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September 2024 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 9/6/2024  held at the tribal office and via Zoom

  1. CM’s Marion, Glenn, Emily, and CoC  Susan were present. 2c Alan served as a proxy for CM Chris.Elders Larry J and Scott B and Treasurer Carol H were present. Chief Hatcher and AC Cheryl were present. CM Robert arrived late.

  2. Members Nancy J, Clayton G, Tracey G, Starla C, Jennifer R, Debbie B, Randy W, Josh W, Lisa L, Aaron F, Rebecca F, Kevin D, Steven T, Sara R, Stephen W, Betty L, and John T were present. Guests Donna B and Jimmy B were present.

  3. Financial Report (as of 9/3/2024 at 11:17 pm)

    1. General Fund: $40,994.21

    2. Building Fund: $1659.17

    3. Cemetery Fund: $447.00

    4. Grant Fund: $2105.96

  4. Old Business

    1. Online Votes

      1. 8/20: approve August meeting summary with changes

        1. Line 1: Added CM Emily, Nancy J to attendees

        2. Changed Scott B to 2C, not Elder

        3. Emily-yes, Marion-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, CoC  Susan-yes

    2. Survey Quotes

      1. Marion- wait until January and try in Marion County

      2. AC Cheryl: I just had a meeting with Lowcountry Land Trust

        1. Collaboration between tribes

        2. Discretionary fund for appraisals and surveys

        3. Deadline is 9/17

      3. Marion motioned to table this until January

        1. CoC  Susan: another engineering company joined the Chamber of Commerce; I will check to see if they can come out in January

        2. Larry: I have a phone number for a guy in Marion County

        3. Survey quotes tabled until January

    3. Policy Letters

      1. CoC  Susan: I suggest putting them on hold; Michelle and I will go over them and present them to Council for approval

    4. TN Land: Donna B and Jimmy B are present

      1. CoC  Susan: in 2014, Chief Hatcher and CoC was given land by Jerry B

        1. Do we want to sell it or keep the land?

          1. Emily: Keep

          2. 2C Alan: how much money would it cost to develop; sell it if it’s too high

          3. CoC  Susan: power and water are out there

          4. Donna: it used to be a campground; a field

          5. 2C Alan: how many spots?

          6. CoC  Susan: 10-15

          7. Jimmy: the flood tore some down

          8. Chief Hatcher: I disagree

          9. AC Cheryl: if they enter another’s land without an invitation, liability comes into play

          10. Chief Hatcher: example- if there’s a pothole and someone steps into it and breaks their leg, we are liable

          11. AC Cheryl: invite matters

          12. Chief Hatcher: if you have anything blagrantly a trao, you’re still liable

          13. Opinion of the judge and jurors matter

          14. If we keep it, we need to protect ourselves

          15. Donna: yes, as well as Jimmy, grandkids, Gaylen (spelling?)

          16. Chief Hatcher: the only one that matters is Donna

          17. Chief Hatcher: if anyone gets hurt on that land, we’re liable

          18. CoC  Susan: Council, what are your thoughts?

          19. Donna: my family has lived there since 1999; I understand Chief Hatcher wants to get out of it because of insurance

          20. Chief Hatcher: have the Elders meet to discuss it

          21. CoC  Susan: we need to talk more; discuss it online

          22. CoC  Susan: continue the discussion with the Elders and Donna

          23. CoC  Susan: the papers say “and their heirs”

          24. AC Cheryl: it’s a conditional life estate, not a will where it transfers

          25. Chief Hatcher: it says Jerry and Donna

          26. CoC  Susan: I looked at the deed and it says if the tribe dissolves, the land can go to the heirs

          27. Donna: the Deed of Corrections says “heirs”

          28. The only one who has a right to the land is Donna

          29. AC Cheryl: we need to give them a trespassing notice

          30. No liability by the owner for trespassers

          31. Chief Hatcher: they were raised there

          32. AC Cheryl: it needs to be resolved; they are not legally on the land; need an assumption of liability

          33. AC Cheryl: they are essentially trespassing

          34. Chief Hatcher: I think if someone gets hurt there, we’re liable

          35. Chief Hatcher: example- they have a party with 5 people there

          36. AC Cheryl: the first clause says you can’t sublet, rent, or allow another to live there

          37. Chief Hatcher: but for visiting

          38. Donna: I’ve been there since 1999

          39. Chief Hatcher: they were raised there

          40. AC Cheryl: need papers to be done to update with the people staying there

          41. I don’t want people who were raised there to be run off

          42. It’s not about the money

          43. Marion: insurance and liability: liability is the onlu issue brought up

          44. Chief Hatcher: what happens if she has a party and someone gets hurt and she doesn’t have insurance?

          45. She can invite people to a party, but she’s liable for it and needs here own insurance and waiver of liability with us

