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September 2022 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 9/02/2022 held at the tribal office and via Zoom

  1. CM’s Susan, Glenn, Marie, Chris, Marion, and CoC Dalton were present. Elders Becky S, Larry J, and Charles H present. VC Cheryl and 2C’s Alan and John present. Members Nancy J, Starla C, and Anita H present.

  2. Financial Report (as of 9/1/2022 at 11:28 pm)

    1. General Fund: $17,320.91

    2. Building Fund: $3450.13

    3. Cemetery Fund: $407.00

  3. Old Business

    1. 8/25 Approve August Meeting Summary with changes

      1. 3.a.ii.1. Marion seconded instead of accepted.

      2. 4.J.1. It Should be both golf and mothballs

      3. Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Chris-y, CoC Dalton-yes

  4. New Business

    1. Committee Reports

      1. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn

        1. Received a permit to get a load of stone for the ditch

        2. All flagpoles are down; should we replace them?

          1. CoC Dalton: what would be the cost?

          2. Glenn: $200 each roughly; I will look at it more

          3. Marion: they can go up to $2000 each

          4. Elder Charles: I have pieces you can weld together to make a pole if you want them

        3. Filling in the ditch; they suggested we cover it as we go to prevent people dumping trash there

          1. 2C Alan: will the county or state provide signs?

          2. Glenn: unsure

        4. Nancy J worked on the flower beds

      2. Arts & Crafts: Susan

        1. Nothing new

      3. Grants: Michelle

        1. Mini-grant opportunity from Elsi Beavers & E. Lois Carver Educational Fund due 9/30

          1. Directed towards K-12; Amount is $2500

        2. VC Cheryl is helping with a DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) statement

        3. Susan is helping with data for the number of students we’ve had

      4. Pauwau: Michelle

        1. Looking for Head Man

          1. Bostic: $800

          2. David Perry

        2. Budget ready for Council Approval, other than Head Man

          1. Susan motioned to accept; Marie seconded

          2. Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes

        3. Securing donations (ex: water, paper products)

        4. Vendor apps are being given out

          1. Susan- 40 apps have gone out

        5. 2C John: have you talked about t-shirts for CCU volunteers?

          1. Susan- if you give one to one set of volunteers, you have to give one to all

        6. Program Book

          1. Susan- $1000 in ads so far

        7. An email blast went out for volunteers on 9/1

        8. Next meeting 9/8/2022 @ 6:30pm via Zoom

      5. Drum: Glenn

        1. We practiced on Sunday after the memorial service

        2. Doing a presentation at the Convention Center on 9/12/2022

      6. Files

        1. 2C Alan: please set up a point person for honorary applications

          1. They should go to Michelle

        2. Susan: After they are honorary for a year, Tribal Council has to nominate them for full membership, right?

          1. CoC Dalton: they can come in on their own

          2. Susan: That requires us to open the roll book, right?

          3. CoC Dalton- yes

          4. CoC Dalton: Chief Hatcher asked me to come up with a policy letter

          5. VC Cheryl: one issue- if their certificate expires and they aren’t nominated, they need to be extended or reapply (start over)

          6. CoC Dalton: honorary is at the discretion of the executive branch

        3. Marion: looking back through the minutes, there wasn’t a vote on Deborah Johnson Bannan for full membership

          1. CoC Dalton: I will listen to the recordings

          2. Marion: I can be here next Saturday at 2 pm for a meeting

        4. Michelle: requesting permission to use the tribal laptop to integrate names that didn’t show up in Sharepoint (mostly honorary and spousal)

          1. Susan motioned to allow; Glenn seconded

          2. Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes

      7. Newsletter: VC Cheryl

        1. The last piece was the letters of intent; Carolyn mailed them

        2. Should we filter an email to honorary?

          1. CoC Dalton: email blast to all

    2. Receipts

      1. $56.56 fuel

        1. Glenn: there are more at home; need to go by Sunhouse and pay it

        2. Glenn motioned to pay the fuel bill; Chris seconded

          1. Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes

    3. Cemetery Fence

      1. 2C John: nothing since last month

        1. Michelle: they working toward the gate last month

    4. CM Susan

      1. I met with the Columbia VA rep (Tony?); they are reaching out to Native American veterans

        1. There are pamphlets in the office

        2. They are requesting an information booth during the pauwau

        3. Glenn: Is it solely for Native American vets?

          1. Susan: yes

        4. VC Cheryl: if I can get the materials, I am manning the SCIAC Booth during the pauwau and at Santee

    5. 2C Alan

      1. Fire Ceremony this month

        1. Marion: fire will be tended all day on 9/17/2022 and through the noon cemetery on 9/18/2022

    6. Member Nancy J

      1. Can I get some ant poison for the flower beds?

        1. Glenn: I will get some tomorrow to spray

Susan motioned to close the meeting; Marie seconded.

Susan-yes, Glenn-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Chris-yes, CoC Dalton-yes

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 9/24/2022 at 10:24 am.


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