March 2012 Open Meeting Summary 03022012
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 03/02/2012 held at the Senior Center in Aynor, SC
CoC Scott, and CM's Susan and Neal present. Pursuant to the Tribal Constitution page 8 (Article V paragraph B line 8), Chief Hatcher decided that all favorable votes taken will stand as voted and the vote will count.
February minutes read.
Susan motioned to accept; Neal seconded
Susan-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes
Financial Report
General Account: $9972.88
Building Fund: $657.65
Online Votes
None taken
Committee Reports
Grants: Michelle
SCAC 3/15: two grants: PW & School Day
Pauwau: Michelle
We have 6 voting members & need Council to appoint one more
Next meeting TBA at Shoney's at 6:30. Once the date is finalized, I'll email everyone
Anyone who has program book ideas, send them to Michelle or Susan
We need everyone to sell ads, not just the committee and not just a couple of people. I will attach a copy of the ad form for people to copy.
Arts & Crafts: Susan
Carol Ann is supposed to be setting up a meeting
Building & Grounds: Neal
Jeff is supposed to have house set down next week
On a Sunday- tar the roof, around $40 per bucket, will get quote
Jeff is supplying rollers
Next projects: floors, carpet, take out wall, etc...
Hope to be in the new building by June
Donnie's Receipts
City Auto Parts: $61.69 check 1419
Susan motioned to accept; Neal seconded
Susan-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes
Sunhouse 1: $118.35 check 1420
Susan motioned to accept; Neal seconded
Susan-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes
Chief Hatcher
Apologies to new members because we don't have the roll book tonight
Request to pay attorney $1000 if we can afford it
Susan motioned to accept; Neal seconded but plan for future
Susan-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes
Newsletter is all electronic
Need to communicate with all members- not just those with email
Perhaps a compromise can be reached
Met with Chaplain of Prisons & John Abrams
No Native American religion in SC prisons allowed
Authorize to use John Abrams to assist with this program
Susan motioned to accept; Neal seconded but plan for future
Susan-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes
Neal will volunteer too
Prison Program- hope to make it a statewide program
Met with 2nd Chief of Pee Dee
7 state-recognized tribes & 7 recognized groups
tribes have Native history; groups may not
Both get to vote on Native issues
Going to propose at next Advisory meeting: no more groups
Arts & Crafts said they would do feathers & we need them to do it
Also need one for tribal constables
Seal- $60, letterhead to change fax numbers & envelopes ($200)
Neal motioned; Susan seconded
Susan-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes
2 Projects
Donnie's floor
Building fund
Money shifted around; will get fixed
Problem with 2 contractors working together
2 guys passed inspection, were paid, but vents were upside down
Jeff says access doors will be crushed if building is set down on it the way the other guys did it
Says $150-200 to fix
Susan motioned; Neal seconded
Susan-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes
Value of building needs to be reported to Iris
Neal motions $20/sq. foot; Susan seconded
Susan-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes
Scott to email Iris
Federal Recognition
Still no contract
Interest in amphitheater
Chief of Constables looking for good people
Chief of Constables David: developing screening and policy & procedure manual
Proposals to go in
Think it's wrong; don't think restricting powers should be in constitution
Elder Doug: Compromise on newsletter- send postcards
Elder Hank: Q: bulk rate?
A: have to pay for so many, including returns
Georgia: Have a fundraising interest
Wanted to check into permissions to do it
Chief Hatcher gave her permission
Elder Doug: Cheryl & Georgia to handle PR
Chief Hatcher gave permissions
Resolution HH-01/03/2012-02: Disbursement Criteria received its 2nd Reading
Susan: Events
Weekend of 3/3: Pauwau in Monck's Corner
Weekend of 3/10: Pauwau in Hardeeville
3/28: Native American Advisory Meeting at USC-Lancaster
May: Tuscarora Pauwau
Elder Hank: introduced Steve & Lori Osborn
Susan motioned to close the meeting; Neal seconded.
Meeting adjourned 7:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 3/15/12 at 2:26 am.