          46. Need simple risk management

          47. I think if she doesn’t have insurance, it comes back on us

          48. They’d need to sign an agreement or property owner is liable

          49. I agree with putting up “no trespassing” signs

          50. I don’t want Jimmy to have to move; he’s been there a long time

          51. We need to do something with the land and have them manage it

          52. Emily: if you had something out there, you need insurance

          53. Responsible agent: if she can’t afford insurance, we pay it

          54. It’s essentially another life estate

          55. We would still need insurance

          56. Emily: why not have them pay a % of it

          57. Chief Hatcher: if someone has an accident on the land in a hole that we didn’t fix, we have to pay

          58. AC Cheryl: Renters insurance would work in this situation

          59. Marion: I could talk to Leeand see how it works with a life estate

          60. We offered to give back the tax money the tribe has paid

          61. We’ve rescued women and children

          62. We care for sick people

          63. Our family and grandkids live there

          64. In the October meeting, we can make a decision once we have a better understanding

          65. Chief Hatcher: if we keep it, we need to do something with it

          66. Chief Hatcher: if we give you “no trespassing” signs, can you put them up?

          67. Jimmy: they’re already up

          68. Chief Hatcher: I want to have ou all taken care of

          69. CoC  Susan: Let’s talk by internet

          70. Marion: motion to pay the taxes for this year; Emily seconded

          71. Emily and Marion suggested more discussion via the internet

          72. Our family lives there

          73. My Dad didn’t want us to not have a place to stay

          74. Not sure who said I was trespassing

          75. AC Cheryl: it’s just the legal term that applies to the life estate

          76. Jimmy: yeah, just mother

          77. We’ll give back the money you put into it

          78. Only 2-3 people have been out there

          79. Chief Hatcher: I don’t want you evicted

          80. Two things: we keep the land; you manage it with the goal for tax-exempt status or sell it

          81. Jimmy: you can’t sell it unless you dissolve the tribe

          82. AC Cheryl: if Donna and Jimmy were the property managers, it could change to tax-expemt

          83. Discuss it privately for a win-win

          84. If sold, the life estate could  continue

          85. We need to do something and make it tax-exempt

          86. We’ve just got to be careful

          87. Donna: your tribe is important to us

          88. CoC  Susan: let’s do it by email

          89. Marion: no one in the tribe has said you have to move people off the land

          90. Marion: the only thing is the liability issue

          91. Chief Hatcher: I think we should give them money for the trip up hre

          92. Jimmy: put that money towards the taxes

          93. Emily-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Marion-yes, CoC  Susan-yes

          94. Emimly: if a lawyer is needed; we can work it out

          95. Suggest separate cut-offs for each campsite

          96. Marion: he is going to put cut-offs on each valve

          97. We need to get things done quicker

          98. Glenn: all of this happened and I have knee trouble and wasn’t/ couldn’t  get up and down

          99. I hadn’t heard from Chris

          100. Glenn: doing the valves could take longer

          101. Reclaiming lands, climate resilience

          102. Additional training and capacity building

          103. It will help get us to larger grants

          104. Historical mapping to be included

          105. Larry: you have to have 4 Elders to vote on anything

          106. Chief Hatcher: our constitution requires 7 Elders

          107. AC Cheryl: are there provisions if there’s not 7?

          108. Chief Hatcher: we’ve run into this before; Judge Bernie said we needed all 7 to make a decision

          109. AC Cheryl: Becky resigned as CoE

          110. Chief Dan retired

          111. 2C Alan: what would it cost to add a campground?

          112. Donna: it used to be a campground; a field

          113. 2C Alan: how many spots?

