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January 2014 Open Meeting Summary 01102014

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 1/10/2014 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC*

  1. CoC Scott, CM’s Dalton, Homer, Robert, and John present. 2nd Chief Iris served as proxy for CM Susan.

  2. December minutes read

  3. Dalton motioned to accept; Homer seconded

  4. John-yes, 2nd Chief Iris-yes, Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  5. Financial Report: Alan

  6. General Fund

  7. Deposits: $1470.21 Debits: $1205.28 Balance: $14892.00

  8. Building Fund

  9. Deposits: $150.00 Debits: $1145.87 Balance: $150.00

  10. Pauwau

  11. Expenses: $12729.05 Income: $21655.17

  12. Chief Hatcher: still due $7000 from ad sale

  13. 2nd Chief Iris: best year we have had; kudos to PW Committee & all who participated

  14. Online Votes

  15. Heaters for John Cox

  16. Homer-yes, John-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes; Susan voted yes online

  17. Prison Program Fund

  18. Homer-yes, John-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes; Susan voted yes online

  19. Old Business

  20. Inactive Membership List

  21. Dalton & 2nd Chief Iris: 11 people updated their file

  22. John: what does “extended” mean?

  23. 2nd Chief Iris: number of months membership was extended

  24. RTNS column shows number of times mail has come back

  25. 2nd Chief Cheryl: can I speak on behalf of someone on the list?

  26. He’s in the Jail Diversion Program & hasn’t had opportunity to do a whole lot with receiving mail unless sent to prison

  27. 2nd Chief Iris: didn’t have that address

  28. Dalton: we’re not voting on him tonight anyway

  29. Scott: his doesn’t expire until 2016

  30. Chief Hatcher explained federal recognition requires being able to contact all our members

  31. Dalton motioned to remove 385- 020 on Monthly Report Query dated 1/10/14

  32. Homer seconded

  33. John-yes, 2nd Chief Iris-yes, Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  34. New Business

  35. Committee Reports

  36. Buildings & Grounds: John

  37. Would like to plan on what to do for work days & make list

  38. Post on our sites for people’s interest

  39. Grants: Dalton (for Michelle)

  40. Looking into Grants.Gov site

  41. Jeania working on Hospitality Grant

  42. Pauwau: 2nd Chief Cheryl

  43. Met Wednesday (1/8)

  44. 2nd Chief Cheryl nominated as Chairperson

  45. CM Susan nominated as co-Chair

  46. Reviewed policy letter & couple things to add in to assist with problems we’ve had vendors having numerous unidentified helpers

  47. Send emails to other vendors that may be interested in vending at this year’s Pauwau to increase variety & quality

  48. 2nd Chief Iris: where are these vendors going to come from?

  49. Found all she knows to find

  50. 2nd Chief Cheryl: trying to come up with ways

  51. Could use more people

  52. John: I go to other festivals; need something we can give vendors about our Pauwau

  53. 2nd Chief Cheryl: need to make sure they are Native American vendors

  54. Hoping this will help lead to better quality & be as true to culture as possible

  55. Vendors

  56. Developing policy & procedures to jury vendor booths

  57. Set up process in advance

  58. Will have to work with security

  59. Need other committees involved & before Pauwau for communication

  60. Best Vendor Contest

  61. Debbie said she would get a blue ribbon from the craft store

  62. Susan suggested Lindsey take pictures to help us jury

  63. Hope is to motivate vendors

  64. Reworking letter in vendor application

  65. Communication between different areas of Pauwau (gate, grounds, camping, etc)

  66. Pre-PW meeting with heads to get everyone on same page

  67. Gate: Lori O

  68. Explain process on why we do wristbands the way we do: Grants

  69. Making signs at fire circle more visible

  70. Add gate cost to camping fee to eliminate problem of campers not paying gate fee

  71. 4 color wristbands; stickers for little boys & girls

  72. 2nd Chief Iris: this year (2013) , we didn’t get an attendance count & we really need it

