May 2023 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/5/2023 held at the tribal office and via Zoom
CMs Marion, Glenn, Chris, Robert, and CoC Dalton were present. Elder Larry J was present. 2Cs Alan F and John T were present. 2C Alan served as a proxy for Marie.
Members Nancy J, Randy W, Kevin D, Lisa L, Carol H, Joshua W, Jennifer R, and David B were present.
Financial Report (as of 5/3/2023 at 11:30 pm)
General Fund: $29,979.13
Building Fund: $3267.00
Cemetery Fund: $407.00
Old Business
Online Votes
4/13 Approve April Open Meeting Summary
Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, 2C Alan (Marie)-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
4/15 Allow Glenn to take the bush hog to see if it can be repaired and if not, allow him to keep it
Glenn-abstain, Marion-yes, 2C Alan (Marie)-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
4/15 Allow Glenn to take the junk tractor to see if it can be repaired and if not, allow him to keep it
Glenn-abstain, Marion-yes, 2C Alan (Marie)-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
New Business
Fuel: $63.58 to be paid back to Glenn for Sunhouse fuel bill; Check 1068
Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, 2C Alan (Marie)-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
Committee Reports
Buildings & Grounds: Glenn
We will have a work day if the rain holds out
Arts & Crafts
Lisa L: I am a potter and participate in the Native American Studies Center at USC-Lancaster
5/20 pottery
Some of my pottery is in their permanent collection
Kevin D: she does really good work
Grants: Michelle
We’re still waiting to hear from the SCAC about a School Day grant
Chief Hatcher put in for a grant from the CMA
Pauwau: Dalton
Working on budget
Need a story on the history & traditions of the drum for the program book
Per 2C Alan: Chad P, Kevin D, and Andy S can help with stories
Discussing sending people on the Gate Pass List wristbands ahead of time to indicate they have paid
Looking for pictures of our older members
Next meeting is 5/11 @ 6:30 pm
Drum: Chris
Kaya will send something for the drum too
2C Alan: Paula Cribb: is it her responsibility to contact us?
CoC Dalton-yes
2C Alan: When does it go from honorary to a full member?
CoC Dalton: when the executive branch nominates her for full membership, Tribal Council confirms it
Michelle: there probably will not be a meeting tomorrow due to absences
2C Alan
Edisto had a good pauwau
5/6 pauwau in Pickens
2C John
Still working with the CCU Archiving Project
Members can donate items, pictures, etc…
CoC Dalton: Chief Hatcher received an honorary PhD in Humane Letters today
David B: Congratulations to the Chief
SD (sorry, didn’t catch the name): someone said something about a cornhole game; I’ve got a friend who will donate a set; he just needs to know how to paint it
Chris H: have someone who can paint the tribal logo
Glenn C: easier to paint as one color
CoC Dalton: keep Jerry S in your thoughts; he recently had surgery and is home resting
Glenn C: I met a man (Floyd) in Hemingway and picked up broken pieces of clay pots from the river (showed the pieces)
One stone was used to make fire
Spearheads and pieces to a pipe
Marion C: CCU movie: Beans
Chief and Marion were there
I was pleased with the participation with the tribe and students
Marion motioned to close the meeting; Glenn seconded.
Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, 2C Alan (Marie)-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
The meeting adjourned at 7:36 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 5/22/2023 at 4:17 pm.
