looking at?
Susan: they should all go hard copy because of the ballot insert
Me: roughly 250 active voting members
Debbie B: how much would it cost?
Vice Chief Cheryl: still 1 stamp
Susan: I’ll send her the ballot
CoC Dalton: I’ll send you a spreadsheet
Money for tribal council stipend: $125: Check 833 General Fund
Fuel: $45.48: Check 1064 Building Fund
Marion motioned to return money to Glenn C; Marie seconded
Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
Vice Chief Cheryl: has the Donnell Foundation check been received; it’s been a couple of weeks
Susan: not yet
Tribal Secretary note: it was deposited on 8/10/2022 in the amount of $500 to the Building Fund
Cemetery Fence
2C John: all installed except for the gate as of Tuesday
Vice Chief Cheryl: the trustees could probably get one of the state historical signs (like the one for leading to the tribal grounds on Hwy 501)
2C John
Does Elder Becky S accept the Chief of the Elders position?
Elder Dan H is taking a leave of absence
Elder Becky S: yes
Received a letter from a school; unsure of what they want
Thought it would be a lecture, but the age group is 4-12
Maybe hunting, trapping, etc…
Susan: I already sent her school day information
VC Cheryl: we usually set how/ what our presentations will consist of
2C John: will let her know about school day
CCU Archive Project
Glenn motioned to give 2C John an office key; Robert seconded
Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
VC Cheryl
SC Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Lunch & Learn event; free
At the Courthouse in Columbia on 8/26
No Defense Film: PFAS Documentary
trying to put together a screening
CCU wouldn’t do it; Horry County Council won’t
Maybe veterans with connections to organizations can suggest a venue
Reaching out to Chief Creel to raise awareness
Impacted by the Charleston base
Any input would be helpful
CoC Dalton: banquet rooms in hotels
Susan: will look around
Starla: keep me informed; grew up on MB Air Force Base
Susan: do you have rights to the viewing?
Vice Chief Cheryl: one of the people in it would speak through Zoom if he can’t make it
Susan: if I found a place, how soon could you show it?
Vice Chief Cheryl: plan for 10/6/2022
Susan: for how many people?
Vice Chief Cheryl: 100-150 including CCU students
2C Alan
A company in Stump Hill wants us to do a presentation
We need to decide on a price for an event like this
Susan: she wanted us in October, but that’s too close to pauwau
CoC Dalton: also, why isn’t she calling the Lumbee (they’re closer)
2C Alan: I’ll decline it
VC Cheryl: we aren’t a traveling Indian show or carnival
State Museum
Our small group is coming up with ideas
CoC Dalton
Aynor Hoe Down Parade: 9/17
Susan: Santee Pauwau is that weekend
2C John: didn’t Elder Larry & Nancy J ride horses?
Michelle: their paperwork says no horses
CoC Dalton: if you know anyone that wants to participate, let us know
Glenn C: Conway Christmas Parade
Costs us; have a mobile home chassis if we need it
We need golf balls around the building; a rattlesnake was found here
Glenn: I have some Snake away (Off?)
Straw: Elder Larry J donated $100
Susan: if you’re volunteering for pauwau, you have to sign in & out with Dalton to receive credit
VC Cheryl: make sure it’s in the newsletter
Starla: the drum arbor is looking bad; donating $200 to repair it
Chris H: campsite 9 or 10
Glenn: I’ve got you
CoC Dalton: are Elders doing the gate this year?
Elder Larry J: I’m doing horses
CoC Dalton: make sure to get volunteers
Susan motioned to close the meeting; Marion seconded.
Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Robert-yes, Chris-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 8/25/2022 at 12:27 pm.