          114. CoC  Susan: 10-15

          115. Jimmy: the flood tore some down

          116. Chief Hatcher: I disagree

          117. AC Cheryl: if they enter another’s land without an invitation, liability comes into play

          118. Chief Hatcher: example- if there’s a pothole and someone steps into it and breaks their leg, we are liable

          119. AC Cheryl: invite matters

          120. Chief Hatcher: if you have anything blagrantly a trao, you’re still liable

          121. Opinion of the judge and jurors matter

          122. If we keep it, we need to protect ourselves

          123. Donna: yes, as well as Jimmy, grandkids, Gaylen (spelling?)

          124. Chief Hatcher: the only one that matters is Donna

          125. Chief Hatcher: if anyone gets hurt on that land, we’re liable

          126. CoC  Susan: Council, what are your thoughts?

          127. Donna: my family has lived there since 1999; I understand Chief Hatcher wants to get out of it because of insurance

          128. Chief Hatcher: have the Elders meet to discuss it

          129. CoC  Susan: we need to talk more; discuss it online

          130. CoC  Susan: continue the discussion with the Elders and Donna

          131. CoC  Susan: the papers say “and their heirs”

          132. AC Cheryl: it’s a conditional life estate, not a will where it transfers

          133. Chief Hatcher: it says Jerry and Donna

          134. CoC  Susan: I looked at the deed and it says if the tribe dissolves, the land can go to the heirs

          135. Donna: the Deed of Corrections says “heirs”

          136. The only one who has a right to the land is Donna

          137. AC Cheryl: we need to give them a trespassing notice

          138. No liability by the owner for trespassers

          139. Chief Hatcher: they were raised there

          140. AC Cheryl: it needs to be resolved; they are not legally on the land; need an assumption of liability

          141. AC Cheryl: they are essentially trespassing

          142. Chief Hatcher: I think if someone gets hurt there, we’re liable

          143. Chief Hatcher: example- they have a party with 5 people there

          144. AC Cheryl: the first clause says you can’t sublet, rent, or allow another to live there

          145. Chief Hatcher: but for visiting

          146. Donna: I’ve been there since 1999

          147. Chief Hatcher: they were raised there

          148. AC Cheryl: need papers to be done to update with the people staying there

          149. I don’t want people who were raised there to be run off

          150. It’s not about the money

          151. Marion: insurance and liability: liability is the onlu issue brought up

          152. Chief Hatcher: what happens if she has a party and someone gets hurt and she doesn’t have insurance?

          153. She can invite people to a party, but she’s liable for it and needs here own insurance and waiver of liability with us

