March 2016 Open Meeting Summary 03042016
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 03/04/2016 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CM’s Dalton, Mark, Rick, Homer, Robert, and CoC John present. Susan arrived later in the meeting.
Prior to each open meeting, there will be an open forum period for members to speak for up to 3 minutes to facilitate better communication between Council and members
Members are encouraged to provide solutions to problems
Council will go over comments during the meeting if possible, by email or during the next meeting if not
February minutes read
Mark motioned to accept; Homer seconded
Rick-abstain, Dalton-yes, Mark-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes
Financial Report
General Fund: $9995.36
Building Fund: $3420.24
Old Business
Cemetery encroachment: trying to talk to new owners of land
Cheryl talked to Hilda; in 1987, 2 acres of land was donated to the church; surveyor paid to mark off the 2 acres, but James wouldn’t sign off & map not registered. The markers got moved & put up, so it’s possible James is right. Get in touch with the family, decide on 2 acres, mark it off, & everyone sign off on map
Policy letters:
Use of tribal logo: last looked at in Aug 2014
Camping on the grounds: stay up to 2 weeks
No charge for camping while coming to do tribal work
No tent camping fees
Use of the tribal office: $50 ($25 deposit, $25 rental)
Mark: cleaning fee should go to the person having to clean it
Use of the tribal grounds: $100 ($50 deposit, $50 rental)
Dan: will need to post an hours sign
Dalton: do it as $200 in 2 hour increments
Spousal membership- tabled
Membership files: tabled
Genealogy protocols
What goes in file: application, genealogy chart, membership agreement (if applicable), all pertinent documents
New Business
Committee Reports
Buildings & Grounds: Rick
Roof & driveway worked on
Needs another coat; still leaking
Stockpiling dirt
Need to work on small lawnmower; get price
Rick motioned to let Donnie take the tractor in for evaluation for repairs at Rabon’s; Dalton seconded
Dalton-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes
Mark: please remove leaf piles at cemetery
John: cemetery fund: $411.20
Arts & Crafts
Susan: John Abrams’ certification needs to be signed by Phil
3/23 UNC Rock Hill Native Studies; still have empty wall space
Classes: going to set up schedule; will be a charge to cover materials
Mark: gourds out in building
John: can you videotape classes?
Susan: yes, but charge for tapes
Chief Hatcher: game parts bill to be introduced for all game parts
If you are certified and want to use game parts, let Susan know; compiling list
SCAC: looking for updated biographies from our artists
Accommodations Tax: $16k; have to give 2 presentations to committee
Chief Hatcher: think the prison program should be a statewide program with John Abrams in charge
John A: Chaplain of Prisons will come to CMA meetings
Contracts received back
Next meeting 3/9
Would like at least one Elder there each month
Need to decide on program book cover theme; send us suggestions
Chief Hatcher: be particular with vendors you invite
We will have exclusive use of the park this year
Elder Doug: Pee Dee Pauwau April 2 in McColl
Revamped constitution given to Council; will email newest constitution to Council
No Constitution committee meeting in April
Drum: played at Loris Middle Multicultural Arts Festival
Membership apps & Fees
Process developed by Iris
John: see a logistics problem if the files have to be sent to Scott
Log files when received
Dalton: send copies to genealogists
Chief Hatcher: should only have to check book for missing names
Susan: check file for missing items; send back if not complete with a standard form stating what’s missing
John: would like to see tracking numbers (receipts) for files
Jeania: received 2 incomplete files from Johnnie
Membership fees (Jeania’s proposals)
John will work with Jeania, Dalton, Michelle
Jeania: think there should be an annual due date
Inactive Status
Dalton motioned to remove the following due to lack of responsibility & membership dues; Homer seconded
Karen Jacobs
Phillip Davis
Kayla Davis
John A: leave them on roll to maintain quantum for recognition
Homer: has to be some personal responsibility
John A: tribe should be treated as a family, not a group or club
Chief Hatcher: Jeania should have the % with her each month
$82.07 check 678 to John Turner for Family Day
SCIAC & NAAC meeting today
Introduced 356 (former s611)
Proposal to designate commissioner as native
Bill for free hunting & fishing
Bill for all game parts
Mark motioned to close the meeting; Susan seconded.
Meeting adjourned 7:58 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 04/01/16 at 5:49 am.