  73. How will it help this year?

  74. 2nd Chief Cheryl: imperative they are given out correctly for count

  75. Wristbands: adults, students, veterans, seniors

  76. Subtract number remaining from initial count

  77. Can see where most money is coming from & identify target market

  78. Start working on budget

  79. Start selling ads

  80. John: how many coloring books did we put out there- 200 or 300?

  81. 2nd Chief Cheryl & Dalton: 300

  82. Question to Alan: how many program books were sold?

  83. Alan take cost on sheet/ 5

  84. Dalton: books & videos were combines though

  85. Dalton: how many were printed?

  86. 2nd Chief Cheryl: 400

  87. John: any way we can make a sign showing the places who support us?

  88. John: sold 1 ad; think could sell more if business know their name will be seen twice

  89. 2nd Chief Cheryl: put Sponsor Board at back fence

  90. 2nd Chief Cheryl: would you charge more for that?

  91. John: no

  92. Johnnie F: could entice more advertisers

  93. Mark A: T-shirts with ads on them

  94. Put logo on front; advertisers on back

  95. Usually 16 business card size & 1 large ad

  96. Steve: willing to help with that

  97. Chief Hatcher: problem with shirts is people want a date on them

  98. If you don’t sell them all, you’re stuck with them

  99. Could buy printing machine and do them on the spot

  100. Confirm 2014 Pauwau Committee voting members: 2nd Chief Cheryl, Susan, Michelle, Debbie, CoC Scott, Georgia, 2nd Chief Iris

  101. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

  102. John-yes, 2nd Chief Iris-yes, Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  103. Confirm 2nd Cheryl & Susan as Chair and co-Chair, respectively

  104. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

  105. John-yes, 2nd Chief Iris-yes, Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  106. CoC Scott: asked Council to come up with 3 ideas to improve tribal grounds so they can be prioritized (list next month)

