April 2011 Open Meeting Summary 04082011
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 4/08/2011 held at the Aynor Senior Center in Aynor, SC
CoC Scott, CM's Dalton, Neal, Homer, Richia (6:50pm) and 2nd Chief Susan as proxy for Robert (later in meeting) present.
Financial report: unavailable at meeting; will provide in minutes
Secretary's Note: As of 4/21/2011: balance $3271.66
Online Vote
Change meeting date from 4/1/2011 to 4/8/2011 and location to Senior Center
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes (Richia-yes, Jeanie-yes, Robert-yes)
Committee Reports
Building & Grounds: Neal
Nothing to report
Arts & Crafts: Susan
Meeting 4/15/2011 @3pm
Grants: Michelle
Nothing to report
Pauwau: Linda
had first meeting and designated jobs
next meeting 4/13/2011 @ Shoney's @7pm
bids out for Emcee; Harland- ~$2500 for PW & SD
Homer: concerned about people we have when John Blackfeather's not here
Rodlyn: some can't dance to Harland's music
Need more member input, including Council
request Council confirm Rodlyn as a voting member to fill open spot (Brian's)
Neal motioned; Dalton seconded
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Scott-yes (5yes, 2absent (Jeanie, Robert))
Neal: Craig said "At the next meeting, I will address the committee"
Membership Files
Rhyne Hayden Clark
Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes, Richia-yes (5yes, 2absent (Robert, Jeanie))
Bertha C. Hatcher Harris
Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes, Richia-yes (5yes, 2absent (Robert, Jeanie))
turned in receipt for 3/4/2011 tractor parts approval (#7 in March minutes)
need check to pay for tractor fuel $44.24
Dalton motioned; Neal seconded
Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes, Richia-yes (5yes, 2absent (Robert, Jeanie))
Check 1277
Dan needs check to pay for oil filters, oil $46.72 @ City Auto Parts
Neal motioned; Dalton seconded
Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes, Richia-yes (5yes, 2absent (Robert, Jeanie))
check 1276 to City Auto Parts
2nd Chief Susan Hatcher
Huntington Beach
did presentations
would like use to attend next year
Relay for Life: 29th and 39th
Becky & Jerry may go
Edisto Pauwau: May 13?
Socastee Heritage Festival: April 30th
Chief Hatcher
Some news on arbitration
Buster is still Chief
Arbitrator ordered new election even though only 3 Cm's said yes
told Mr. Snow that Richia, Scott, Jeanie, & Homer shouldn't have to run again
may be as early as July 1
Volunteer for election committee member: Iris
Res: Exception to Policy: HH-004-008-2011-001
Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes, Richia-yes, Susan(Robert)-yes (6yes, 1absent (Jeanie))
Res: Election Committee Member: HH-004-008-2011-002
Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes, Richia-yes, Susan(Robert)-yes (6yes, 1absent (Jeanie))
Voter nomination team- 5-10 people, each calling 20 people or so
have them prepare people for election
Volunteers: Homer, Linda, Frank, Dan, Jerry, Susan
Should be team effort
Homer suggested having someone write a script
501(c)(3) have to be sent in again
Gene Norris: 9/1-3- Spartanburg Museum
Arts & Crafts presentations, sell goods
He will pay for your gas
He wants good speakers
Homer motioned; Susan (Robert) seconded to move to Executive Session to discuss arbitration results
Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes, Richia-yes, Susan(Robert)-yes (6yes, 1absent (Jeanie))
Meeting adjourned 7:50 pm.
Vote to reopen Open Meeting
Homer motioned; Neal seconded
Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes, Richia-yes, Susan(Robert)-yes (6yes, 1absent (Jeanie))
Meeting reopened 8:27 pm.
Name new Board Trustee for Bethel Baptist Cemetery: Dan
Homer motioned; Neal seconded
Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes, Richia-yes, Susan(Robert)-yes (6yes, 1absent (Jeanie))
Homer motioned to close the meeting; 2nd Chief Susan (Robert) seconded
Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 4/21/11 at 5:42pm.