May 2018 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/4/2018 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CM’s Jeania, Robert, Mark, Dalton, and Rick present. Elders Glenn T, Doug,Ronnie, and Becky present. 2C Cheryl present.
Financial Report
General Fund: $11,364.79
Building Fund: $1,917.40
Cemetery Fund: $531.26
Online Votes
4/19 Cemetery Vote: whether to accept the proposal
Jeania-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
4/22 Accept April Minutes
Jeania-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-absent, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Old Business
Finder’s Fee proposal: 2C Cheryl
Doesn’t look good; terms aren’t good for us
Website lists their name in different spellings
Has means to invest and could do horses & tipis in several forms (traditional through glamping)
Resolution: DH-04-06-2018-001 Subject: Exemption of membership fees for age, length of service, or large donations: Second Reading
Please send emails to Dalton to discuss
Jeania: why don’t we not have membership fees?
Dalton: I have considered it, but we have more kids on the books than grandparents and have to think about 7 generations unborn
New Business
Fuel: $81.33 Check 693
Jeania-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Solstice: $39.32 Check 694
Jeania-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Horse Ride: Larry J
It was a nice day; 34 people attended
Mark: gout our name out there; thanks to Larry and all who helped
Fishing Day: Rick
Successful, but not as many kids as last year; thanks to all who helped
Committee Reports
Buildings & Grounds: Glenn C
Thanks to Larry J, John T, and others for helping with WOrk Day
Most of the gable is done; worksheet has been updated
Work Day 6/2
Mike Graham will be cooking
Last month’s minutes- it was Charles Hughes’ tractor (5(C(i)(9)), April Meeting Summary)
Elder Doug: the cemetery tombstones need to be acid-washed
Glenn C: you have to be careful doing that
Pauwau: Michelle/ Glenn C
Narrowing down drum choices
Looking at Red Oak and Warpaint
6/12 Hog Heaven Fundraiser; Georgia is selling tickets
Looking for Volunteers for Pauwau2018
Budget in Google Drive; updated monthly for Council review
Socastee Heritage Festival: $22 raised; Blue Angels flying overhead; flyers given out
Took it to Socastee Heritage Festival; Chris & Carson had something come up
Raffle for lawn mower drawn: Dave Cox won & was notified during the meeting
2nd Chief Cheryl
Governing Body, please verify your contact information on these sheets to be submitted to the State
JR-HH-05-01-2018-001: Appointment to External Position
Appoint Ms. Jerri Hunter to serve as the Riverkeeper & Representative for the SCIAC Women’s Alliance
Dalton motioned; Mark seconded
Jeania-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Museum Article: Honoring the Warrior Tradition of Native Americans by Dave Spiva
Museum scheduled to be unveiled in 2020
Link to article (pg 36 in VFW Magazine):{%22page%22:%2238%22,%22issue_id%22:486403}
Brandi Rayne Merithew Al-amasi
If interested in learning language, let her know so she can create lesson plans
Dalton motioned to close the meeting; Mark seconded.
Meeting adjourned 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 5/19/18 at 8:55 pm.