September 2014 Open Meeting Summary 09052014
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 9/5/2014 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CM’s Homer, Dalton, Susan, John, Robert, and Rick present. Dalton chaired the meeting for CoC Scott. 2nd Chief Phil served as proxy for CoC Scott
August Minutes read
Rick motioned to accept; Homer seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
Financial Report: Alan
General Fund
Deposits: $1355.60 Debits: $2554.39 Balance: $11,645.86
Building Fund
Deposits: $65.00 Debits: $0.00 Balance: $1665.00
John T: some members would like line-by-line deduction list
Michelle: all checks written show up in minutes
Chief Hatcher give password for bank accounts to John T
Alan F: B&G items should come from the building fund
Old Business
Spousal Membership Application
Larry Jernigan
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
Tribal logo and trademark
Susan: still working on
Work Day items from 8/16
Robert is staying on Council as well as Firekeeper
Council to pre-read minutes before meeting
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
Committees: stick to topic of report; more items can be added at end of meeting for discussion
Agenda: shared with CoC, Dalton, Chief Hatcher, Susan in Drive
Others can get it as well, just ask
John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Meetings are for Council business; Council controls the meeting
John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Old Business List
Move resolutions to Drive; pay Michelle $100 to set up account and scan items
Chief Hatcher: $100 isn’t enough; pay by sheet
Johnnie F: not easy job; tedious; be considerate of time
2nd Chief Phil: as state employee, what is a fair price?
Johnnie: unsure now
John T: keep track of time spent doing it & pay at end
2nd Chief Phil: come up with a minimum wage
Chief Hatcher: $10/hour
2nd Chief Phil motioned $10/hr instead of flat rate
Keep track of time; pay at end
Rick H: put a cap on it
John T motioned $10/hr for 2 days with a max of $160
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-abstain, Phil (Scott)-yes
Alternator: Pay Rabon’s
Dalton-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, 2nd Chief Phil (Scott)-yes
Purchase Cool Seal: $795.15
Dalton-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, 2nd Chief Phil (Scott)-yes
Policy Letter Changes: Susan
Camping on the Grounds: max 2 weeks, leave a week, return
Susan: leave time is based on other camping forms
If someone stays too long at once, you may have to evict them
Rick H: 7 day leave is too long
John-no, Homer-no, Susan-yes, Robert-no, Rick-no
Chief Hatcher: what if leave time was changed to 24hours?
John T: losing out on money if they are gone a week
2nd Chief Cheryl: compromise to 3 days
John T: is it law?
Rick motioned to change leave time to 24 hours
John T: do they have to move camper out?
Rick: some grounds just ask you to change spots
Johnnie F: state park rules- beyond 2 week stay, Homestead Act kicks in; have to move all your belongings
John T motioned a 2 week stay, out for 24 hours
Susan motioned to stay 1 week, out 3 days, return for 1 week
Mark A: members’ grounds; suggest stay for 2 weeks, out for 24hours
Dalton motioned; Susan seconded to change leave time to 24 hours
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-no, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, 2nd Chief Phil (Scott)-yes
Camping on Grounds: change to no non-prescription drugs allowed
Dalton motioned; Susan seconded
John T: what about people who use prescription drugs for recreational use?
Chief Hatcher: no control over
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-no, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, 2nd Chief Phil (Scott)-yes
Use of tribal logo: no member is allowed direct control of the logo
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-no, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, 2nd Chief Phil (Scott)-yes
New Business
Committee Reports
Arts & Crafts: Susan (from Neal)
Certifications to Phil W, Darlene W, Rick
Next meeting: Sunday after Oct. tribal meeting
Grants: Michelle
Looking at Housing Repair grants
Buildings & Grounds: John T
Thank you’s to volunteers
Working on vendor/ RV spots
Roof patched: needs 1-2 more coats of cool seal
All blinds, windows, kitchen cleaned
Storage shed inventoried by Lori O
Need to reseat boards in ceiling
Kitchen floor/ countertops to be improved through donations
Stain window seals, change windows
Need gutters to drain water off walls; cost approx. $371
Office trailer: still looking at doing something with it; start with walls
Eventually laminate office floor through donations
$474.90 in receipts for items tribe needed; would like reimbursement
RV spots: budgeted $1000+ $500 donation
Cost approx. $600
For power: $173/ seat optimum (15, 30, 50 amp)
Think 3 for now; add more later
$525 with wiring
Chief Hatcher: approve money now so it can be done before Pauwau
Dalton: first on receipts
Rick motioned; Robert seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-no, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, 2nd Chief Phil (Scott)-yes
Dalton: pay for electrical changes: $1300
2nd Chief Phil motioned; Robert seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-no, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, 2nd Chief Phil (Scott)-yes
Susan: take receipts out of general fund; electrical changes to be taken from building fund; Robert seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-no, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, 2nd Chief Phil (Scott)-yes
Receipts: $474.90 Check 605 general fund
Electrical Changes: $1300 Check 1042 building fund
Cemetery Fund: $450.01
Wayne T: need weed killer- $152; $75 covered by Wayne
$77 from cemetery fund
Fence down from around pond; Wayne T wants posts & scrap wire in exchange for chemicals
Work Day 9/6
Pauwau: 2nd Chief Cheryl
Last meeting 8/13
Billboards ready
Vendor applications went out 9/1
Raffles: 50/50, beaded purse, craft
Johnnie F: will donate 2 pound cakes
Program Book complete & ready for Council approval
Cover done by Lindsey S
Ads: $1450
Camping during Pauwau, with Policy Letter changes, do we need to make changes to our form?
