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October 2011 Meeting Summary 10072011

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 10/07/2011 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

1. CoC Scott, and CM's Dalton, Homer, Richia, Neal, and Jeanie present.

2. September minutes read.

a. 6(d)(1)- Judge Bernie: I stand corrected; state no longer requires it

b. Neal motioned; Homer seconded

c. Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes

3. Financial Report- 2nd Chief Iris

a. $10,238.90 in bank

b. $1300 pauwau deposit

4. Online Votes

a. 9/19 Feed workers: Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes, [Robert-yes]

b. 9/23 Jobs Presentation Date to 10/22: Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia- yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes

c. 9/29 Tractor: Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott- yes

5. Re-vote Pond (called by 2nd Chief Susan)


a. Neal: was going to cut down things & start over back there. If people help this winter, we can do it (Donnie too)

b. Homer: Why are revisiting something that was approved?

1. a 2nd Chief called for it

2. Homer: It's an internal issue

3. Constitution says 2nd Chief doesn't require external or internal status

c. Homer: It's not part of the grounds (natural grounds- we put it there)

d. Richia: there are animals that use that pond now

e. Iris: mixed feelings; concerned about liability; also a nest for snakes

f. Homer: stream was created by the Creator

g. Chief Hatcher: reason to discuss it: people thought it was a conspiracy. I support filling it in because if we lose a child to it, we'll regret it. More RV spots. Tribal Council didn't do anything wrong by voting on it; you have to be here to vote

h. 2nd Chief Susan: fill it in and it will be several years before it can be used (sinkhole)

i. Chief Hatcher: first got grounds, it was wet. don't think it will be a sinkhole long; need to make a rational decision on information we have

j. 2nd Chief Iris: pack it well

k. Linda: sides have to be firm too

l. Homer: would like to know who thought it was a conspiracy

m. Neal: 5 showed; 2 didn't & we voted on something no on agenda

n. Richia: it was me; I was asking a question

o. Scott: sometimes, things just happen

p. Michelle: as far as it not being on agenda- if I don't about it, it doesn't get put on the agenda for me to print and bring with me

q. Dalton: a question to those who want to keep it: are you willing to sit down with those parents if their kids die? Or testify at the court case?

r. Chief Hatcher: This won't stop all snakes- will still be liability; during School Day/ Pauwau. must be someone guarding pond

s. Hank: going to need gravel base to keep sinkhole from going back

t. 2nd Chief Susan: reason for revote: we weren't here; a lot of feelings involved. We have a Buildings & Grounds Chair- did you talk to him before you discussed it?

u. Homer: Where does it say we should call Council members to vote?

v. Voting "no" means Council wants to keep the pond:

1. Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-no, Richia-no, Jeanie-no, Scott-yes

2. Tie does not change initial vote (which was to fill in the pond)

w. Elder Jerry: Why did Jeanie vote last month on a wheel?

1. Michelle: that's a formatting issue

a. Secretary's Note: The first line of the minutes after the headings will be which Council members were there. Names in brackets are people that were absent that voted on things online. Typically, their names are still called out in a meeting to let people know who voted online.

x. Linda: I think it's time we stop calling people for votes

y. Linda: which constitution are we going by?

1. Chief Hatcher: 2008; only using 2000 for this special mandated election

6. Committee Reports

a. Grants: Michelle

1. each month for $1k

b. Buildings & Grounds: Neal

1. Sunday: 8-9A- move mulch, burn suk, cover sweat lodge

2. Sat: 10A- Work Day- move wood, map for pauwau

c. Arts & Crafts: Susan

1. productive meeting

2. Arts & Crafts booth approved (certified)- 5-6 people

3. Manual- some things missing

4. Brainstorming classes to teach first of year

d. Pauwau: Michelle

1. Asked Council to confirm Scott & Debbie Beaver as voting members

a. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

b. Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott- abstain

2. Linda: signs for pauwau

a. for Raffle, add "6 for $5.00"

3. Program Book: 2nd Chief Susan

a. Elder Frank sent in something about a tribal member and I added a page with Chief Hatcher giving him a certificate to keep book upbeat

b. Waffle House will give discount again this year

c. Dalton motion; Homer seconded to accept changes

1. Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie- yes, Scott-yes

4. Chief Hatcher

a. Volunteers: think it is wrong to charge people to camp, gate; who makes that decision?

1. Propose- volunteers that camp, eat, get in are not charged

2. Homer: how do we know these people are working? some work 5 minutes and you don't see them any more

3. 2nd Chief Iris: didn't make the rule; inherited it- just making it equal

4. Homer: if 1 fills out an application, they all fill out an application

5. Propose: volunteers that come to School Day/ Pauwau and do work not be charged for camping, gate, food

a. Neal motioned; Homer seconded

b. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie- yes, Scott-yes

b. Advertising

1. $700ish- Sun News, Radio

a. 3 against; 3 for

2. Craig: free ads: SC Wellness, Natural Awakenings, Grand Strand Magazine

5. 2nd Chief Susan: Make sure water is working for pauwau

6. Dalton: Helicopter flyover prices: $650-1300

7. School Day: 450/ 835 Thursday/ Friday, possibly 96 more

8. Chief Hatcher: going to need money for sound and mic

a. Linda: can use my karaoke machine

7. Donnie's Receipts

a. $112.68 Homer motioned; Neal seconded

1. Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes

8. Membership Files

a. Raymond W. Hatcher

1. Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes

9. Homer

a. Work Day 10/8

b. Would like to honor Ms. Kathleen during pauwau if she comes this year

10. Chief Hatcher

a. Establishing Our Own Police Force (read at least once before)

1. HH-10-07-2011-001 Exception to 3 Reading Rule

a. Dalton motioned; Richia seconded

b. Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott- yes

2. HH-08/02/2011-01 Institution of Tribal Police Force of Constables

a. Dalton: make it "4 yes votes" instead of "majority"

b. Neal motioned; Dalton seconded

c. Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott- yes

3. Organization of Tribal Police Force of Constables

HH-10-07-2011-002 : David Windburn, Sr

a. Homer: he needs to come to these meetings

1. Chief Hatcher: Judges shouldn't socialize with people; his credentials are impeccable b. Buster motioned; Richia seconded

c. Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie- yes, Scott-yes

HH-10-07-2011-002: Joseph Windburn

a. Homer: same thing; never seen him here before; meeting requirement

1. Elder Frank: I have relatives in TX that are members. You're going to have "inactive" status- same with disabled people. shouldn't have an expiration date on the card; have to think about what you're doing, else you alienate people

2. 2nd Chief Iris: expiration date is there because of return mail; they don't lose anything, just have to call in

3. Homer: not saying kick them out; said inactive

4. Chief Hatcher: When we got our state recognition, had to give a list of 100 members and the committee would send out 50 letters- 3 people's addresses were wrong. Federal will be 600+ and that's going to be a nightmare.

b. Buster motioned; Neal seconded

c. Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie- yes, Scott-yes

b. Letter

1. Don't use a debit card at a gas station, restaurant, etc...

2. Past issues (files, computer, tents, cookers, fryers, tables, tribal pipe)

a. support going after them after election?

b. Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Jeanie- yes, Scott-yes

c. 2nd Chief Iris: and lawyers and arbitrator- Judge Bernie agrees

c. I don't like 2 sets of people- where one sets can hold position and one can't

1. start thinking about it and put it on table for next month

Dalton motioned to close the meeting; Homer seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:21 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 11/30/11 at 2:12 pm.

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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