March 2022 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 3/04/2022 held via Zoom
CM’s Marion, Marie, Robert, Glenn, Susan, and CoC Dalton present. VC Cheryl, 2C Alan, 2C John present. Filekeeper Starla present. Elder Larry J present. Members Nancy J, Clay J, Jeanie M, Debbie B, Ray A present.
Financial Report (as of 3/4/2022 at 4:45 am)
General Fund: $15,520.33
Building Fund: $3781.29
Cemetery Fund: $1848.96
Old Business
Online Votes
2/22 Approve February Meeting Summary
Glenn-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Marion-yes, Marie-abstain, Dalton-yes
New Business
Committee Reports
Buildings & Grounds: Glenn
Talked with Chris H; will start things in April
Arts & Crafts: Susan
Showed Marie how to wrap feathers
Pauwau: Dalton
Voting Member needed
Larry J: would like to
CoC Dalton: you have to get on Zoom or go to the office and join with somewhere there
Larry J: will have to learn
Glenn: spoke with Elder Dan and he said the Elders would run the gate
Susan: Chief Hatcher also spoke to Dan and he will talk to Becky
Gary’s Pumping was bought out; will have to check on price
Can we set up an online store and ability to pay at the pauwau via credit card?
CoC Dalton: don’t see a reason not to do it
Glenn: same
Glenn motioned to accept payment via various cashapps; Robert seconded
Glenn-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Dalton-yes
Drum: Glenn
Nothing new this month
Campground: 2C John T
Nothing new yet
CoC Dalton motioned to remove the Filekeeper position and let the committee operate the same as other committees; Glenn seconded
VC Cheryl: thinking of nominating 2C John T since files are internal
Glenn-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Dalton-yes
Susan: work meetings are the same as Work Days on the grounds
Go at the hours you can
Question on Spousal members after member’s fees are up-to-date (auto reinstatement or fill out own application again)
Susan: we don’t ask members to fill out new applications
CoC Dalton: does a former spousal member get auto-reinstated?
Michelle: just sent the email to Tribal Council & VC Cheryl
Susan: she shouldn’t lose her membership
CoC Dalton: table it for now; this is in Chief’s hands
VC Cheryl: went through numbers
Think expired by 2016 should be voted on for removal
One member was given a 7-year extension in 2012
CoC Dalton: let’s talk about it tomorrow
2C John: pass out the inactive list for Tribal Council to review
Second Chance Resolution is working; several people are catching up/ have inquired about their own fees
Newsletter: Debbie
Final edits are being done
Latest edition sent to Tribal Council
Thank you to VC Cheryl, Michelle, and others who helped with it
CoC Dalton: Council, please review the newsletter and approve it
VC Cheryl: reminder: there are still a few edits to be done
2nd Chiefs
VC Cheryl
Working with social media and wanting younger people to join
2C Alan
Museum meeting went well
Optometrist willing to do eye exams once per month for us, Pee Dee, and Chicora
Invited him to equinox on 3/19
2C John
Met with CCU library
They are constructing a new building; will take 15-18 months
They are willing to use the old building to archive things for us
Thought we could interview all members
Family Day
Want to video our events and presentations
CoC Dalton: Lindsay and Jason, Courtney did pictures at the pauwau
2C John: we need videos
2C John: we need to video a fire ceremony for historical posterity
CoC Dalton: think it could anger a lot of people
VC Cheryl: think it would be pan-Indian and against our culture
Marion: taught that it was just a fire
The only way to get a fire ceremony video is to get the fire in the video
Elder Larry: smudging and fire are sacred and shouldn’t be videoed
VC Cheryl: Marion covered the fire in the newsletter
CoC Dalton: you have to accept their beliefs or not
Susan: could be seen the same as having a female drum in this area
Council responsiveness in email
Need Council to respond quickly
When you reply, hit reply all so everyone in the email can see your response
Call if you don’t want to email & tell me your thoughts on the subject
Time limit to respond to email
Please vote within a couple of days
T-shirts/ Merchandise tracking
There is a concern that merchandise at the office is going missing
We need to know who you gave money to for the merchandise
We need to know how many of an item are given away as freebies
Let Michelle, Susan, VC Cheryl know if you sell something or give it away
Opening the Rollbook
If we aren’t growing, we’re stagnating
Think as soon as possible that we should reopen the rollbook
Partly because of participation
Need to keep doing files as we grow
Jeanie, Chris, and Marion announced their intent to run for office
I plan to run again
Happy with work of 2Cs and CoC
Tom Webb (former Elder) passed away
Hardeeville Pauwau 3/12, put on by Mike Benton
VC Cheryl is working with Dr. Rich to include all tribes in our textbooks
Don’t want it to fade away; want her to continue
2C John is getting an archive done
VC Cheryl
Impact of the exposure over the last few years through our events and projects
Met a native Hawaiian couple who lives here now and want to be involved
Tribes across the country know about us
Ms. Jean passed away; she was a strong woman who came to all our Puwaus
She tried to come to all events
She should be remembered in our books and newsletter
2C John: talked to Elders Dan and Glenn about the upcoming election
Asked Elder Larry to send Michelle and email and then she can email Dan about the election and candidate requirements resolution
Larry: smudging is sacred and fire circle and shouldn’t be videoed
Susan: Boone Hall event: we canceled because of the strict requirements of vendors
Maybe next year’s Family Day, we could do the same thing on our grounds with vendors
Tribal Council to take it into consideration
Thank you to those who came to Ms. Jean’s memorial
Glenn C: For record, Ray Ammons came in halfway through the meeting
Susan motioned to close the meeting; Glenn seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 8:44 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 3/25/2022 at 1:38 am