          154. Need simple risk management

          155. I think if she doesn’t have insurance, it comes back on us

          156. They’d need to sign an agreement or property owner is liable

          157. I agree with putting up “no trespassing” signs

          158. I don’t want Jimmy to have to move; he’s been there a long time

          159. We need to do something with the land and have them manage it

          160. Emily: if you had something out there, you need insurance

          161. Responsible agent: if she can’t afford insurance, we pay it

          162. It’s essentially another life estate

          163. We would still need insurance

          164. Emily: why not have them pay a % of it

          165. Chief Hatcher: if someone has an accident on the land in a hole that we didn’t fix, we have to pay

          166. AC Cheryl: Renters insurance would work in this situation

          167. Marion: I could talk to Leeand see how it works with a life estate

          168. We offered to give back the tax money the tribe has paid

          169. We’ve rescued women and children

          170. We care for sick people

          171. Our family and grandkids live there

          172. In the October meeting, we can make a decision once we have a better understanding

          173. Chief Hatcher: if we keep it, we need to do something with it

          174. Chief Hatcher: if we give you “no trespassing” signs, can you put them up?

          175. Jimmy: they’re already up

          176. Chief Hatcher: I want to have ou all taken care of

          177. CoC  Susan: Let’s talk by internet

          178. Marion: motion to pay the taxes for this year; Emily seconded

          179. Emily and Marion suggested more discussion via the internet

          180. Our family lives there

          181. My Dad didn’t want us to not have a place to stay

          182. Not sure who said I was trespassing

          183. AC Cheryl: it’s just the legal term that applies to the life estate

          184. Jimmy: yeah, just mother

          185. We’ll give back the money you put into it

          186. Only 2-3 people have been out there

          187. Chief Hatcher: I don’t want you evicted

          188. Two things: we keep the land; you manage it with the goal for tax-exempt status or sell it

          189. Jimmy: you can’t sell it unless you dissolve the tribe

          190. AC Cheryl: if Donna and Jimmy were the property managers, it could change to tax-expemt

          191. Discuss it privately for a win-win

          192. If sold, the life estate could  continue

          193. We need to do something and make it tax-exempt

          194. We’ve just got to be careful

          195. Donna: your tribe is important to us

          196. CoC  Susan: let’s do it by email

          197. Marion: no one in the tribe has said you have to move people off the land

          198. Marion: the only thing is the liability issue

          199. Chief Hatcher: I think we should give them money for the trip up hre

          200. Jimmy: put that money towards the taxes

          201. Emily-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Marion-yes, CoC  Susan-yes

          202. Emimly: if a lawyer is needed; we can work it out

          203. Suggest separate cut-offs for each campsite

          204. Marion: he is going to put cut-offs on each valve

          205. We need to get things done quicker

          206. Glenn: all of this happened and I have knee trouble and wasn’t/ couldn’t  get up and down

          207. I hadn’t heard from Chris

          208. Glenn: doing the valves could take longer

          209. Reclaiming lands, climate resilience

          210. Additional training and capacity building

          211. It will help get us to larger grants

          212. Historical mapping to be included

          213. Larry: you have to have 4 Elders to vote on anything

          214. Chief Hatcher: our constitution requires 7 Elders

          215. AC Cheryl: are there provisions if there’s not 7?

          216. Chief Hatcher: we’ve run into this before; Judge Bernie said we needed all 7 to make a decision

          217. AC Cheryl: Becky resigned as CoE

          218. Chief Dan retired

          219. Glenn: keep; need the right opportunity to come up to develop it

          220. Marion- keep; Lee said we don’t need to worry about insurance, but we need them sign a waiver of liability

          221. Chief Hatcher: I disagree

          222. AC Cheryl: if they enter another’s land without an invitation, liability comes into play

          223. Chief Hatcher: example- if there’s a pothole and someone steps into it and breaks their leg, we are liable

          224. AC Cheryl: invite matters

          225. Chief Hatcher: if you have anything blagrantly a trao, you’re still liable

          226. Opinion of the judge and jurors matter

          227. If we keep it, we need to protect ourselves

          228. Donna: yes, as well as Jimmy, grandkids, Gaylen (spelling?)

          229. Chief Hatcher: the only one that matters is Donna

          230. Chief Hatcher: if anyone gets hurt on that land, we’re liable

          231. CoC  Susan: Council, what are your thoughts?

          232. Donna: my family has lived there since 1999; I understand Chief Hatcher wants to get out of it because of insurance

          233. Chief Hatcher: have the Elders meet to discuss it

          234. CoC  Susan: we need to talk more; discuss it online

          235. CoC  Susan: continue the discussion with the Elders and Donna

          236. CoC  Susan: the papers say “and their heirs”

          237. AC Cheryl: it’s a conditional life estate, not a will where it transfers

          238. Chief Hatcher: it says Jerry and Donna

          239. CoC  Susan: I looked at the deed and it says if the tribe dissolves, the land can go to the heirs

          240. Donna: the Deed of Corrections says “heirs”

          241. The only one who has a right to the land is Donna

          242. AC Cheryl: we need to give them a trespassing notice

          243. No liability by the owner for trespassers

          244. Chief Hatcher: they were raised there

          245. AC Cheryl: it needs to be resolved; they are not legally on the land; need an assumption of liability

          246. AC Cheryl: they are essentially trespassing

          247. Chief Hatcher: I think if someone gets hurt there, we’re liable

          248. Chief Hatcher: example- they have a party with 5 people there

          249. AC Cheryl: the first clause says you can’t sublet, rent, or allow another to live there

          250. Chief Hatcher: but for visiting

          251. Donna: I’ve been there since 1999

          252. Chief Hatcher: they were raised there

          253. AC Cheryl: need papers to be done to update with the people staying there

          254. I don’t want people who were raised there to be run off

          255. It’s not about the money

          256. Marion: insurance and liability: liability is the onlu issue brought up

          257. Chief Hatcher: what happens if she has a party and someone gets hurt and she doesn’t have insurance?

          258. She can invite people to a party, but she’s liable for it and needs here own insurance and waiver of liability with us

