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October 2008 Open Meeting Summary 10082008

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 10/8/2008 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor

Meeting called to order at 6:55pm.

  1. Election Results

  2. 4-year Council Seats: Robert Benton, Homer Johnson, Dalton Hatcher, Richia Powell

  3. 2-year Council Seat: Wayne Turner

  4. Chief: Harold Buster Hatcher

  5. All to be sworn in during the December open meeting

  6. CMA meeting held 10/10 in Columbia

  7. CMA went in to executive session to deliberate on honoring our request (letting internal tribal affairs be handled by the tribe)

  8. PO Box

  9. Motion made to change letterhead and put the new PO Box number on it

  10. Voted on and passed unanimously

  11. Committee Resolution- Second reading done

  12. Financial Report

  13. Both accounts have positive funds

  14. Motion made to treat the People’s Alliance account the same as the main account

  15. Chief and CoC can authorize up to $50 in a purchase without Council approval

  16. Voted on and passed unanimously

  17. Judge Bernie Hamilton requested either a separate account for the judicial branch

  18. Second Chief Iris Ewing can show a judicial itemization on the financial report of the main account

  19. Tabled for now

  1. Online votes reaffirmed

  2. Concerning ballots that were faxed or hand-delivered: carried

  3. Pau Wau Committee

  4. Currently had 2 meetings and 1 work day

  5. All RV spots taken

  6. Pipe still needs fixed from previous work day

  7. Linda Atkinson said Cheryl Seivers said Boy Scouts will come to the pau wau this year and assist with trash

  8. Rodlyn Atkinson mentioned that Pepsi will allow you to use their trailers for free but unsure of drinks

  9. Michelle Hatcher to contact Pepsi to see about donation of drinks and ad

  10. Elder Chief Harold Hatcher and Linda Atkinson submitted a pau wau budget of $8,250

  11. Budget does not include sale of tickets or items

  12. Voted on and passed unanimously

  13. Arts certifications still needed by some

  14. Constitutional Changes

  15. Some passed; a couple failed

  16. Must be careful about wording

  17. Judge Bernie Hamilton also mentioned consider federal/state recognition when making changes

  18. Must make a political statement and not allow splinter group members of any group to be recognized in our fire circle, dance raffle, etc…

  19. Feathers to be made

  20. Veteran’s feathers (for sale $2.50), Council feathers, Judge feathers

  21. Judge Bernie Hamilton suggested filing an injunction against James Webb et al for the money they took to fund their own pau wau

  22. Sandy Cox filed a complaint against Judge Mayers (spelling?)

  23. Judge Bernie Hamilton suggested investing in a $99 outdoor light/ video camera

  24. Cemetery is not being ignored; grounds will be cut once land is dry again

  25. New Council to participate in practice exercises with Elder Chief Hatcher, Judge Bernie Hamilton, and older Council members

  26. Help prepare them for their position and make them aware of state and federal laws that affect us

  27. New membership applications were submitted

  28. 7 were voted on and passed unanimously

  29. Some need further investigation

Meeting adjourned at 8:56pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 10/11/2008 at 10:39pm

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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