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April 2015 Open Meeting Summary 04032015

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 3/6/2015 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s Susan, Homer, Rick, and aCoC Dalton present.

  2. March minutes read.

a. Pg 3, 2c should read “Arts & Crafts”, not “Arts $ Crafts”

b. Pg 3, 2d2 should read “$2000”, not “$2ooo”

c. Susan asked for clarification on P6, 7b

a. Running a drainpipe under the dam wall should help run the water off

d. Susan motioned to accept with changes; Rick seconded

1. Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

3. Online Votes

a. Accept March minutes: John-yes

4. Financial Report as of 3/31

a. Building Fund: $6881.42

b. General Fund: $7855.87

5. Old Business

a. Trademark of Tribal Logo: Susan

1. Went to the federal trademark site, but still have to pay upfront ($325 electronically/ $375 by mail)

2. No guarantee; have to recheck every 3-4 months

3. Searched for name, emblem, etc…

4. It could take 6 months; could take longer

5. Have to pay a maintenance fee every 5-6 years

6. Sent & received back a poor man’s copyright in the meantime

7. Also found a database containing Native American logos ran by the patent office

8. Chief Hatcher motioned to approve $225 to pursue copyright; Homer seconded

a. Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

9. Rick: would like to check into attorneys to see if it can be done or if having an attorney would increase chances of it being done

6. New Business

a. Committee Reports

1. Arts & Crafts: Susan

a. Meeting on 4/12

b. Met with Brittany at USC-Lancaster

1. Display is 3 cases in an open room & 3 smaller cases

2. Can also hang items from the ceiling

3. Display is for 1 year; can interchange items

4. Need laminated description tags for items

2. Grants: Michelle

a. SCAC grant mailed

b. Chief Hatcher: Lowe’s: read proposal he plans to submit to them

1. Becky: you said you were applying for $15-20k, but the grant is $25-50k

a. Chief Hatcher: you have to put some of the money in yourself

2. Susan seconded to accept proposal

a. Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

c. USAA grant failed

d. Lowe’s small grant ($2k) failed

3. Buildings & Grounds: Dalton (Via John’s email)

a. Meeting 4/11

b. Rick: roof: rain is coming in at the boxing (took Council outside to show spot)

c. Beavers: didn’t see any from the pond back; just from fire circle side

1. Susan: you can shoot them year-round with license

a. or trap them with DNR license

2. Larry: Explosive Target from Bass Pro Shop works

d. Fishing Tournament

1. 5/2 at 9:30-2:30

2. Definitely have 6 kids; hope to have more

3. Trying to procure food

4. Elder Doug: is it just for challenged kids?

a. Rick: yes; that’s how it was advertised

5. Chief: are there prizes?

a. Rick: Bass Pro Shop helping furnish prizes

1. Hope to have Trophy Shop for small trophies

6. Mark A: tell a news agency

a. Susan: tell Joel Allen (ETV)

7. Dalton: check with Pizza Inn for food

a. Susan: will check with IGA for hot dogs

8. Rick: Richard T to check on port-o-johns

9. Donnie: someone’s trying to put fish traps out here

4. Pauwau: Michelle

a. Trying to decide on dinners for pauwau

b. Turtle Movie fundraiser: $240

c. Chief Hatcher: suggest assigning someone to hay, wood, etc…

5. Sewer Project: Chief Hatcher/ Mark A

a. Waiting on funding

6. Drum: Rick

a. Played at the library opening

1. Susan will post video to FB page

7. Constitution: Dalton

a. Susan stepped down from committee; Steve O stepped up

1. Susan motioned to confirm; Homer seconded

2. Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

b. Articles 5,6,7 done

c. Article 10 is ready to go out to public for a vote

d. Next meeting will be sometime in May

b. Fuel Receipt

1. $40.53 Check 1044

a. Homer motioned; Rick seconded

b. Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

c. Chief Hatcher

1. Attended opening ceremony of Waccamaw Neck library

2. Attended fundraiser- turtle movie at the library

a. will be on CD probably in May

b. May be able to get a screening at tribal office

3. USC Native American Heritage Week

a. Phone towers: want a committee of representatives from each tribe for funding for prison program

1. They are supposed to stop digging if they find a body but it doesn’t always happen that way

a. Homer: from experience: state decide to pave a road & paved right over a ceremony

4. SCIAC: working on bingo; requires a bond

5. Rep. Rice: remember to send letters to him

a. Change 25CFR83.7 & allow state recognition to meet criterion e

b. BIA hasn’t helped east coast Natives

6. No Smoking Pledge Petition passed around for those interested

7. Update Membership File: Alan Faver

a. Rick motioned; Homer seconded

1. Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

d. Homer

1. Member called & requested to bring her camper here while her house was being built

a. Probably in May

b. Will pay electric & water

c. Dalton: would like a timeline

d. Rick: is it just her?

1. Susan: her, her husband, dogs

Homer motioned to close the meeting; Rick seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:08 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 4/29/15 at 2:50 pm.

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