          259. Need simple risk management

          260. I think if she doesn’t have insurance, it comes back on us

          261. They’d need to sign an agreement or property owner is liable

          262. I agree with putting up “no trespassing” signs

          263. I don’t want Jimmy to have to move; he’s been there a long time

          264. We need to do something with the land and have them manage it

          265. Emily: if you had something out there, you need insurance

          266. Responsible agent: if she can’t afford insurance, we pay it

          267. It’s essentially another life estate

          268. We would still need insurance

          269. Emily: why not have them pay a % of it

          270. Chief Hatcher: if someone has an accident on the land in a hole that we didn’t fix, we have to pay

          271. AC Cheryl: Renters insurance would work in this situation

          272. Marion: I could talk to Leeand see how it works with a life estate

          273. We offered to give back the tax money the tribe has paid

          274. We’ve rescued women and children

          275. We care for sick people

          276. Our family and grandkids live there

          277. In the October meeting, we can make a decision once we have a better understanding

          278. Chief Hatcher: if we keep it, we need to do something with it

          279. Chief Hatcher: if we give you “no trespassing” signs, can you put them up?

          280. Jimmy: they’re already up

          281. Chief Hatcher: I want to have ou all taken care of

          282. CoC  Susan: Let’s talk by internet

          283. Marion: motion to pay the taxes for this year; Emily seconded

          284. Emily and Marion suggested more discussion via the internet

          285. Our family lives there

          286. My Dad didn’t want us to not have a place to stay

          287. Not sure who said I was trespassing

          288. AC Cheryl: it’s just the legal term that applies to the life estate

          289. Jimmy: yeah, just mother

          290. We’ll give back the money you put into it

          291. Only 2-3 people have been out there

          292. Chief Hatcher: I don’t want you evicted

          293. Two things: we keep the land; you manage it with the goal for tax-exempt status or sell it

          294. Jimmy: you can’t sell it unless you dissolve the tribe

          295. AC Cheryl: if Donna and Jimmy were the property managers, it could change to tax-expemt

          296. Discuss it privately for a win-win

          297. If sold, the life estate could  continue

          298. We need to do something and make it tax-exempt

          299. We’ve just got to be careful

          300. Donna: your tribe is important to us

          301. CoC  Susan: let’s do it by email

          302. Marion: no one in the tribe has said you have to move people off the land

          303. Marion: the only thing is the liability issue

          304. Chief Hatcher: I think we should give them money for the trip up hre

          305. Jimmy: put that money towards the taxes

          306. Emily-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Marion-yes, CoC  Susan-yes

          307. Emimly: if a lawyer is needed; we can work it out

          308. Suggest separate cut-offs for each campsite

          309. Marion: he is going to put cut-offs on each valve

          310. We need to get things done quicker

          311. Glenn: all of this happened and I have knee trouble and wasn’t/ couldn’t  get up and down

          312. I hadn’t heard from Chris

          313. Glenn: doing the valves could take longer

          314. Reclaiming lands, climate resilience

          315. Additional training and capacity building

          316. It will help get us to larger grants

          317. Historical mapping to be included

          318. Larry: you have to have 4 Elders to vote on anything

          319. Chief Hatcher: our constitution requires 7 Elders

          320. AC Cheryl: are there provisions if there’s not 7?

          321. Chief Hatcher: we’ve run into this before; Judge Bernie said we needed all 7 to make a decision

          322. AC Cheryl: Becky resigned as CoE

          323. Chief Dan retired

          324. CoC  Susan: Donna lives out there

          325. Donna: yes, as well as Jimmy, grandkids, Gaylen (spelling?)

          326. Chief Hatcher: the only one that matters is Donna

          327. Chief Hatcher: if anyone gets hurt on that land, we’re liable

          328. CoC  Susan: Council, what are your thoughts?

          329. Donna: my family has lived there since 1999; I understand Chief Hatcher wants to get out of it because of insurance

          330. Chief Hatcher: have the Elders meet to discuss it

          331. CoC  Susan: we need to talk more; discuss it online

          332. CoC  Susan: continue the discussion with the Elders and Donna

          333. CoC  Susan: the papers say “and their heirs”

          334. AC Cheryl: it’s a conditional life estate, not a will where it transfers

          335. Chief Hatcher: it says Jerry and Donna

          336. CoC  Susan: I looked at the deed and it says if the tribe dissolves, the land can go to the heirs

          337. Donna: the Deed of Corrections says “heirs”

          338. The only one who has a right to the land is Donna

          339. AC Cheryl: we need to give them a trespassing notice

          340. No liability by the owner for trespassers

          341. Chief Hatcher: they were raised there

          342. AC Cheryl: it needs to be resolved; they are not legally on the land; need an assumption of liability

          343. AC Cheryl: they are essentially trespassing

          344. Chief Hatcher: I think if someone gets hurt there, we’re liable

          345. Chief Hatcher: example- they have a party with 5 people there

          346. AC Cheryl: the first clause says you can’t sublet, rent, or allow another to live there

          347. Chief Hatcher: but for visiting

          348. Donna: I’ve been there since 1999

          349. Chief Hatcher: they were raised there

          350. AC Cheryl: need papers to be done to update with the people staying there

          351. I don’t want people who were raised there to be run off

          352. It’s not about the money

          353. Marion: insurance and liability: liability is the onlu issue brought up

          354. Chief Hatcher: what happens if she has a party and someone gets hurt and she doesn’t have insurance?

          355. She can invite people to a party, but she’s liable for it and needs here own insurance and waiver of liability with us

