June 2018 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 6/1/2018 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CM’s, Mark, Dalton, and Susan present. John served as aCoC. Elders Glenn T, and Ronnie present.
May minutes
Susan-abstain, John abstain
Vote postponed until July meeting/ quorum
Financial Report: Mark A
Presented a monthly ledger of 2018 for the General Fund categorizing income & expenses
Current General Fund: $11.339.73
Building Fund unchanged: $1,917.40
Cemetery Fund: $531.26
Online Votes
5/12 Allow funds for Loris Bog-Off
Dalton: mixed up name; should have been for Aynor Hoe Down
Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes
5/23 Allow tribe to pay for a dinner with a possible investor
Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes
Old Business
Cemetery Update
Chief: 2C Cheryl is supposed to get an update today with the new deed
John T: think the extra money should be set aside for fences & signs
New Business
Fuel $55.04 Check 696
Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes
Color Guard uniform ribbons & shirts: $81.43 Check 697
Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes
Committee Reports
Buildings & Grounds: Glenn C
Work Day 6/2 with Mike G cooking
Pipe to lay
Arts & Crafts: Susan
6/16 at 2pm: class on chokers
Cost: $40; some money goes back to the tribe
Language: Brandi
Let her know if you are interested so she can set up classes or send Michelle an email
Chief: suggest putting the lessons the website with worksheets for people to email back to you
Pauwau: Michelle/ Glenn C
Red Oak: Jason not responding; will try to contact again
Susan: UMC grant could be for drum lessons
Hog Heaven fundraiser: 6/12: 8 tickets left @ $20 each; half goes back to tribe
Volunteers: email the PW Committee
We will have 1 vendor to provide volunteer meals: Smokin’ Carolina
Brandi: I’ve volunteered to cook for School Day
Chief: If you put it up, tear it down; leave the grounds as you found them
Color Guard: Shane S, John T, Alan F, Ronnie F
SCIAC wants to do a Veterans’ Branch: need a chair
Shane wants the position
Mike G volunteered
People will be interviewed
Survey said they would do the hiring/ firing even if we sent someone up there; she wanted a way to discipline people- I told her to notify me
CMA received a grant to show tribes how to grow crops
I don’t want people putting us into a grant that they we didn’t agree to
John T: do we have recourse?
Chief: it’s in negotiation; we can write the grantor & request our name be taken off
SCIAC would like to have a Voter’s Drive: need people to vote
Art: game parts will require a hunter’s permit to put on the art
Dalton: have newsletters to fold, tape, & stamp; read to Council
Alan F: solstice date?
John T: 6/23
Chief: introduced Dr Tracey from HGTC: Anthropology professor
Dalton motioned to close the meeting; Mark seconded.
Meeting adjourned 7:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 6/21/18 at 11:36 pm.