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September 2013 Open Meeting Summary 09062013

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 9/6/2013 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CoC Scott and CM’s Dalton, Homer, and John present.

  2. CoC Scott: A podium has been added to the room for questions and comments.

  3. August minutes read

  4. Dalton motioned to accept; Homer seconded

  5. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  6. Financial Report: Alan

  7. General Fund: deposits: $3033.75, debits: $390.18, balance: $5219.79

  8. $2000 of deposits earmarked for dance raffle

  9. Building Fund: deposits: $830.00, debits: $255.00, balance: $1985.85

  10. Online Votes

  11. 8/10 Transfer money from TD Bank to General Fund to cover dance raffle

  12. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  13. New Business

  14. Committee Reports

  15. Grants: Michelle

  16. Waiting to hear from Lowe’s Education Grant

  17. Buildings & Grounds: John T

  18. Planting, Work Day 9/7 at 7am

  19. John T: is there electricity in the other trailer or how much would it cost?

  20. Answer: none at the moment; cost would be $200-250 per month

  21. John T: do you mind if I paint it?

  22. Answer: no

  23. John T: and underpin it or how much it would cost?

  24. Darlene: cost about $1100 to do hers

  25. John T: would be nice if we could find someone to paint a mural on it

  26. Pauwau: Michelle

  27. Need Council to confirm 2nd Chief Cheryl as a voting member

  28. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  29. Meeting 9/11 at Shoney’s in Conway at 6:30pm

  30. Asking members for donations of water, paper products

  31. Aynor Hoe Down: Scott

  32. Sept 21 with 12x12 spot costs $60 and would allow us to tell people about the pauwau and Natives

  33. Joey W and Wayne T donated money to pay for table

  34. John T to help with Hoe Down

  35. Oct 19 is Aynor’s 100 Anniversary Festival and would be free

  36. Policy Letters

  37. Associate/ Honorary/ Spousal Membership

  38. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

  39. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  40. Reviewing Files

  41. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

  42. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  43. Family Day & Other Events

  44. John motioned; Dalton seconded

  45. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  46. Making Loans

  47. John motioned; Homer seconded

  48. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  49. Members Files

  50. Would remove spouse/ children

  51. Tabled for Constitution Change

  52. Spousal Membership

  53. Should say ‘reapply’ in last sentence

  54. Chief Hatcher: not sure why they’d have to reapply

  55. Tabled for now

  56. Use of the Tribal Grounds

  57. Should say ‘injury’ not injure

  58. Chief Hatcher: make it a deposit & give it back if they clean up

  59. Alan mentioned costs (Water, electric, etc…)

  60. Chief Hatcher: doesn’t include office, just the grounds

  61. Dalton: make it a deposit for members, fee for nonmembers

  62. John questioned legality of the harmless clause

  63. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

  64. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  65. Use of the Tribal Office

  66. Chief Hatcher: don’t think anyone should use office w/o a member of government here because of files

  67. Dalton: remove specificity in ‘bring your own products’

  68. Change to ‘bring products you will need’

  69. Darlene: costs seem backwards- office is worth more, should at least be equal

  70. Dalton: $75 deposit ($25 returned, $25 for utilities, $25 for official who stays to watch files); $150 for nonmembers

  71. Chief Hatcher: think you could also say ‘no use of the office’

  72. Dalton: could do members only

  73. Tabled for now

  74. Money for Flowers

  75. Dalton: no problem with first part; remove part allowing people to ask for donations (doesn’t need to be there)

  76. John motioned; Homer seconded

  77. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  78. Camping on the Tribal Grounds (Excluding Pauwau)

  79. Dalton: change donation to fee

  80. Also add it to list of Waccamaw Bucks items

  81. No alcohol or illegal drugs

  82. Added: except medicinal?

  83. Rick H: if it’s hot outside, who’s policing them turning AC on?

  84. Tabled for now

  85. Also separate campers from RV’s

  86. Membership Fees

  87. Add fee to last sentence

  88. Chief Hatcher: don’t think it’s tax-deductible because it’s a fee

  89. Make them responsible for notifying us

  90. John A: reading from, think it is

  91. Chief Hatcher: kids go to school; we can sell arts as native crafts

  92. John T: should tax-deductible be in there?

  93. 2nd Chief Cheryl: should be in there for transparency

  94. John A: it’s incentive for people who may otherwise not pay

  95. Dalton: change it to ‘if paid before 8/1, it’s $50

  96. “The member has the option to prepay a year. If they choose to do so and they pay before August 1, their fee will be $50. 2013 fees can be paid any time prior to Aug 1, 2014 and receive the $50 rate”

