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August 2011 Open Meeting Summary 08052011

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 8/05/2011 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

1. CoC Scott and CM's Dalton, Homer, and Neal present. 2nd Chief Iris served as a proxy for both Jeanie and Richia.

2. July Minutes Read

a. 5(d)(3) was meant as a joke; more like 3

b. Neal motioned to accept with change; Homer seconded

c. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Iris (Jeanie)-yes, Iris (Richia)-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

3. Financial Report: 2nd Chief Iris

a. $13039.67 in bank

b. $7032 without going red

c. Need ID Card & Ribbon Supplies: $205.50

1. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

a. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Iris (Jeanie)-yes, Iris (Richia)-yes, Dalton- yes, Scott-yes

4. Jobs Seminar

a. Mr. Williamson from BCBS will do a seminar on jobs- takes about 2 hours

b. Email him about 9/10 first, then send tribal email; time is 1pm- RSVP

1. Homer motioned; Iris (Jeanie) seconded

a. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Iris (Jeanie)-yes, Iris (Richia)-yes, Dalton- yes, Scott-yes

2. Secretary's Note- 9/10 not a good date for Mr. Williamson; date changed to 9/17 at 1pm

c. Buster wanted food & other tribes present

1. $96 left in PR food budget without changing it

2. Homer motioned; Iris (Jeanie) seconded up to $100 for food

a. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Iris (Jeanie)-yes, Iris (Richia)-yes, Dalton- yes, Scott-yes

3. only purchase food when we know how many are coming

5. Online Votes

a. Linda- ink- $70- became moot

b. 2 Letters

1. attorneys & arbitrator- drop our attorney & arbitrator to contact Buster directly

a. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Iris (Jeanie)-yes, Iris (Richia)-yes, Dalton- yes, Scott-yes

2. Ousted Members- 1:1 basis discretion of Council to come back

b. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Iris (Jeanie)-yes, Iris (Richia)-yes, Dalton- yes, Scott-yes

6. Committee Reports

a. Grants: Michelle

1. State Humanities grant

b. Pauwau: Homer

1. Doing well

2. Meeting at 6:30 at Shoney's 2nd Wed. each month

c. Arts & Crafts: Dalton

1. Arts & Crafts Day being discussed

d. Building & Grounds: Neal

1. Donnie: going to need deck for lawn mower, tractor tires, step, & railing

a. get prices to Scott

2. Homer: can probably get materials for free from Wayne

3. Wayne Pest Control v. AAA Pest Control- Iris to call- committee decision

4. Donnie: gas: $84.71 to Sunhouse 1 Check 1332

a. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Iris (Jeanie)-yes, Iris (Richia)-yes, Dalton- yes, Scott-yes

7. Resolutions

a. DH-07-08-20111-001: Newsletter Costs & Delivery Methods: 2nd reading

b. SB-07-08-2011-001: Tribal Secretary 2011 Budget Proposal: 2nd Reading

8. Craig

a. Natural Awakenings Magazine

1. Reporter to Chief Hatcher, Norris, Ralph Oxendine, on 9/2-3

2. Native American & Pauwau Reviews in October

b. OSHA Lifelong Learning Institute- Litchfield: Spirit Circle

9. Homer

a. Council has attendance issues & I think we need to take action

1. Neal: put a clause in the oath

a. Scott: that requires a constitution change

2. Neal: 1 person shouldn't get 2 votes

a. Scott: that requires a constitution change

b. 2nd Chief Iris: Make a resolution to go up for a vote

1. Homer: think there should be a number in there for missed meetings

b. Dalton: suggest a motion to send a letter from Council saying we're not happy that they've missed too many meetings and they're not upholding their oath

1. 2nd Chief Iris: wait till after election

2. Scott: agree with Iris

3. 2nd Chief Iris: send letter without chastising them, do the resolution, & get them ready for the election

c. Homer: attended Caulder's pauwau; his site says active members must attend 3 meetings per year- I think we should do the same

d. Elder Elwood: if people aren't dependable, we have to find out why

e. 2nd Chief Iris: think part of the problem is the road

f. Homer: agree with letter without asking them to step down because their votes are needed

g. Scott: email asking them to examine their oath of office and ability to attend meetings

1. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

a. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Iris (Jeanie)-yes, Iris (Richia)-yes, Dalton- yes, Scott-yes

10. Scott authorized Michelle up to $50 for office supplies

Homer motioned to close the meeting; Neal seconded.

Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 8/22/11 at 5:04 pm.

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