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January 2015 Open Meeting Summary 01092015

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 1/9/2015 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s Homer, Dalton, Scott, John, Rick present.

  2. Chief Hatcher: Res J-HH-01-09-2015-001: Appointment of Elders

  3. Appoints Avalene Standing Bear to Elders

  4. Dalton motioned to accept; Homer seconded

  5. Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  6. Homer and Scott were sworn in for new terms for Council and Avalene was sworn in to Elders

  7. Dalton nominated Scott to remain CoC; Homer, John seconded

  8. Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes; Susan-yes (by text)

  9. Scott thanked everyone for their support

  10. December minutes read

  11. John motioned to accept; Homer seconded

  12. Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott- abstain

  13. Financial Report

  14. Not available

  15. Dalton nominated Lori O as treasurer; John seconded

  16. Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  17. Online Votes

  18. Pay TN land taxes

  19. John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

  20. Old Business

  21. Trademark on Tribal Logo

  22. Lindsey: all things ready; just have to get with Susan to complete it

  23. New Business

  24. Committee Reports

  25. Arts & Crafts

  26. Nothing to report

  27. Grants: Michelle

  28. Nothing until February

  29. Buildings & Grounds: John

  30. Just had a meeting

  31. Removing Scott from committee and need to replace him with Larry J

  32. John motioned; Rick seconded

  33. Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  34. Having quarterly meetings- second Saturday at 9am, beginning 3/14- working meetings

  35. 3rd Saturday is cemetery work day- 9am at Bethel, beginning in March

  36. Old trailer- not worth anything; cost more to repair than it’s worth

  37. Chief Hatcher: Jeanie has asked to buy it twice

  38. John: $1500 or best offer?

  39. Windows and roof need repairs due to leaks

  40. John motioned to give it to her if she wants it/ Dalton seconded

  41. Dalton said put a time limit on it

  42. Rick said put it in writing

  43. Current motion: 90 days from offer

  44. Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  45. RV spots: 10 spots with frost-freeze spickets- approx.. $4000 total

  46. Fix old spots- approx.. $1100

  47. Need gravel or something for parking

  48. Homer: what about sewer?

  49. John: isn’t that on the agenda?

  50. Dalton: do people send in Buildings & Grounds donations?

  51. Michelle: yes, Homer always does

  52. Chief Hatcher: Avalene just gave $100

  53. Chris H: can you get a better price?

  54. Bathroom floor needs to be finished

  55. Need back door; water comes in when it rains

  56. People with Disabilities fishing event for PR

  57. Fishing tournament in Conway

  58. Indian games fundraiser- archery

  59. Pauwau: Lindsey

  60. Next meeting is Wed. at 6pm

  61. Scott thanked Mark, John, Rick

  62. Sewer Pump Project: Mark A

  63. Waiting on funding

  64. Drum: Rick

  65. Will work with Andy during pauwau

  66. Constitution: Dalton

  67. Need to set Jan meeting date

  68. Resolutions

  69. Res DH-12-06-2014-002: Volunteer & Donor Rewards: 2nd Reading

  70. Res DH-01-09-2015-001-Waccamaw Bucks Elimination: 1st Reading

  71. Mark A: change fees to dues because it sounds like people can pay their application fee with Waccamaw Bucks

  72. Res DH-01-09-2015-002: Establishing Proxy Voting to the Program Committee Resolution

  73. Dalton asked for a waiver to the 3 reading rule; Homer seconded

  74. Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  75. Rick motioned to accept the amendment; Dalton seconded

  76. Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  77. Receipts

  78. Antifreeze (tractor): $15.83 Check 623

  79. Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  80. Fuel: $36.12 Check 622

  81. Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  82. Chief Hatcher

  83. Thanks to John, Rick, Mark

  84. Need Lori to setup budget & Council to abide by it

  85. Would like to change name on Duke Energy bill

  86. Should be in tribe’s name; comes in Chief’s

  87. Also need to change auto-payment setup- should come from general fund

  88. Family Day

  89. Closest Saturday to 2/17

  90. Mark to cook

  91. Budget is $200 per policy letter

Homer motioned to close the meeting; Dalton seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 2/4/15 at 4:45 am.

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