  97. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

  98. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  99. Use of the Tribal Logo

  100. Dalton: change ‘used’ to ‘made’

  101. John A: wouldn’t go with a timeframe; be glad someone’s putting name out there

  102. Make stipulations about changing logo and what-not

  103. 2nd Chief Phil: wouldn’t go with $1

  104. Go off what they sell- 2-5%

  105. Chief Hatcher: not sure how you’ll manage it

  106. Just because someone says they get 100 items, they could get 200

  107. John T: why wasn’t there any discussion over last couple months on this?

  108. Michelle: Susan sent emails to Council asking for input

  109. Dalton: John A’s asking for it to be low enough for people to make a profit

  110. Darlene: could have t-shirts made & here in 2 weeks

  111. Dalton: Aug 1 was cutoff for Pauwau 2013

  112. Committee works hard all year and has told everyone for months that there was cutoff

  113. They shouldn’t have to come up with someone to do this job too

  114. Darlene: what if I buy the shirts, tribe pays for the booth, & tribe gets the money?

  115. We’d discuss at Wed’s meeting; everyone’s welcome

  116. Johnnie F: willing to pick up & deliver the shirts

  117. Scott: looking for policy; not profit & loss

  118. Change part about changes to logo

  119. Dalton: 2-5%?

  120. Last sentence should read: “It can only be used with consent of tribal council.”

  121. Tabled for now

  122. 2nd Chief Cheryl

  123. Presented forms to modify for our use

  124. Membership Fee Discount

  125. Area of Concern: asks people to disclose other assistance

  126. Dalton: why does it just ask for 1 program (Program Participation section)

  127. 2nd Chief Cheryl: no need to qualify further

  128. Volunteer Service Hours Log

  129. Turned in by the member & returned to Council

  130. John T: who keeps up with the log?

  131. 2nd Chief Cheryl: each member is responsible

  132. 2nd Chief Cheryl: could be modified for line-by-line signatures by Chairperson/ supervisor

  133. Dalton: at bottom, let member & person it gets turned into sign there

  134. Elder Doug

  135. Firekeeper: consider training John or another person?

  136. John C is certified and Rick H would like to train

  137. Donnie’s fuel receipts

  138. Fuel: $78.61 Check 1525

  139. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  140. Chief Hatcher

  141. Ms. Carolyn: ½ acre land to donate

  142. Need to help her empty sheds

  143. Think Susan wanted pots/ pans, Washer/ Dryer out for tribe

  144. Ms. Carolyn will call Susan to set date

  145. Online votes: right now, they are for emergencies and time-sensitive things

  146. Think that has to change- you have to be able to work

  147. Res. J-HH-09-06-2013-002: Appointment of Elders

  148. Would make Charles Creech an Elder

  149. Need to spell Creech correctly on form

  150. Dalton motioned to accept with spelling change; Homer seconded

  151. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  152. Res. J-HH-09-06-2013-001: Exemption of Membership Fees for Anyone Serving in the Tribal Government

  153. Homer: add Firekeeper to list?

  154. Chief Hatcher: no problem with that

  155. Dalton motioned to accept with change; Scott seconded

  156. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  157. Waccamaw Bucks

  158. Add camp fees to list

  159. Added names to list based off 2012 Volunteer Sheet

  160. List given to Chief Hatcher by Michelle

  161. Dalton motioned to accept; Homer seconded

  162. Homer-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  163. Smudging

  164. Need someone to do it if we plan to do it

  165. Should we do it?

  166. Most everyone in room: yes

  167. Scott: being smudges is a choice

  168. Darlene: would need to clear room quick for those who can’t breathe well

  169. Scott: smudge room, open windows to allow it to cover office

  170. Drum donated by Rick H

  171. Want everyone to sign it

  172. John C’s Statement

  173. “Filled with honor; humbled to be here. Apologize for family’s past transgressions. Can’t express feelings to be here; thank-you for letting me be here. Rethought my life over last few years”

  174. Chief Hatcher: we want the building to be smudged each month & during pauwau

  175. John C agreed to do it

  176. John C also agreed to train apprentices

Dalton motioned to close the meeting; Homer seconded.

Meeting adjourned 9:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 9/19/13 at 2:35 pm.

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