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August 2013 Open Meeting Summary 08022013

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 8/2/2013 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CoC Scott and CM’s Dalton, Susan, Homer, and Richia present.

  2. Open Council seat: John Turner sworn into office.

  3. July minutes read.

  4. Dalton motioned to accept; Susan seconded

  5. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  6. Financial Report: Alan

  7. General Fund: deposits: $0, expenses: $377.80 balance $2576.22

  8. Building Fund: deposits: $295.00, balance $1410.85

  9. Online Votes

  10. 7/13 Reapprove PW Budget

  11. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  12. New Business

  13. Committee Reports

  14. Grants: Michelle

  15. Lowe’s Education Grant: 8/1-10/15

  16. Lowe’s Small Project Grants: no dates, up to $2500

  17. Buildings & Grounds: Scott

  18. Need to begin cleaning out storage trailer

  19. Nominate John T to B&G Chairperson

  20. Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, John-abstain, Scott-yes

  21. Pauwau: Michelle

  22. Meeting 8/14 @ Shoney’s in Conway @ 6:30pm

  23. All suggestions will be considered for 2014 now

  24. Everyone can assist with ads, drinks, paper products

  25. Inactive Membership: Dalton

  26. Res DH-08-03-2012-001 read

  27. Dalton motioned; Susan seconded to change 12 month period to 90 days

  28. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  29. Announcement by CoC Scott: Jerry Smith resigned as both an Elder and tribal member

  30. Reminder by CoC Scott: Work Day at HGTC on 8/10

  31. Susan: propose that members cannot renew cards earlier than 30 days before expiration dates. Also, payments would be $50/year (if paid in advance), $15/ quarter, or $5/month

  32. John A: think there needs to be something to make you keep up with dues: 7 year fee is hardship to cough up at one time

  33. Alan: you’re going to have people not pay dues unless tribe becomes profitable; think people should have to reapply if they lapse

  34. John A: think cards should be issued annually

  35. Chief Hatcher: if it gets too complicated, you won’t be able to manage it

  36. 2nd Chief Iris: need a compiled list of hardship/ volunteer people

  37. Homer: suggests $50 right now or $5/ month

  38. Susan: ever 8/1, membership fees are due, whether it’s $50 in advance for the year or $5/ month, regardless of ID expiration date

  39. Chief Hatcher: will have to do newsletters each year

  40. Pick/up at Work Day

  41. 2nd Chief Iris: also involves financial hardships- contact CoC

  42. Donnie’s receipts

  43. Fuel: $118.02 Check 1522

  44. Tractor: 21.11 Check 1523

  45. Tractor and Fuel vote

  46. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  47. Inactive Status- removing 108 members at midnight

  48. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

  49. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  50. 2nd Chief Iris

  51. Letter of Commitment needs to be rewritten

  52. Linda Hammond: asked for TCard extension, but hasn’t called 2nd Chief Iris

  53. Dalton motions to decline her request; Susan seconded

  54. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  55. Victoria England: William Moore’s adopted daughter

  56. Asked her to send a copy of her adoption papers to have on file

  57. Ms. England hasn’t done so

  58. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded to allow Buster to handle the file until next open meeting

  59. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  60. Elder Doug: don’t think you should take membership away because a spouse dies

  61. Johnnie Marie: Kiki Robertson says Gov. Haley sends her regrets that she cannot attend the pauwau this year

  62. Chief Hatcher

  63. Lobbying firm will help with federal recognition

  64. John A: Bennettsville & prison system: great time with small group of guys

  65. 2nd Chief Cheryl: JRLong & Life Recovery has 24-25 people

  66. Those interested, early spring on a Saturday, will have a certification training

  67. At Allendale and Bennettsville now

  68. Elder Doug: many of these guys will benefit from drug & alcohol counseling

  69. Chief Hatcher: would like to expand it to other tribes in the state

  70. DNR Meeting: they want to see that you’re certified

  71. Thinking that artist certification should be on back of ID card

  72. Let 2nd Chief Iris handle best way to put on certification on card

  73. Arts & Committee to make SOP

  74. CMA- propose term limits

  75. 1st time in awhile that all 3 2nd Chiefs have been present

  76. Presented Chief Ben Thompson

  77. Dalton: How do you see it working from an administrative point of view?

  78. Chief Ben: our members would have to register as Waccamaw, but we would be in Charleston as a band, following Waccamaw constitution and bylaws

  79. John T: Would you have someone attending here each month?

  80. Chief Ben: yes

  81. Elder Doug: how does that benefit the Waccamaw?

  82. Chief Ben: more artists, laborers

  83. Homer: How can you assure me that you won’t do the same as before?

  84. Chief Ben: I can’t

  85. Chief Hatcher: don’t put him on the spot

  86. John: What would be the difference in his group and say 40 people in Texas meeting monthly? I see it as an advantage to have some distance

  87. Homer: How will we know those 40 are active?

  88. Susan: Would you come in as a regular member?

  89. Chief Ben: yes and as a Chief of the band

  90. Homer: Where is it in the constitution that a band can happen?

  91. Chief Hatcher: it’s not

  92. Homer: How many of these 40 have Native American ties?

  93. Chief Ben: all of them

  94. Dalton: TRB closed isn’t a major barrier; Council can open/ closes it at anytime. Administrative is different- 5 Chiefs; we’d have to create a new position

  95. Chief Hatcher: Talks have to start somewhere. Chief Ben’s been an asset; he has some of the best artists in the state

  96. 2nd Chief Cheryl: Winyah are Waccamaw; banding together

  97. Elder Doug: Waccamaw have a good reputation; how are you going to control the band?

  98. Issue tabled for now

  99. Homer asked Chief Hatcher about the status of John Cox

  100. Chief Hatcher: he’s had surgery

  101. Homer: he’s got 12 months

Dalton motioned to close the meeting; Homer seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:12 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 9/3/13 at 7:03 pm.

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