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July 2015 Open Meeting Summary 07102015

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 7/10/2015 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s John, Rick, Dalton, and CoC Scott present.

  2. June minutes read.

  3. John: 5(a)(iii)(3):didn’t overspend on budget, went over on cash allocation & budget was reassessed

  4. Dalton motioned to accept with change; John seconded

  5. John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  6. Financial Report: Chief Hatcher

  7. Council received via email before meeting

  8. Building Fund: $5393.92

  9. General Fund: $7659.92

  10. Online Votes

  11. Opportunity to support golf tournament: $100 sponsorship

  12. John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  13. Rick to cover cost; John & Rick to volunteer

  14. Good for tribal recognition

  15. Old Business

  16. Resolution JR-HH-06-01-2015-001: Awarding of Tribal Membership: 2nd Reading

  17. New Business

  18. Committee Reports

  19. Arts & Crafts

  20. Nothing new

  21. Grants: Michelle

  22. SCAC declined grant

  23. Buildings & Grounds: John

  24. RV project complete, meter in, final walkthrough to do

  25. Cemetery cut on 6/20 by Jernigan’s

  26. Cemetery Fund: $400.12

  27. Fundraiser idea: Turkey shoot Oct-Dec 2015

  28. Mark A: Beaver dam explosives: 20 for $99

  29. Scott motioned to authorize $99 + S&H; John seconded

  30. John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  31. Pauwau: Michelle

  32. Fundraiser with Hog Heaven: $835

  33. Working on Policy Book & selling ads

  34. Mark A: will donate pest control for pauwau

  35. Rick will check on cost of material to do grounds

  36. Sewer Pump Project: Mark

  37. Still need funding

  38. Mark: engineer said do it as residential

  39. Chief Hatcher: will do pump next month if Council approves $4000; Dalton seconded

  40. Rick-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  41. Pricing of RV sites brought up: suggested $25-50/ night

  42. A suggestion of a full-time caretaker for the pump & RV project was made & offering them free camping, water, & electricity

  43. Drum: Rick

  44. Nothing new

  45. Chief Hatcher: Donnie wanted to know if it was okay for him to drum

  46. Rick: okay with me

  47. Constitution: Dalton

  48. Meeting: next month day before the open meeting

  49. Presented Article 10 changes ballot to Council for approval

  50. Cast vote, fold, mail back

  51. Shows strikethroughs and changes so people will know what the constitution said & will be changed to if agreed to

  52. Needs 40% of vote for referendum to pass (not necessarily agree)

  53. Need approximately $305 for stamps, envelopes

  54. John motioned to authorize up to $350; Dalton seconded

  55. Chief Hatcher: change Chief to Elders

  56. Rick: why can’t it be done electronically?

  57. Dalton: no verification

  58. Rick: can’t tell I did it in the mail either

  59. Dalton: They won’t have your signature

  60. Rick-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  61. Fuel Receipts

  62. John motioned; Rick seconded

  63. Rick-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes, Dalton-yes

  64. $99.03 Check 634

  65. Honorary Membership Applications

  66. Wendy Trott

  67. Rick-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  68. Jerry Brown (pending picture)

  69. Rick-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  70. Galen Brown (pending picture)

  71. Rick-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  72. Event

  73. Aynor Hoe Down: $60: application due 8/31

  74. Dalton will put volunteer request on Facebook page; John will email

  75. John: if we have 4 people, he votes yes

  76. Chief Hatcher

  77. Bingo: we need a promoter

  78. Promoter buys their bonding and pays the related fees

  79. Susan said she would do it

  80. Dalton: does she have to be there every night?

  81. Chief Hatcher: 5-6 nights/ week

  82. Dalton: can you have more than 1?

  83. Chief Hatcher: yes, but each have to have their own license & bond

  84. Mark A: what does she get in return?

  85. Chief Hatcher: she gets paid

  86. Mark A: who sets the salary?

  87. Chief Hatcher: Council does

  88. John: would we be the promoter’s boss?

  89. Chief Hatcher: yes

  90. Mark A: I don’t think she’s a good choice; she’s not a people person

  91. She runs over people when she disagrees with them

  92. Mark A: what would the profits be used for?

  93. Chief Hatcher: whatever Council decides to use it for

  94. John: does the promoter also advertise the Bingo?

  95. Chief Hatcher: yes

  96. John: can we also put it out to anyone who is interested before next month?

  97. Chief Hatcher: yes, but best to stick within the tribe

  98. Rick: what hours are needed to work?

  99. Chief Hatcher: 8 hours/day, 6 days/ week, up to Council

  100. John: what if I wanted to add myself as a promoter in January?

  101. Chief Hatcher: you can, but I think it would be a waste of money

  102. Rick: what are the qualifications we should be looking for in a promoter: degree, management, or bingo experience?

  103. Dalton: prefer bingo experience

  104. Chief Hatcher: there are a lot of standards of procedures

  105. John: Anyone interested should be interviewed by Council

  106. Chief Hatcher: Need to discuss how to spend money at a later date

  107. Sound equipment if back from loan

  108. Angie Altman Robins: Horry County Clerk of Court is working to log our tribal court cases

  109. Federal Recognition: Rep Rice, Sens Graham & Scott to meet with BIA

  110. Dr Trott & Chief Hatcher interviewed Mr. Mr. Hucks, a magistrate

  111. John A: prisoners at Edgefield wanted to buy buffalo jerky; prison will purchase for them

  112. Tribal Roll Book: each person in the book: we have to know address & phone number for

  113. Dalton: need to set a deadline for signing the TRB

  114. After the deadline: no signature, removal

  115. Chief Hatcher: it will be a list that goes to the BIA

  116. BIA sends a letter to people & they must receive it back

  117. Scott to contact Linda to help make sure all files are complete

  118. Rick: what is the policy on renting the office to tribal members?

  119. Michelle: per policy letter, $25 rental fee

  120. Michelle to make copies before next meeting for Council

  121. Chief Hatcher: let CoC make judgement call on fee; Rick seconded

  122. Dalton changed the motion to CoC or aCoC

  123. Rick-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

John motioned to close the meeting; Rick seconded.

Meeting adjourned 9:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 8/1/15 at 9:32 am.

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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