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August 2009 Open Meeting Summary 08072009

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 8/7/2009 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor

  1. No minutes to read due to technical error. Attach July and August minutes to September.

  2. Financial Statements

  3. Jerry: $260 donations

  4. Iris: $4097.67

  5. $300 for judge training

  6. Total in bank $3797.67

  7. Committee Reports

  8. Grants- Michelle

  9. Recovery Act - Health Care Sector and Other High Growth and Emerging Industries Grant from the Department of Labor

  10. Free to reduced cost; must ask by 10/5/2009

  11. Building & Grounds- Neal

  12. Neal given thanks for work, tipi pulls, and grave area

  13. Painting Donnie’s trailer should be done by pauwau

  14. Markers/ concrete around grave

  15. Longhouse/ sook- 20ft long

  16. Cover- canvas?

  17. Doug mentioned the Ellerbe Museum

  18. Becky mentioned a shop on Hwy 90

  19. NMB Canvas & Awning

  20. Bernie mentioned state procurement

  21. Homer mentioned giving donators tax write-off letters

  22. Nature walk to cedar trees with benches

  23. Tipi locations still unknown

  24. Waccamaw Indian People sign near driveway

  25. Bamboo rails, log benches

  26. Permanent & portable tent for gate

  27. Arts & Crafts- Brian

  28. Met 7/29/09

  29. Brian elected new chair

  30. Working on admin manual; Carol Ann’s PC is down

  31. Criteria set for judging

  32. At the first A&C meeting, Buster suggested letting people do their own research

  33. People will do their own research and add to the list, like a living document

  34. Bernie wants to see circle defined in pauwau program book, feather- veterans write back for it

  35. Brian only sends email to CoC, not entire Council unless necessary

  36. Pauwau- Linda

  37. Meeting 8/8/09; please sell ads

  38. Turning book in to printer in September (15th)

  39. Jerry- food booth; 2-3 extra food vendors- discuss at 8/8 meeting

  40. Homer mentioned some people ate as dancers who weren’t dancers

  41. Another asked if we should stamp their hands

  42. We have a system in place, but will discuss it

  43. 6 vendors confirmed

  44. Pauwau Budget- $15k

  45. Iris (Richia) motioned to approve; Dalton seconded

  46. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Iris (Wayne)-yes, Iris (Richia)-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott- yes (passed, 1 absent)

  47. Waccamaw Day Resolution (J-HH-07-10-2009-001) received its second reading

  48. Neal- $50 reimbursement for tractor parts; sent by Reba ($55)

  49. Online votes

  50. Donnie- okay to bring car out here to work on: yes

  51. Horry Independent 8/6/09 ran story on Aynor Bypass

  52. Linda- 3/14/10 will be Grandma

  53. Phone Bill

  54. Jeanie paid overages

  55. Linda has phone now

  56. Boy from NC sent email and called; said he turned in an app to Jeanie and talked to Susan. Linda told him to contact Iris; last name is Jones

  57. Tribal hours 8-5; cut phone off unless you are using it for pauwau business

  58. 2nd Chief Iris from Buster

  59. Resolution J-HH-07-25-2009-001: Appointment of Tribal Judge and Associate Judge read

  60. Dalton motioned to accept; Homer seconded

  61. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Iris (Wayne)-yes, Iris (Richia)-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes (passed, 1 absent)

  62. Honorary Membership for Roshell Mason (sp?) tabled- no file or paper

  63. Meeting with Catawbas later this month

  64. Need office in working condition; Work day

  65. Linda- status of food bank- FEMA will have one; we do not have to find the location

  66. Homer still wants to do one

  67. Neal stated Craig Talbot was helping with a project that gives food away at $0.19 per pound if you qualify

  68. William Moore

  69. Robert-motion; Homer- second

  70. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Iris (Wayne)-yes, Iris (Richia)-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes (passed, 1 absent)

  71. Patricia Brinson sent resignation letter with no identification card (only photocopy)

  72. Heating & air- needs fixed; Iris to send information

  73. Dalton-motion; Robert- second

  74. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Iris (Wayne)-yes, Iris (Richia)-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes (passed, 1 absent)

  75. Quarterly financial statement in September

  76. Linda- Richia still needs a certificate

  77. Brian to sponsor Craig Talbot next month

  78. Elder Jerry Smith made comments about applicant's file.

  79. Homer encouraged closer scrutiny of applicants

  80. Iris asked to be placed on the agenda for next month

Homer Motioned and Robert seconded for the meeting to end.

Meeting adjourned at 8:53pm

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 8/09/2009 at 2:21am

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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