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August 2024 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 8/2/2024  held at the tribal office and via Zoom

  1. CM’s Marion, Glenn, Emily, and CoC Susan were present. Elders Larry, Glenn T, Scott B,and Ronnie were present. 2C Alan was present. Acting Chief Cheryl was present.

  2. Members Carol H, Steven T, Betty L, Aaron F, Coby F, Rebecca F, Randy W, Tracey G, Debbie B, Lisa L, Carolyn D, Starla C, Sara R, Susie G, Stephen C, Nancy J, and guest Seth W were present.

  3. Financial Report (as of 8/1/2024 at 10:40 am)

    1. General Fund: $41,471.84

    2. Building Fund: $1742.52

    3. Cemetery Fund: $447.00

    4. Grant Fund: $2105.96

      1. Grant fund was linked to the regular account so it will show online now

  4. Old Business

    1. Online Votes

      1. 7/23: Approve July Meeting Summary with changes

        1. 6(c)(i): included check number

        2. 6(e)(i)(4)(c)(i)(1)(a): Changed “ut us” to “it is”

        3. Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Emily-yes, Susan-yes

      2. 7/23: Pay for tribal yearly Zoom account

        1. Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Emily-yes, Susan-yes

    2. Survey Quotes

      1. No new quotes

        1. CoC Susan: let’s wait until Fall or the first of the year

        2. Glenn: do more research

        3. AC Cheryl: with more time, we could get more quotes

        4. Glenn: motion to table until after pauwau; Marion seconded

          1. Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Emily-yes, Susan-yes

    3. Policy Letters

      1. Not looked over much

      2. CoC Susan: review and discuss online

    4. TN Land Sale

      1. AC Cheryl: not being done until the first step is done (documents from TN)

      2. Tabled for now

    5. SC Thrive

      1. CoC Susan: not heard from them; wait until after pauwau

    6. Brookgreen Gardens

      1. CoC Susan: email reminder for event on Oct. 24 from 10:30 AM -12 PM

  5. New Business

    1. Fuel Receipts

      1. $51.26

        1. Check 1077 for $51.26 B&G Fund

      2. Secretary’s Note: addition error brought to my attention; total was $83.35

        1. Check 1078 for $32.09 B&G Fund for the difference

    2. Committee Reports

      1. B&G: Glenn

        1. Nothing new

      2. Arts & Crafts: CoC Susan

        1. Need to get a certificate before selling art as Waccamaw

        2. CoC Susan will send applications out to those interested

      3. Grants: AC Cheryl

        1. Donnelley Grant was not approved & no feedback given

          1. Lead applicant (AR) is  to meet with them next week

          2. We will have to wait until next time and do it without AR

        2. Justsice Outside: $40k grant approved

          1. Formal announcement on 8/16

          2. Youth-focuses outdoor grant

          3. Michelle: if you have youth pictures from events (like Fishing Day), please share

        3. EPA Community Change Grant

          1. Lead Technical Advisor left & we were just assigned a new one

          2. Still moving forward

        4. Dollar A Day Fund

          1. Money confirmed in the account

          2. First time- $1k anda it gets sent to WIP & help fundraise

          3. We can set up a store through them to sel items & get donations

      4. Newsletter: CoC Susan

        1. The last newsletter has not gone out yet

          1. Marion: I will volunteer to send out hard copies

            1. I will give the tribe receipts ASAP for the last one

        2. CoC Susan: suggestion: just combine the next one since it’s close

          1. AC Cheryl: I suggest twice a year

            1. Michelle/ CoC Susan: with the exception of election years

              1. AC Cheryl: semi-annual; 3 for election year

            2. Susan: put it on Facebook

              1. AC Cheryl: we have email

                1. Michelle: not everyone has given us their email address

          2. Marion: motion to combine the June and September newsletter and going forward, send it out bi-annually with the exception of election years (semi-annually); Susan seconded

            1. Need to work out the months

              1. AC Cheryl: March/ September, election: March/ June/ September

              2. Marion rescinded his motion

          3. Marion: motion to send out the newsletter every year in March & September, and during election year, send one extra newsletter out in June; Susan seconded

            1. Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Emily-yes, Susan-yes

          4. CoC Susan: back to my motion of combining June & September’s newsletter

            1. Marion seconded

            2. Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Emily-yes, Susan-yes

          5. Marion: when do we need to get things in by for them to go in the next newsletter?

            1. Michelle: 8/15

      5. Pauwau: Michelle

        1. Demonstrators confirmed

          1. Need CM Chris to help with the flier

          2. Nancy & Susie will be there

        2. Chief Hatcher & CoC Susan will not be here for pauwau

        3. Susie G will help with vendors

        4. Last date for ads (business, memorial, etc) is 8/15

          1. 1/2 pg or full page receive a free book

        5. T-shirts: free red shirt with the purchase of 2 new ones

        6. New vendors this year

      6. Drum: Glenn

        1. Nothing new

      7. Archiving Project: Rebecca F

        1. Send pictures and documents

          1. AC Cheryl: documents: what kind or retrieved clippings

            1. Rebecca: documents, newspaper, stories

          2. CoC Susan: we gave a lot to John T

          3. Dr. Dillian: CCU person left and the university didn’t keep up with the project

      8. Files: 2C Alan

        1. Mathea A

          1. 2C Alan: motion to waive her honorary time and make her a full member; Marion seconded