Susan: Policy Letter isn’t for Pauwau time
Funds: in-kind contributions- Wal-Mart, Sam’s, Costco, Food Lion
Eliminating Genealogy booth this year since the roll book is closed
Mark: what about people who need to sign the roll book?
Michelle different booth
Cheryl: Iris will have the roll book
Volunteers: certificates for 8 hours or more; less than that, you receive a letter
Meeting prior to Pauwau for heads of each section for better communication
River Talk: Susan
Cecil Chandler: Cheryl & Ronnie to be on Carolina Co Live
Website updated
PoP ordered and hotels arranged
Food: volunteers to cook
See Cheryl to volunteer
Sewer pump project: letter sent out
Drum: Rick: meeting 9/6
Have CD now
Do we need to swap them out or can we make copies?
Susan: not sure
Edisto will help us learn
2nd Chief Phil: ask permission to sit with them & learn
Constitution: Dalton
Dalton motioned to remove tribal Council restrictions from this committee; Homer seconded
Mark: why does it have to be all Council members?
Dalton: it doesn’t
Voting members: Dalton, Susan, Cheryl, John, Scott, Mark, Michelle
Dalton motioned; Homer seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-no, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, 2nd Chief Phil (Scott)-yes
Resolution: DH-08-01-2014-001: Waccamaw Bucks Changes: 2nd Reading
John T: can non-members get Waccamaw Bucks & use it for application fee?
Susan: no
Chief Hatcher: cost money for ID cards, newsletters, stamps
Rick H: they only get a chance to gamble ($500 raffle)
John T: Wayne would have made $60 donation, but didn’t because of gate fees
Chief Hatcher: Waccamaw Bucks as a requirement for donation makes it no longer a donation
Rick H: seems like we’re more interested in making money off people in the tribe
Chief Hatcher: old days, he bought all paper, ink, stamps, etc… it adds up
Chief Hatcher: okay with adding a gate pass & doing away with the two free ones
Susan: people work that you may never see
Susan: they pay for people’s membership fees & new ID cards
We don’t have a renewal fee on ID cards
Mark A: penalizes people who can’t come out & work
Chief Hatcher: membership comes with privileges
Donnie: lawn mower: $70.47 Check 606
Fuel: $74.36 Check 607
Homer motioned; Rick seconded to pay both
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-no, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, 2nd Chief Phil (Scott)-yes
John T: Pauwau: T-shirts- cost $2.50 each to make
2nd Chiefs
Cheryl: Life Recovery with sweat lodge in vicinity
Pauwau: need display dimensions
Chief Hatcher introduced Ed Johnson (former Council member) and Chief Lewis (FL)
Chief Lewis
Seminoles are Waccamaw; escaped slavery
Have family in High Hill, Mt Olive, Holly Hill cemeteries
Will volunteer just because we’re family
Bring tribes together to help prevent diabetes, help become a self-sustaining entity
More people means stronger tribe
Veterans Program: Dori A looking into
In court since 1974 over Disney being on their land
Want to form unity between Chiefs, create food growth system
Want to establish bank, hospital, electrical grid
Money is easy; coming together is more difficult
Chief Hatcher: wrapped up 30-day item on project; timeline sent to Council
Sheila H: Ride to Reverse Diabetes with Dennis Banks: 9/23-24
9/20: Gathering of all religions in DC with People of the Earth
9/25: Petersburg Prison Pauwau: requires form
Pauwau: Program Book approval: 2nd Chief Phil motioned; Homer seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-no, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, 2nd Chief Phil (Scott)-yes
Homer: Will Cemetery fund include both cemeteries?
Wayne T: yes
Homer: Will program books be sold at the gate?
Cheryl: think they should be; discuss at meeting
Mark A: at drink booth too
Michelle: money must be kept separately for accounting
John T: solstice 9/21
Rick: formation of Waccamaw Warriors
Open to members
Temp. Chair: Rick, John T, Mark A; election in 2015
Make additions to grounds, fund raisers, education
John T: provide encouragement for more people to become active
Rick: networking with other tribes
John T apologized for sounding short in emails
Homer motioned to close the meeting; Susan seconded.
Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 9/28/14 at 4:15 pm.