December 2019 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 12/6/2019 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CM’s Marion, Alan, John, Robert present. Dalton served ACoC. Elders Becky and Dan present.
Financial Report: Not available
Online Votes
11/3 Pay Little Bear for bringing Earl Manyskins to Pauwau
Robert-yes, John-no, Alan-yes, Marion-absent, Dalton-yes
Rendered moot; 2C Phil came in during Pauwau & said Chief would pay it out of his pocket
12/2 Accept October minutes
Robert-abstain, Marion-yes, Alan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes
New Business
MS Office: Dalton
Would like authorization for 6 accounts of MS Office Nonprofit
Allow us to post database online
Encrypted & backed up
$3/ user
Alan: do you need more than 3 users?
Dalton: yes
John: can you add as you go?
Dalton: yes
Yearly registration; will pay my own
Think tribe should pay for Filekeeper, Secretary, and Genealogists
Plan to create a committee, preferable those familiar with database management
Our current version of Office 365 doesn’t have the 1 app that we need
John: do we need MS Office & NeonCRM? Seems like they overlap
Dalton: with Neon, every line is a user & costs extra money after 1000 users
Not sure you can use Neon in the same way as MS Office
Stats, labels, mail merge, etc…
Neon is set up to be the backend of a website
General members can see what they owe, receive alerts, pay fees, check events
We can get Neon’s changelog to update MS Office
Alan: can Neon be merged to MS Office?
Dalton: believe it can be exported
Dalton: I’m looking 20 years down the line- tribe will double, which increases lines and cost
Dalton: if I could figure out how to get us to one, I would
If I could, I would get us away from both
John: funding authorization
Dalton: 4 users
John: motion to fund MS Office; Alan seconded for 4 users ($144/ year)
Marion-yes, John-yes, Alan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
John: suppose we could incorporate policy regarding cemetery
Can we add it into MS Office
Dalton: not limited by the number of spots
John: can we add resolutions in to it
Dalton: would like to put all of our information in one spot
Overnight Deposit Bags: Dalton
Choice of bags: disposable plastic & permanent
No fee if we use disposable bags
If there is a discrepancy, they will either deposit & tell you or they will call you to come recount it (you decide which one)
Starla: 2 people open the safe and count separately with cameras watching
Marion: motion we use overnight bags; John seconded
Marion: no problems using it over 9 years myself
Marion-yes, John-yes, Alan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
Resolution: DH-12-06-2019-001: Rules governing the creation & maintenance of the Files Committee: 1st reading
Alan: do you know where everything is at with the files?
Starla: no; 2C Cheryl & Marie have been going through them
Think access should be limited even more than what is written here
Dalton: to maintain files, they need access
Would Office 365 let anyone get access to a file?
Dalton: would like every paper we have to be there, but you can limit people’s abilities like in Drive (view, comment, edit capabilities)
Want to limit access to the physical files
Dalton: they may need to get to the written file to update it if we change membership agreements, as an example
Marion defended the number of users for a quorum; not necessarily all have access, but can make decisions
John: which file would be the go-to file?
Dalton: would change the information digitally, but also note it on the written file
John: if someone makes a change, is there a changelog?
Dalton: yes
John: could you run a report to see what they were doing?
Dalton: I believe so; will look into it
Dalton: the most current version of a file would probably be the one online; official one would be the written file
Committee would make policy letters
Dalton: would like to skip the 3-reading rule since it doesn’t affect the general membership
John motioned to waive the rule and vote; Robert seconded
Marion-yes, John-yes, Alan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
Glenn C: reimburse PW and B&G expenses: $972.27 Check 783
Robert-yes, Marion-yes, Alan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes
John T: reimburse food expenses: $200.23 check 782
Robert-yes, Marion-yes, Alan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes
Fuel: $37.27 check 781
Robert-yes, Marion-yes, Alan-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes
Committee Reports
Building & Grounds: Glenn C
New calendar ready: solstice/ equinox events, work days, PWs on there
Send dates for Family Day and other events to Glenn or Michelle
Dalton: email me a copy
Extended thanks to everyone for work throughout the year
Total of 1027 man-hours spent in just B&G time
New projects to come
Other trailer- kitchen or bath house/ showerroom
We need to get sewer done
Going to try to get items donated for a kitchen
Drum Arbor
Raise it up, add a floor
Chief said someone (Miller from Hardeeville PW?) will build a permanent structure for the Chiefs tent
Build up circle
Dirt: Donnie had a friend bring topsoil in for free
If we could get pledges and ask him for more items, we could get it done quicker
Pond: dig more
Drainage: need to dig places for water to run to
Campground: John T
Rural tourism was passed, so we don’t have to be rezoned
$250 permit, no licenses
Wouldn’t have to deal with DHEC
Glenn C: would like my fundraiser to go toward B&G
John: lots of projects to prioritize; send it to Council
Pauwau: Dalton
Financial breakdown available on handout, still being worked on as receipts come in
Volunteers: sign up; sign in/out at PW to receive credit
Glenn C: we will assign people to jobs & thanks Kayla for help at drink tent
Program book: would like Elders to share stories about themselves or others
Ads: we sold enough to pay for the program book
Cutoff date is 8/15
Larry J: can we put an ordinance on dogs?