          356. Need simple risk management

          357. I think if she doesn’t have insurance, it comes back on us

          358. They’d need to sign an agreement or property owner is liable

          359. I agree with putting up “no trespassing” signs

          360. I don’t want Jimmy to have to move; he’s been there a long time

          361. We need to do something with the land and have them manage it

          362. Emily: if you had something out there, you need insurance

          363. Responsible agent: if she can’t afford insurance, we pay it

          364. It’s essentially another life estate

          365. We would still need insurance

          366. Emily: why not have them pay a % of it

          367. Chief Hatcher: if someone has an accident on the land in a hole that we didn’t fix, we have to pay

          368. AC Cheryl: Renters insurance would work in this situation

          369. Marion: I could talk to Leeand see how it works with a life estate

          370. We offered to give back the tax money the tribe has paid

          371. We’ve rescued women and children

          372. We care for sick people

          373. Our family and grandkids live there

          374. In the October meeting, we can make a decision once we have a better understanding

          375. Chief Hatcher: if we keep it, we need to do something with it

          376. Chief Hatcher: if we give you “no trespassing” signs, can you put them up?

          377. Jimmy: they’re already up

          378. Chief Hatcher: I want to have ou all taken care of

          379. CoC  Susan: Let’s talk by internet

          380. Marion: motion to pay the taxes for this year; Emily seconded

          381. Emily and Marion suggested more discussion via the internet

          382. Our family lives there

          383. My Dad didn’t want us to not have a place to stay

          384. Not sure who said I was trespassing

          385. AC Cheryl: it’s just the legal term that applies to the life estate

          386. Jimmy: yeah, just mother

          387. We’ll give back the money you put into it

          388. Only 2-3 people have been out there

          389. Chief Hatcher: I don’t want you evicted

          390. Two things: we keep the land; you manage it with the goal for tax-exempt status or sell it

          391. Jimmy: you can’t sell it unless you dissolve the tribe

          392. AC Cheryl: if Donna and Jimmy were the property managers, it could change to tax-expemt

          393. Discuss it privately for a win-win

          394. If sold, the life estate could  continue

          395. We need to do something and make it tax-exempt

          396. We’ve just got to be careful

          397. Donna: your tribe is important to us

          398. CoC  Susan: let’s do it by email

          399. Marion: no one in the tribe has said you have to move people off the land

          400. Marion: the only thing is the liability issue

          401. Chief Hatcher: I think we should give them money for the trip up hre

          402. Jimmy: put that money towards the taxes

          403. Emily-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Marion-yes, CoC  Susan-yes

          404. Emimly: if a lawyer is needed; we can work it out

          405. Suggest separate cut-offs for each campsite

          406. Marion: he is going to put cut-offs on each valve

          407. We need to get things done quicker

          408. Glenn: all of this happened and I have knee trouble and wasn’t/ couldn’t  get up and down

          409. I hadn’t heard from Chris

          410. Glenn: doing the valves could take longer

          411. Reclaiming lands, climate resilience

          412. Additional training and capacity building

          413. It will help get us to larger grants

          414. Historical mapping to be included

          415. Larry: you have to have 4 Elders to vote on anything

          416. Chief Hatcher: our constitution requires 7 Elders

          417. AC Cheryl: are there provisions if there’s not 7?

          418. Chief Hatcher: we’ve run into this before; Judge Bernie said we needed all 7 to make a decision

          419. AC Cheryl: Becky resigned as CoE

          420. Chief Dan retired

    5. Brookgreen Gardens: CoC  Susan

      1. 10/24, CoC  Susan, AC Cheryl, Chief Hatcher, Ronnie F will be doing demonstrations

        1. We need to give a quick blurb about what we’re doing and have pictures taken

  5. New Business

    1. Fuel Receipts

      1. $60.78

        1. Check 1079 for 60.78 from B&G fund

    2. Committee Reports

      1. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn

        1. Working on the water

          1. 2C Alan: Chris said the guy is supposed to be out here or tomorrow or Monday to start

