June 2021 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 6/4/2021 held via Zoom
CM’s Susan, Marie, Glenn, Alan, and CoC Dalton present. VC Cheryl and Filekeeper Starla present. Kevin D and Carol Ann also present.
Financial Report (as of 6/2/2021, 11:45am on the CNB site)
General Fund: $15,191.18
Building Fund: $4598.29
Cemetery Fund: $100.00
New Business
Online Votes
5/14 Create Cemetery Bank Account & allow SCIAC to camp on grounds
Susan-yes, yes; Marie-yes,yes; Alan-yes, yes; Glenn-yes with stipulations, no; Dalton-yes,yes
5/19 May 2021 Meeting Summary accepted with changes
Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Alan-yes, Dalton-yes
Fuel: $75.27
Tractor: $56.50
Alan motioned to accept all receipts; Marie seconded
Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Alan-yes, Dalton-yes
Fuel: Check 814 General Fund
Tractor: Check 1060 Building Fund
Discussion: In-person meetings beginning August or September
Dalton: close to 50% adults are vaccinated
Alan: How many in tribal government have had their shots?
A few haven’t
How can we do social distancing and masks?
Marie: just had two tests and both were negative; can’t get the shot right now
Susan: let unvaccinated participate via Zoom
At the office, we can suggest they wear masks
Dalton: long-term, I would like to have the office set up with both Zoom and in-person meetings
Susan: When do you want to have the first in-person meeting?
Dalton: try a first run in July
Create a Facebook message with Zoom link or tell them to have mask with them
Susan/ Marie motioned to have the first in-person meeting in July with Zoom link available; Alan seconded
Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Alan-yes, Dalton-yes
Committee Reports
Building & Grounds: Glenn
Cleaned up a fallen tree
Weedeating to be done
Alan: anything on sewer?
Glenn: no
Chief Hatcher: they have to ask a bunch of questions
Arts and Crafts
Alan: meeting on 6/28 to look at the exhibit and storage
They would like to give a small space for each recognized tribe
Going to try to do Zoom with it too
Chief Hatcher: would like to see rank feathers for Council
Susan: designed the layout for chokers for Council, 2C, Chief
Can come up with one for other offices
Will email a copy to Council
Pauwau Business cards ordered
Flyers ready to be made
Most demonstrators are nailed down for this year
Look at different fundraisers
Susan: School Day: 10 letters sent to superintendents, received 1 letter back from school who has never been here
Next meeting 6/10/2021 6:30pm via Zoom
Glenn: no update from GSWSA, other than they had to order parts
Glenn: met two Saturdays ago and agreed to let Carol Ann do calls on membership questionnaire
Carol Ann: still missing what’s missing in the files
Marie: will get it to her soon
Voted to put Marie as point-of-contact for Carol Ann
Sent out a few ID cards this week
Glenn: next meeting 6/19/2021; also Fire Ceremony day
Glenn: all mail for files/ files committee goes to the tribal office
Received a phone call from a lady at the office wanting to go in
Told her we didn’t have someone there at the office; she was upset
Need a sign for the door (ex: office hours)
Looking at bank account transactions
Electric bill: make sure everything is turned off when you leave
Bank accounts
Dirt needs to come from the B&G fund
That money needs to be moved back to General Fund
Need to make sure money is coming from the right account
Michelle: tell me which account you want things to come from
VC Cheryl
Are we going to use the same template for the newsletter?
Glenn: give Debra J something to go by, let her create, and bring it to Council
We need an Information Person
Glenn: think the newsletter should have something from all departments
Hard to pinpoint one person, but Debra J may be able to do it
Susan: like the program book, it’s hard to get individual people to add their item
Went out and got my own
VC Cheryl: do you have a template to give her?
Susan: on top of it; talked to Glenn earlier
Chief Hatcher
Phil White resigned as 2C; replacing him with Alan
Leaves an empty Council seat
Alan saves me time in Columbia
Glenn: concerned he can be 2C and non-core
VC Cheryl: Vice Chief and Chief have to be core, but not 2C
Chief Hatcher: there is an isn’t a problem with the clause in the constitution
I think that Council could make an exception
Glenn: if you set these stipulations, you’re going to have fewer that can be Chief
Chief Hatcher: I agree
Chief Hatcher: the thing that created that clause possibly arose from the land and people wanting to take over the tribe
VC Cheryl: They were laying out where they were going to build things
Blood quantum would be the end of tribes
Chief Hatcher: can’t ignore the rights of people who work for us, but we don’t want to open the position to crooks either
Perhaps require a certain amount of time on Council first
Alan and Starla C to work on applications together
Work by email
Use embossing seal on the original
Glenn: Two packages at the office
Susan: will be picked up Monday
Susan motioned to close the meeting; Marie seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 6/14/2021 at 2:09 pm.