March 2018 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 3/1/2018 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CM’s Susan, John, Dalton, and Rick present. Elders Dan, Glenn T, Ronnie, and Becky present.
Financial Report
Cemetery Report: $531.26
General & Building fund totals unobtainable due to password reset issues
Online Votes
2/15 Appoint a Color Guard
Susan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
2/15 Allot money to purchase Color Guard uniforms
Susan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
February Minutes
Dalton motioned to accept; John seconded
Susan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Old Business
Cemetery Update: 2C Cheryl
Nothing back from Terry about our last proposal
New Business
Fuel Receipts: $25.05 Check 525
Committee Reports
Arts & Crafts: Susan
Only 2 people on the committee; propose a quorum be of the majority of voting members present and moving meetings from a monthly basis to quarterly basis
2C Phil: we need a budget for A&C
Susan: do a temporary waiver & allow Rick to come on the committee
Rick: I agree to go
Dalton: motion to waive quorum requirements & confirm Rick as a voting member; 2C Phil seconded
Susan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Grants: Michelle
SCAC grant due on 3/15; artists biographies due to me by 3/8
Pauwau: Glenn C
We have a couple of options on the drum
We checked on hoop dancers from Rick Birdm but they are too expensive
Michelle: Budget is in Drive and is updated each month
Need Council to approve Mathea as a voting member
Susan motioned; John seconded
Susan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Susan: Red Oak: $500 total & 2 blanket dances per day & 2 rooms for 1 night
Flyers available soon
Volunteers will signup & signout on Saturday & Sunday tp receive volunteer credit
Always looking for older pictures; could be some that haven’t been featured in the book before
2C Phil: did we get the power straightened out?
Susan: no
Susan: with the Jefferson Award, we have a contact with WPDE & can get PSA done there
2C Phil: ask them for old footage too
John: do they have a relationship with coastal NC?
2C Phil: if not, they can copy it & send it to the station
Alan F: will ETV run a PSA?
2C Phil: no; they aren’t in the commercial business. Local stations can write it off
Elder Dan: Channel 4 does rotating ads
Glenn C: would like Council to approve $35 for Socastee heritage Festival
We will give out flyers, drum, Carson may dance, have a donation jar
Money was donated
Buildings & Grounds
Rick: motion to make Glenn C the chair; Susan seconded
Susan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Glenn C: there will be a work day every Saturday after the open meeting
Susan: motion to allow him to spend up to $500 for emergencies; Rick seconded
Rick: it’s for emergencies; finishing projects
John: bring receipts
Susan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
John: Glenn T did spray something more durable than concrete on the ground as a test
Also need A/C fixed here
Glenn C: I will contact someone
JOhn: motion to let Glenn C look into A?C & get estimate to Rick if he can’t fix it; Rick seconded
Susan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Any word on the grinding station?
Chris H: will have more next week
2C Phil: bought leather & made more sticks
Elder Dan: we would like to go with gaming, but will take what we can get
Dalton: proposal for first reading next month: waive dues for disabled, age >65, possible imprisoned for nonviolent crime
Rick: Larry J, is everything good with the horse ride?
Larry J: yes
John: Recognition: 2 roads: Congress or BIA
We have to cleanup our files
We may be contacting members for missing items & will need them back ASAP
Dalton: letter will probably consist of a drop-dead date, so you could lose your membership if you delay it
We may also ask the Elders to get on the phones like they did during the election to help out
Rick: raffle tickets available for sell; proceeds go towards the Fishing Day event
2nd Chiefs
Cheryl: January should have had a vote to remove 2 people, but nothing since then; several numbers aren’t up-to-date
We need to send out a letter telling people their card is about to expire
Dalton: Inactive policy is set: they have 3 months to get their fees updated
Susan/ Rick: Chief keeps giving out applications; won’t get caught up
Rick: make sense for 2C Cheryl/ filekeeper to give them out
Susan: Chief said that if we hadn’t given out applications to begin with, we wouldn’t have a tribe
Dalton: next Council work day, we’ll go over those specific files first
Susan: and we need to find the missing files
Dalton motioned to close the meeting; Susan seconded.
Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 3/22/18 at 12:16 am.