March 2009 Open Meeting Summary 03062009
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 3/6/2009 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor
Meeting called to order at 7:12 PM
Council Present: Dalton, Robert, Richia, Jeanie, Scott, Iris (Homer), Susan (Wayne)
February meeting minutes read and accepted as noted by votes: Dalton-yes, Robert–yes, Richia–yes, Iris–yes, Susan–yes, Jeanie–yes, Scott–yes (passed unanimously)
Old Business
Craig Talbot
i. SC Coastal Animal Rescue (Dave Morten) possibly linking to our site
1. Dalton motioned; Iris seconded
2. Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Richia-yes, Iris-yes, Susan-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes (passed unanimously)
3. Patriot’s Point Demo- still haven’t heard from the gentleman; will continue to inquire
4. Ministry Expenses- chainsaw- was paid
5. 3/18 South Strand Wildlife & History Day
Resolution DH-01-09-2009-001 (Rules Governing Online and Phone Votes) received its 3rd reading
Richia motioned; Iris seconded
Iris-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Richia- yes, Susan- yes, Jeanie- yes, Scott- yes (passed unanimously)
Resolution J-HH-01-10-2008-009 (Membership of Non-Core Persons) received its 2nd reading
Resolution J-SH-09-10-2008-001 (Service of Legal Documents) received its 3rd reading
Susan motioned; Robert seconded
Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Iris-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes (passed unanimously)
Reaffirm Online Votes
Gate- yes
Lawyer- yes
Constitution- yes
Key to gate- governing body, grounds committee
i. Idea to number keys, charge for lost keys, keep a key log
1. add to policy book
Brian- Security and cameras- could get 5 cameras for $200, but money better spent on putting Donnie on grounds
Iris agreed to save money at the moment
To put Donnie on the grounds, dirt will need to be put on the grounds first
i. Donations were taken from Becky & Jerry Smith, Buster Hatcher, Hank White, and Reba McCaffrey for dirt
ii. Donnie believes he can get a trailer
1. Vote taken to allow him to live on grounds contingent on contract
a. Dalton-yes, Iris-yes, Robert-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes (passed unanimously)
Brian also mentioned an event on 3/28: “Life on a Farm”
Bank account discussed for People’s Alliance at HCSB for online donations
Buster motioned; Richia and Jeanie seconded
Iris abstained, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority with one abstention)
Buster- give Attorney Snow $800
Susan motioned; Iris seconded
Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes, Iris-yes (passed unanimously)
Financial Report- Iris- $4554.45 unrestricted funds available
Letters of Commitment- Jerry- 16 letters
Pauwau Committee- Linda- have had one meeting; next meeting 3/10 6:30pm at Linda’s home
From the gathering- Curt and Gary will come back for the Pauwau to relieve the drummers and only require gas money
4/18 Community Yard Sale- $10 for a 10ft space
4/18 Bake Sale; Chicken Bog/ BBQ would be nice too
School Day- Susan- 11/5-6 with the same setup as last year
Pictures of ’08 on her myspace page
Linda- Art Certificates: Becky Smith, Iris Ewing, Neal Richard, Brian Evans, Patricia Brinson
Grants Committee- Michelle- SCAC grant nearly complete; deadline is 3/15. Those who have information due to her need to get it to her no later than Wednesday
Building & Grounds- Neal- ideas to get everyone involved
Larger tribal office
Nature trail with flowers native to the area
Will take the Chairperson position
Meeting closed at 9:29 PM
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 3/6/09 at 11:25 PM.