Dalton: service animals can go around grounds but not in the circles
Only dogs and mini horses are covered under ADA
They don’t have to have papers or a vest
You can ask if it’s a service animals and what function it serves, but not the person’s disability
John: can we get a count on the people coming in?
Dalton: we’ve tried; Elders are supposed to count wristbands before and after their shift
Glenn C
Thanks to Bill & Susie for all they do; they give almost all of their money back
Starla: including the flag, sage, etc
Do we have another donation account?
Dalton: we can use Square
Glenn: can we set up a Paypal account?
Dalton: will check through Facebook
Ms. Carol Harmon (sp?) at site 1: sending money in for next year in the same site
Lack of security around the circle; most were in one spot
David W should give policy letters to Council, especially concerning how to become a Constable
Alan: make sure all wristbands are given out at the gate
Larry J: have tribal members wear security shirts
Dalton: constables are SLED-licensed & have their own shirts
Volunteer shirts would be nice (ex: Staff)
Drummed for School Day
John T: is there a policy letter on planting memorial trees?
Alan: think the trees should be indigenous to this area
John: no one’s planting them now, why would it matter?
Alan: just like Arts & Crafts, it should be traditional/ indigenous to this area
Dalton: think they should get approval for the location & type of tree
John: we need to work on tribal development
Feel we’re more a tribe of 40 than 287
We should work on that with federal recognition
Youngest here tonight is 45
Dalton: since we aren’t federally recognized, people have to go to where the work is
John: we need to have a Council Work Day for this
Think we should have classes, lectures, etc
John: Fear tribe will dissolve if Chief hatcher passes
John: Need Council attendance guidelines: also for Council Work Day
John: Elders, elections are coming up
Do we need more guidelines?
Do we have to change the guidelines?
Example: participate in X number of meetings?
Dalton: think it would be a constitutional question for Elders
John: Members being paid for work
Can understand paying people for purchasing supplies
Should Robert/ Marion be paid too since Manyskins was paid?
Should Bill & Susie be paid and not Ronnie F?
For Council Work Day
John: Why do we give money away to other charities (example: Ms. Goodson)?
Alan: we try to help other Natives out
Dalton: for me, example: if I were a poor farmer, I’d still give my neighbor some food so he wouldn’t starve & I’d be willing to put up with the hardship myself
As for Ms. Goodson: I saw houses on I-40 made of cardboard; I’m willing to give up blankets
Marion: church gave us money; we gave them money, end result was 0
Dalton: part of our mandate is to help Natives, not just ourselves
John: Trustees Cemetery Guidelines
There are none
Add to Council Work Day
Michelle: Council, Family Day is coming up, you need to plan
Dalton motioned to have Family Day 2/15; Alan seconded
Robert-yes, Alan-yes, John-yes, Marion-yes, Dalton-yes
John: solstice 12/21
John: do we have an allotted amount of money for food?
Michelle: per policy letter, events excluding Pauwau have up to $200 budget
Glenn/ Starla
Thanks for letting us use the grounds for wedding
Thanks to all who shared the day with us
Thanks to Chief Hatcher, Marion for fire, Susan, Lindsay for pictures
Donated $100 to tribe; gave to Chief Hatcher
We’re going to stop selling goodies
Collected $170 and are donating 1/2 back to B&G account
Larry J: Homer mentioned he’d like to see horses on the PW grounds
Dalton/ Michelle: it was a big hit at the PW; people loved it
Ray A: such thing as a complete calendar?
Glenn: we can share it through Drive
Marion: thanks to Glenn for showing guidance to all of us on work days & to everyone who took part in the pauwau
Dalton: thanks to everyone who worked at the Pauwau, to Glenn for all he’s done as an effective & long-lasting B&G manager
Alan motioned to close the meeting; Robert seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 9:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 1/2/2020 at 7:29 pm.