            1. She was on the PW committee in 2018

            2. She has volunteered for years

            3. She helped get the horse pen

            4. CoC Susan: I don’t have a problem with it; not sure if it fell in a batch of papers that was missing

            5. AC Cheryl: or we never received the paperwork

            6. CoC Susan: Emily, do you want me to initial for you?

              1. Glenn: I think it should be AC Cheryl or 2C Alan

                1. 2C Alan initialed as a proxy for Emily

            7. Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Emily (2C Alan)-yes, Susan-yes 

      9. Longhouse Project

        1. Dr. Dillian: the last bit of money was used for the thatch & reed matting

        2. Longhouses: a children’s book was passes around

    3. Reminder: Remaining Fire Ceremony dates for 2024: 9/21, 12/14

    4. Resolution: JHH-08-01-2024-001: Federal Recognition Committee Appointment

      1. It appoints Chief Hatcher, AC Cheryl, Dr. Dillian, Dr. Rich, and Walter Hill to the committee

        1. Marion: who is Walter Hill?

          1. AC Cheryl: the Director of the Museum in Conway

      2. Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Emily-yes, Susan-yes

    5. AC Cheryl

      1. Process for honorary to full member

        1. Sometimes people put on the honorary app that they are core but once the genealogy is reviewed, sometimes they aren’t

          1. Think we need to revise the process

            1. Ask if they want to apply for core and get the genealogy to them & we mark it as core or non-core once it’s reviewed

            2. Once we see they are non-core, we might not be bale to give them a full member app because of the percentage of core to non-core

            3. We used to have to open the TRB to send out apps & close the TRB then, but it was switched to the Chief’s office on making that decision

            4. Once it can impact the tribe internally, Council should take over

            5. The full member app should be sent out after the genealogy has been sent out

          2. Marion: if we have a core person who can show genealogy & is willing to participate, why do they have to wait a year to be a full member?

            1. CoC Susan: sometimes they only want an ID card, not be part of the community

              1. Marion: but if they are willing to pay dues & participate, they shouldn’t have to wait

                1. Michelle: They don’t have to wait a year; the process was changed

                2. An honorary member can be nominated for full membership at any time; however, Council has up to a year to decide on the full membership status

                3. 2C Alan: no matter who does the nominating, the executive branch decides if they deserve the opportunity for a full member app

                  1. Marion: I’m not arguing that point

                4. 2C Alan: it keeps the control of the apps with us, not their approval

                  1. Marion: agree control should be under one Chief

                  2. 2C Alan: they stay under the executive till Council approves them as full

          3. AC Cheryl: I was goingover the process; genealogy should go out sooner

            1. It would be a year before they could submit genealogy under the current policy

          4. CoC Susan: a woman contacted me & said she tied back to us; I told her to contact 2C Alan for an honorary app, do the genealogy & if you tie back, contact 2C Alan & let him know you can show you are core

          5. 2C Alan: the main reason is that the apps go out with a seal on them

            1. Marion: no issue with that

          6. AC Cheryl: nomination to full: just looking for a smooth process: getting the app & genealogy checked 

          7. CoC Susan: another issue is they aren’t sending the apps back to 2C Alan

            1. A lot of delay is because it goes back to the wrong person

              1. 2C Alan: it’s in the app & I have to mark it off my list

              2. CoC Susan: make a cover letter

          8. AC Cheryl: let’s iron it out in the files meeting

            1. CoC Susan: let’s create a policy letter

      2. Treaty: new draft read; the final draft will be done in September at Catawba

        1. Time hasn’t been ironed out; probably be 10-11 with food & press

        2. A seal has been made for the treaty alliance

        3. All recognized SC tribes with the exception of 2 are coming under the alliance

        4. It gives us more economic development, programs with HUD & other departments

        5. It gives more opportunities to unite with projects

        6. It shows solidarity among the Native community & helps move legislative policies

          1. Catawba has a full-time lobbyist

          2. We don’t lose our sovereignty 

        7. I’d like to see a lot of our tribal government at the signing

        8. It will be a historical moment; first time it will have been done

    6. Elders

      1. Larry: met with Elders & we’d like to nominate Jennifer R to the empty seat

        1. CoC Susan: I’m not giving up my seat; just filling in

          1. AC Cheryl: wouldn’t it be beneficial to have a full Council?

          2. Elder Glenn T: she’d take your old seat until the election

            1. CoC Susan: and then kick her off?

              1. Elder Glenn T: until the next election

                1. CoC Susan: in 2 years

                2. AC Cheryl: can’t she be nominated to be Interim CM?

                  1. CoC Susan wouldn’t lose her seat; then she’d run

                  2. CoC Susan: she’d be at-large

                3. CM Glenn: I wouldn’t put a number on her

                  1. CoC Susan: you vote for a seat #

            2. Elder Larry motioned to let Jennifer R serve as an Interim CM

    7. Dr. Sara Rich: LW Paul Living History Farm: tobacco thing tomorrow

    8. Aaron F: not everyone is getting the Zoom link

      1. Michelle: send me your email address to be sure it’s right

        1. CoC Susan: or send it to people you want to get it

          1. Sometimes it’s the atmosphere

        2. Secretary’s Note: Checked email addresses & the Zoom email to be sure the link was sent

          1. Zoom says it could be on their end- too many people trying to get on at once

Marion motioned to close the meeting; Glenn seconded.

Glenn-yes, Marion-yes, Emily-yes, Susan-yes

The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 8/17/2024 at 4:18 pm.


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