December 2019 Open Meeting SummaryTribal Open Meeting Summary 12/6/2019 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC CM’s Marion, Alan, John, Robert present. Dalton served...
October 2019 Open Meeting SummaryTribal Open Meeting Summary 10/4/2019 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC CM’s Susan, John, Marion, Alan, Dalton, and CoC Rick...
September 2019 Open MeetingTribal Open Meeting Summary 9/13/2019 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC CM’s Robert, Susan, John, Marion, Alan, Dalton, and CoC...
August 2019 Open Meeting Summary*Transcribed from a recording made by Dalton Hatcher* Tribal Open Meeting Summary 8/2/2019 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC CM’s...
July 2019 Meeting SummaryTribal Open Meeting Summary 7/12/2019 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC CM’s Dalton, Alan, Susan, John, Marion, and Rick present....
June 2019 Open Meeting SummaryTribal Open Meeting Summary 6/7/2019 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC CM’s Dalton, Alan, Susan, John, and Marion present. 2C...
May 2019 Open Meeting SummaryTribal Open Meeting Summary 5/3/2019 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC CM’s Dalton, Alan, Susan, Robert, John, and CoC Rick...
April 2019 Open Meeting SummaryTribal Open Meeting Summary 4/5/2019 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC CM’s Dalton, Marion, Alan, Susan, John, and CoC Rick...
March 2019 Open Meeting SummaryTribal Open Meeting Summary 3/1/2019 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC CM’s Dalton, Marion, Alan, John, Robert, and CoC Rick...
February 2019 Open Meeting SummaryTribal Open Meeting Summary 2/1/2019 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC CM’s, Dalton, Susan, Marion, Alan, and CoC Rick present....