          2. CoC  Susan: I don’t know if the water is more expensive because people come out here and use it

          3. Suggest separate cut-offs for each campsite

          4. Marion: he is going to put cut-offs on each valve

          5. We need to get things done quicker

          6. Glenn: all of this happened and I have knee trouble and wasn’t/ couldn’t  get up and down

          7. I hadn’t heard from Chris

          8. Glenn: doing the valves could take longer

          9. Reclaiming lands, climate resilience

          10. Additional training and capacity building

          11. It will help get us to larger grants

          12. Historical mapping to be included

          13. Larry: you have to have 4 Elders to vote on anything

          14. Chief Hatcher: our constitution requires 7 Elders

          15. AC Cheryl: are there provisions if there’s not 7?

          16. Chief Hatcher: we’ve run into this before; Judge Bernie said we needed all 7 to make a decision

          17. AC Cheryl: Becky resigned as CoE

          18. Chief Dan retired

        2. Marion: we’re not getting any younger; if you can’t complete a project, bring it to Tribal Council

          1. I can’t physically do what I use to; Glenn can’t either

          2. We need to get things done quicker

          3. Glenn: all of this happened and I have knee trouble and wasn’t/ couldn’t  get up and down

          4. I hadn’t heard from Chris

          5. Glenn: doing the valves could take longer

          6. Reclaiming lands, climate resilience

          7. Additional training and capacity building

          8. It will help get us to larger grants

          9. Historical mapping to be included

          10. Larry: you have to have 4 Elders to vote on anything

          11. Chief Hatcher: our constitution requires 7 Elders

          12. AC Cheryl: are there provisions if there’s not 7?

          13. Chief Hatcher: we’ve run into this before; Judge Bernie said we needed all 7 to make a decision

          14. AC Cheryl: Becky resigned as CoE

          15. Chief Dan retired

          16. Marion: the work should be completed by Monday

          17. Glenn: doing the valves could take longer

          18. Reclaiming lands, climate resilience

          19. Additional training and capacity building

          20. It will help get us to larger grants

          21. Historical mapping to be included

          22. Larry: you have to have 4 Elders to vote on anything

          23. Chief Hatcher: our constitution requires 7 Elders

          24. AC Cheryl: are there provisions if there’s not 7?

          25. Chief Hatcher: we’ve run into this before; Judge Bernie said we needed all 7 to make a decision

          26. AC Cheryl: Becky resigned as CoE

          27. Chief Dan retired

      2. Arts & Crafts: Carol

        1. Trying to get my certification

      3. Grants: AC Cheryl

        1. Justice Outside: papers have been signed; $20k to the grants account probably next week

        2. Catalyst Grant: $25k over 2 years

          1. Goal: workshop to bring leaders together with nonprofit conservation organizations

          2. Reclaiming lands, climate resilience

          3. Additional training and capacity building

          4. It will help get us to larger grants

          5. Historical mapping to be included

          6. Larry: you have to have 4 Elders to vote on anything

          7. Chief Hatcher: our constitution requires 7 Elders

          8. AC Cheryl: are there provisions if there’s not 7?

          9. Chief Hatcher: we’ve run into this before; Judge Bernie said we needed all 7 to make a decision

          10. AC Cheryl: Becky resigned as CoE

          11. Chief Dan retired

          12. I meet with Jason after pauwau and we submit in March

          13. Historical mapping to be included

          14. Larry: you have to have 4 Elders to vote on anything

          15. Chief Hatcher: our constitution requires 7 Elders

          16. AC Cheryl: are there provisions if there’s not 7?

          17. Chief Hatcher: we’ve run into this before; Judge Bernie said we needed all 7 to make a decision

          18. AC Cheryl: Becky resigned as CoE

          19. Chief Dan retired

      4. Newsletter

        1. It will include the last newsletter and the September one combined

      5. Pauwau

        1. Looking for new stories of local cultural history

        2. Looking for pictures of traditional suks and regalia

        3. Need to look for children advocates to help bring more children to grounds

        4. CoC  Susan: getting a lot of carnival food trucks, but we’re probably only taking 1-2 because they’ve been here before

