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October 2017 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 10/06/2017 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s John, Mark, Dalton, Susan, Robert, Jeania, and CoC Rick present. Elders Glenn, Dan, Doug, and Ronnie present.

  2. Financial Report

  3. General Fund: $7434.19 (as of 10/5/2017 on CNB site)

  4. Building Fund: $1286.27 (as of 10/5/2017 on CNB site)

  5. Cemetery Fund: $531.26

  6. Online Votes

  7. 9/14 September Minutes

  8. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  9. 9/17 Roof repair

  10. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  11. 9/20 Sprayer Vote

  12. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  13. 10/2 Fix bathroom in tribal office

  14. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  15. Thank you to Larry J for his work

  16. 10/2 Postpone Council Work Day

  17. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  18. Old Business

  19. Elder Position

  20. Chief Hatcher: Becky S was recommended and I nominate her

  21. Becky S to be interviewed by Council at December meeting

  22. New Business

  23. Solstice: John T

  24. Wanted to discuss solstice because it’s being done 2 weeks late

  25. Robert: they said a storm was coming

  26. John: then don’t have it 2 weeks late, cancel instead

  27. Rick: I leave it to the Firekeeper

  28. John: should it be his decision?

  29. Rick: yes, he runs it

  30. Dalton: we have no one else to do it. Question is are we going to forbid him from doing it?

  31. John: it’s Council purview; it should be done close to the day of the solstice

  32. Robert: a storm was coming

  33. John: if we were a true Indian tribe, the Firekeeper would still be doing it

  34. Mark: second time it was moved because of a funeral

  35. John: 90% of the tribe didn’t go to the funeral; still could have done it

  36. Rick: Mr. Williams was glad we moved the date

  37. Mark: going forward, it needs to be done close to the date

  38. Robert: a storm was coming

  39. Mark: I understand this one

  40. John: Council should decide on postponement

  41. Rick: Robert, what do you think? Should it be a Council or Firekeeper call?

  42. Robert: it should be the Firekeeper’s call

  43. Dalton: could you call about postponements before postponing?

  44. Robert: yes

  45. Dalton: it’s a religious thing; I, personally, don’t want Council involved

  46. Dalton: to me, it’s letting the Firekeeper use the tribal land and when Council will allow him to use it

  47. John: the fire is part of heritage/ tradition

  48. Dalton: I care about heritage, but don’t want to endorse religion

  49. Chief Hatcher: In ancient times, Firekeeper kept fires going and it wasn’t religious

  50. It should be done on the day it’s supposed to be done

  51. John: a 2-week postponement doesn’t make sense

  52. Rick: you argue we make the day inconvenient and that it’s not always the day of the solstice

  53. Chief Hatcher: Robert could do the religious part at his house on the day of the solstice; a public ceremony can be done later

  54. Elder Doug: it’s a spiritual ceremony, not religious

  55. Jeania: it was understandable for that time; it should be done the day of even it’s just at your home and cancel altogether if it’s going to be late

  56. John: should postponing be a Council decision?

  57. Dalton: I asked that earlier; Robert said yes

  58. Rick: if you aren’t going to be here, you don’t need to vote

  59. John: no, it’s a Council decision; that means all of us

  60. Dalton: John’s right

  61. Dalton: I asked Robert if he would be ok if we postpone, not the same as telling him to not tend fire. There’s nothing on these grounds Council shouldn’t be included in

  62. Chief Hatcher: Solstice/ Equinox ceremonies are dictated by Manyskins and done on the days it’s supposed to be done; Council makes decision on public ceremony date

  63. Rick: it’s a spiritual ceremony to me

  64. Chief Hatcher: during Pauwau, it’s a uniting ceremony

  65. Fuel Receipts: $88.20 Check 590

  66. Fundraiser: John

  67. We need to do a fundraiser & need ideas so we can discuss them all

  68. 10/14 Trail Ride: Larry J

  69. $10 includes dinner

  70. Becky: no firearms on the grounds

  71. Rick: we’d have to talk

  72. Elder Doug: yard sale the first week of April for Special Needs Fishing Day

  73. Jeania: why can’t BINGO be done here? Start out small

  74. Chief Hatcher: it’s highly regulated; you have to buy equipment

  75. Jeania: use cards, offer coffee/ snacks

  76. Chief Hatcher: you can’t offer money that way, only prizes

  77. John: are churches/ clubs regulated?

  78. Chief Hatcher: it’s done under license and regulated

  79. John: we could do a yard sale every weekend

  80. Mark: and offer concessions

  81. Rick: Mark & John to look into flea market; Larry into trailer ride

  82. Committee Reports

  83. Arts & Crafts: Susan

  84. Nothing to report

  85. Pauwau: Michelle

  86. Program is ready for Council approval

  87. Mark motioned to accept the program book & send to printer; John seconded

  88. Jeania-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes

  89. Mark: are you buying t-shirts this year?

  90. Michelle: we checked into prices; range $3-6/ shirt

  91. Susan: Glenn C sent prices too

  92. Glenn: 300 shirts would be about $1500

  93. Benches being built 10/7

  94. Susan

  95. All RV spots taken

  96. Vendors: 10 confirmed, 2 non-native

  97. John: are we selling things during School Day?

  98. Susan: problem is that vendors can’t open until the program is over; we can’t either

  99. John: my thought was can we sell things or donated items?

  100. John showed his woodburning crafts

  101. Susan: you need to get certified

  102. Susan: we should do it next year

  103. Chief Hatcher: we have the county’s exemption for fees

  104. Drum: Rick

  105. Still planning on playing during School Day

  106. 2nd Chiefs

  107. Chief Hatcher: 2c Sievers has applied for another job which may keep her out of the state, but we need to get ID cards to people

  108. Jeania: think she may have a problem with the laptop

  109. Dalton: it could be a Windows 10 issue; John’s donated laptop was Win7

  110. Chief Hatcher: 2c White apologized for not being here; he will be here a week ahead for pauwau

  111. Chief

  112. Chief Harris (Catawba); they wait on us to do things before they do it

  113. Asked for their support on hunting & fishing licenses

  114. Bills

  115. To stop further group recognition: to keep 900 white people & 2 Native Americans from forming a group, allowing them to register as a minority company, compete for educational funds, etc…

  116. Federally: considering taking it out of BIA & giving it to Congress

  117. Criteria hasn’t changed & we want it too

  118. Would have to show ancestry back to 1689 & doubt anyone of any race could

  119. If anyone knows the Indians in their state, it should be the state & the federal government should listen to them

  120. Congress only needs a majority vote

  121. Work Day 10/7

  122. All-Star BINGO in Garden City

  123. Introduced Chief Thompkins of Chicora

  124. Cemetery: stake 10ft from fence and 15ft from gate on trailer side

  125. It looks like they’re taking land, not giving

  126. Mark: they can’t settle the estate without signing off

  127. Chief Hatcher: we could sit on it

  128. Update on Tap-E-Ya Bernie

  129. He can’t walk, but he can talk; paralyzed on the right side

  130. Elder Doug: can we go get him for Pauwau?

  131. He’s in Augusta

Mark motioned to close the meeting; John seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:06 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 11/16/17 at 5:01 am.

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