  107. CoC Scott’s ideas

  108. With Susan: Adjust vendor spaces to 1 size

  109. Chief Hatcher: move spaces back 10 ft

  110. CoC Scott: we took out 1 spot at circle entrance

  111. Chief Hatcher: don’t need to move them then; just line them up

  112. Chief Hatcher: water & electric would have to be moved too; cheaper just to line them up

  113. Old office: would like to get water & electric to it so we can use it when we need it

  114. New office: better roof- not just patch

  115. John’s ideas

  116. Beautification: flowers, bushes, trees

  117. Outdoor shed: rebuild storage building

  118. Old office: electric, inspect for structural damage

  119. If rot underneath, may not be worth salvaging

  120. Dalton’s ideas

  121. More RV spots with electric & water

  122. Mark A: could put 15 around pond side

  123. John: curious, can we cut down trees to make space?

  124. Answer: yes

  125. Benches around circle

  126. Improve electric so they aren’t constantly blowing out

  127. Door off-kilter

  128. Chief Hatcher: building needs to be leveled

  129. Homer’s ideas

  130. At Pauwau meeting, suggestion was made for a gate building

  131. How much would it cost to put a fence around the pond or cover it?

  132. Scott: last time, a fence was donated

  133. 2nd Chief Cheryl: fence could entice climbing

  134. Mark A: Bathroom Project update

  135. Chris Hatcher company supplying toilets, sinks, showers

  136. We have to come up with building; suggest 12x24

  137. Met with GSW&S today; sewer tap is across the road

  138. Trying to get pump & pump box

  139. Run campground & bathhouse into that

  140. Funding & donations: don’t meet grant qualifications

  141. Pay for tap: $3630: $890 down, $29/month x 20 years

  142. Chief Hatcher: do they charge interest?

  143. Mark A: yes

  144. Suggestion: donate drink profits x 3 years to it

  145. Chief Hatcher: will they finance in tribe’s name or just individual?

  146. Mark A: tribe

  147. All labor donated

  148. Chief Hatcher: could old office be turned into bathhouse?

  149. Mark A: yes, but would like to put siding on it

  150. Chief Hatcher: could be cheaper

  151. Found a building in Clover for $200, but it was 12x20

  152. Johnnie F: been to different fairs/ festivals that have buildings

  153. Why not ask them to donate one & tell them we’ll leave their name on it (free advertising)?

  154. Mark A: suggestion on size

  155. 3 toilets on each side with handicap access

  156. 2 showers on each side

  157. 3 sinks on each side

  158. Plumbing to tie in

  159. CoC Scott: Waccamaw Family Day: 2/15

  160. Need to people to cook: Johnnie & Alan F; Monica & Paul

  161. Alan: shrimp is $6/lb if bought now- Low Country Boil & Hushpuppies

  162. Scott: designated for $200

  163. People are to bring paper products & drinks

  164. Georgia: Can make cornbread; volunteer to help

  165. Johnnie F: Someone needs to make cakes

  166. Jeania: how many cakes? Volunteer

  167. Homer: what time?

  168. Scott: not sure; will work on it

  169. 2nd Chief Iris: usually fire ceremony at 12; food at 1

  170. Johnnie F: any way to get a head count this year?

  171. Scott: hard to RSVP

  172. Johnnie F: put on sites for interest

  173. Bring games for kids

  174. Scott & Homer thanked people for volunteering

  175. 2nd Chief Cheryl

  176. Horry Independent article on Jail Diversion Program

  177. Title: New Jail Program Offers Young Men Second Chance

  178. Program created in 2010 & has seen 2-3% drop in inmate population

  179. Accepted, excited, honored to work there (J Reuben Long)

  180. Read an excerpt from the article

  181. Chief Hatcher

  182. Calls

  183. Call from Libby Mitchell to ask for donations to help with Elder John Mitchell’s medications

  184. Former CM Jeanie Wright’s mother is in hospital in Florence; Jeanie needs assistance with gas money

  185. Propose donations are split between the two families

  186. Raffle Box: Waccamaw Bucks to enter

  187. Write your name & phone number on back

  188. Drawing on Family Day; winner gets $500

  189. People put initials on tape on box so others know it hasn’t been opened

  190. Bamboo container with wax top with ashes from Pauwau sacred fire

  191. Gave one to: Chief of Chicora (participated in ceremony), Council, 2nd Chiefs, 2013 PW Chairperson

  192. Can make more

  193. Problem with it: Public Law 101.644 (able to call art Indian)

  194. We break it down further so people can call it Waccamaw

  195. Chief Hatcher needs art certification for arrows & beaver tail knives

  196. Chief Hatcher: who is on the Arts & Crafts committee?

  197. Scott & Dalton: Susan

  198. Chief Hatcher: I see we dropped Arts & Crafts from monthly agenda

  199. Scott: they meet quarterly

  200. Chief Hatcher: we need to tighten things up

  201. Every member is supposed to get a feather

  202. Every Council member is supposed to wear a Council feather

  203. Feathers come from Arts & Crafts committee

  204. Homer: and names

  205. Ralph Oxendine in bad health; tribe is newly recognized

  206. Emergency Elder meeting recently concerning investors

  207. Read letter from Elders to Chief Hatcher

  208. Meeting in NY: would like Council to assist with funds

  209. Dalton motioned to allow up to $1300 for meeting expenses; Homer seconded

  210. John-yes, 2nd Chief Iris-yes, Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  211. Trip to TN: land still pending, would like to make tax-exempt

  212. Suggest: put RV park on there

  213. 65 acres of land donated in CT

  214. Chicora

  215. Thanked us for allowing them to come

  216. Chief Hatcher: sure Pauwau Committee would let you come to those meetings

  217. 2nd Chief Cheryl: meet 1st Wed of month at Ryan’s or Shoney’s

  218. Dalton: 2nd Wed; Shoney’s isn’t open past 4

Homer motioned to close the meeting; Robert seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:35 pm.

*Minutes pulled from audio file.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 2/9/13 at 2:22 pm.

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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