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January 2022 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 1/14/2022 held via Zoom

  1. CM’s Marion, Susan, Glenn, Marie, and CoC Dalton present. VC Cheryl, 2C Alan, 2C John, and Chief Hatcher present.

  2. December 2021 Meeting Summary

    1. Susan motioned to accept; Marie seconded

      1. Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Dalton-yes

  3. Financial Report (as of 1/14/2022 at 4:15 pm)

    1. General Fund: $12,746.09

    2. Building Fund: $3795.30

    3. Cemetery Fund: $1848.96

  4. New Business

    1. Committee Reports

      1. Arts & Crafts

        1. Chief: I’d like to see Arts & Crafts committee create rank feathers

      2. Pauwau: Michelle

        1. Michelle nominated as Chairperson

        2. Need a seventh voting member

        3. Budget work underway

        4. Program Book should be complete

      3. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn

        1. Pipe is out there to do sewer

          1. Need to find a day to work with CM Chris on it

          2. Susan: since funding for the pipe was removed from the general fund, would like to reimburse it

      4. Files

        1. Met 12/18 and divvied up ID numbers into sections of 40

          1. Call those 40 to get correct contact information and get people up-to-date on membership fees

        2. Marie: I volunteer to send certified letters to those with bad phone numbers/ email addresses

    2. Newsletter

      1. Debra J: setting up procedures, but want to do something else and let Carolyn, Betty, and Dona do it since they’ve done this type of work before

      2. CoC Dalton: I propose setting up a committee for the first year

        1. Think something was lost in translation; it doesn’t need Council’s approval to go out

        2. Debra J: I was never given procedures

        3. CoC Dalton: the committee would be you, Carolyn, Betty, Dona, and others

          1. VC Cheryl: I wouldn’t mind helping out

          2. Debra J: Slack would work

      3. Debra J: didn’t know if Council had to approve it

        1. CoC Dalton: it doesn’t need approval; only need to get the labels from the Filekeeper

          1. Chief Hatcher: I think Council should approve it first

          2. VC Cheryl: to keep it timely, have a committee point-of-contact with Council

          3. Chief Hatcher: Council can appoint a liaison/ representative

      4. Glenn: thought it was set to go out at Solstice/ equinox dates

        1. CoC Dalton: technically quarterly

        2. Glenn motioned to set up a newsletter committee; Marie seconded

          1. Marion: needs to go out Feb, May, Aug, Nov (ahead of solstice)

          2. CoC Dalton: the solstice/ equinox dates are on the website calendar under upcoming events; just go to the month you’re looking for

          3. VC Cheryl (to CoC Dalton): will you be setting up processes for them?

          4. CoC Dalton: no, the committee will work that out

          5. Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Dalton-yes

    3. Conservation Easement at Little River Neck

      1. Olivia: in 2019, I wanted to see if we were interested in using the land at Little River Neck

        1. Make it a place we could do ceremonies at

        2. VC Cheryl: I took some pictures while we were out there

        3. Olivia: it will probably become a state park

          1. It was land Waccamaw did use; located between Cherry Grove and Bird Island

        4. VC Cheryl: it could benefit the tribe if we took people there to do different events

          1. Similar to School Day, not necessarily a Vision Quest

        5. Chief Hatcher: obviously the land wouldn’t belong to the Waccamaw; trying to figure out our relationship

          1. Examples: open to all public, open to Native Americans

          2. Who gives access?

          3. Olivia: fine with it being open to NC/ SC tribes

          4. Cultural easement could let the tribes own it

          5. Chief Hatcher: what would you require of us?

          6. Olivia: what would you use it for?

          7. Explore it to see if it’s something you want to use

          8. Chief Hatcher: we wouldn’t be able to call the shots on it unless a cultural easement was placed on it beforehand

          9. Next step?

          10. Olivia: come out to see if it’s something that will work for you

          11. Chief Hatcher: we’ll have to get the state involved to help with purchase

        6. Dr. Dillian: we’ve been excavating since 2010 on that property near the entrance to the causeway that demonstrates Waccamaw ancestry going back easily 5000 years

        7. Chief Hatcher: do you think us signing off on this with CCU could help influence DNR?

          1. Dr. Dillian: I’m not sure, but will ask

        8. Chief Hatcher: I think Indians in the state would benefit more than the tribe itself if DNR signed off on it being used for a vision quest

        9. VC Cheryl: some of the conservation moves today are to restore it to its natural habitat

          1. Example:trees were replaced with Loblolly Pines

          2. Restoring could mean healing

    4. Museum Exhibit: Dr. Dillian

      1. Getting wonderful press and feedback about the exhibit

      2. Plan was for it be up for 1 year, but the museum has no immediate plan to take it down

      3. It has been nominated for 2 awards; will keep you posted

      4. We are able to present it to Chicago and SC conferences

      5. The goal is we can teach people what we did through collaboration

      6. Chief Hatcher: back in 2005, there were no official Indians in SC

        1. Now people know who we are and we are grateful to CCU

    5. Vice Chief Cheryl:

      1. Glad that Dr. Dillian, Olivia are here and thankful for the work Debbie has done

      2. Will send Slack invite to the Newsletter channel

      3. Will also create a Membership channel to keep people informed

    6. Chief Hatcher

      1. Thank to everyone who puts their heart and soul into this tribe

      2. Let’s make a concerted effort to clean up internal issues before federal recognition

    7. Susan

      1. 2/26 Boone Hall Fire Healing Ceremony at 12pm-4pm

        1. Looking for 10 Native vendors, but they want people to pay for insurance and have 2 licenses

        2. People with a tribal ID can get in free

    8. Glenn

      1. Kevin purchased a CD to help the drum out

    9. Marion

      1. Is Family Day still 2/19?

        1. Chief Hatcher: yes

      2. I ask that Carolyn M, Betty L, and Dona be given full membership applications; Marie seconded

        1. Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Dalton-yes

Susan motioned to close the meeting; Marie seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 1/26/2022 at 2:06 pm


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