          1. I received an application from a woman who sells butterflies

          2. FB page has events listed and we’re getting weird requests

        5. Glenn: RV forms

          1. CoC  Susan: I haven’t seen any come in

        6. CoC  Susan: I’m faxing all schools; I can’t send them emails because it goes to spam

          1. We could embed the information instead of attaching

          2. Marion: send it to the schools and the scouts

        7. CoC  Susan: we had to refund one vendor; they had a blowout on their truck and lost their items to the fire

      6. Drum

        1. People are lined up for School Day

      7. Archiving Project: Rebecca

        1. Tracking temperature and humidit yon storage

        2. Finding Aide to have an index of physical items

      8. Files

        1. 2C Alan: Lisa L (honorary to full)

      9. Longhouse

        1. Dr. Dilliam has items for the longhouse

    3. Reminder: Fire Ceremonies for 2024: 9/21 and 12/14

    4. Dr. Sara

      1. Educational Task Force Meeting at the end of the month

        1. Email Sara R or Rebecca F for the meeting

      2. Prescribed Burning

        1. Analyzing tree rings

        2. Big cross-sections of longleaf at Santee now in UNC-Wilmington to be analyzed

          1. We can get some for our display

        3. Next stage of funding

          1. Training for prescribed fire training officers

        4. On 10/23, there is a conference in Horry County

        5. Jennifer R: I work with the Lumbee Cultural Burn Association; it’s a really cool process

          1. With Kevin Melvin and Larry Chavis

          2. I also work at UNC-Pembroke

    5. AC Cheryl

      1. on the 9/17 grant deadline, one item I’d like to include/ bring up at the Council of Chiefs meeting, it would be good for us to have at least 1 officer

        1. Jennifer R: Marion, are you certified

          1. Marion: no

        2. CoC  Susan: we need to see how any would like to take part in that

        3. Jennifer R: initial training, step towards sovereignty and reclamation

          1. Restoring landscapes in small steps

      2. Marion: the signing date, is that 9/14?

        1. AC Cheryl: not sure; need to get in touch with Chief Harris

    6. Second Chiefs

      1. 2C Scott and 2C Alan have nothing further

    7. CoC  Susan: Aynor Parade on 9/21: they want someone to ride in the cab

      1. Maybe Jeanie?

      2. Glenn: Jeanie volunteered last year and Chris went last year

        1. Chief Hatcher: Jeanie didn’t make it last year

    8. CoC  Susan: MOAAA Stand Down: need someone to take the lead on thiat

      1. It helps veterans

      2. 2C Alan: timeframe?

        1. CoC  Susan: I’m not sure

        2. 2C Alan: I’ll do it; act as the liason

    9. Chief Hatcher had nothing further to add

    10. AC Cheryl: Canva account: free to create branding

      1. Rebecca and Jennifer have been sent invites

      2. Dr. Clary has been really good at using the program

    11. Elders

      1. Larry: I’d like to bring up Randy W again

        1. Chief Hatcher: you need an Elder and another council member

          1. AC Cheryl: may be better for Randy to sit on Council, get experience before moving to Elder

          2. 2C Alan: I think that was the issue last time

          3. CoC  Susan: we don’t have 7 council members, but it’s not mandated

          4. Larry: you have to have 4 Elders to vote on anything

          5. Chief Hatcher: our constitution requires 7 Elders

          6. AC Cheryl: are there provisions if there’s not 7?

          7. Chief Hatcher: we’ve run into this before; Judge Bernie said we needed all 7 to make a decision

          8. AC Cheryl: Becky resigned as CoE

          9. Chief Dan retired

    12. CoC  Susan: Lisa L (honorary to full)

      1. Emily-yes, Marion-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Robert-yes, CoC  Susan-yes

    13. AC Cheryl: no files committee meeting tomorrow

    14. Glenn: want to re-emphasize about the land- I spent time with Jerry and Jerry 

      1. 4 years ago, no others were living on the land

        1. No one was there to mow the grass

        2. Other houses were not liveable

      2. AC Cheryl: the reality is if Jerry wanted it passed to family, he would have done that

        1. The concern is is we hand it back over, it could be seen as selling the land

      3. Marion: it was only a few years ago that he asked us to pay the taxes and wanted us to have the land

      4. Elder Larry: hold on to the land

      5. 2C Alan: a business wouldn’t care; they’d kick them off

      6. AC Cheryl: we need a business plan and funding

    15. CoC  Susan: Reminder: Ribbon-cutting on 9/20 and Fire Ceremony on 9/21

Marion motioned to close the meeting; 2C Alan seconded.

Emily-yes, Marion-yes, 2C Alan (Chris)-yes, Robert-yes, CoC  Susan-yes

The meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 9/25/2024 at 10:18 pm.


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