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March 2021 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 3/5/2021 held via Zoom

  1. CM’s Marion, Susan, Alan, Marie, Glenn and CoC Dalton present. VC Cheryl, 2C John, and Filekeeper Starla present.

  2. Financial Report (as of 3/5/2021, 3pm)

    1. General Fund: $23,896.70

    2. Building Fund: $3779.64

  3. Online Votes

    1. 2/9 Purchase & Install sewer project

      1. Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Alan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes

    2. 2/27 Accept February summary

      1. Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Alan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes

  4. New Business

    1. Receipt

      1. Glenn: Handicap ramp repair receipt: $181.35

        1. Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Alan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes

        2. Check 1059 Building Fund

    2. Committee Reports

      1. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn C

        1. Repairing ramp Saturday

        2. Too wet to work

      2. Arts & Crafts: Susan

        1. Nothing new to report

      3. Pauwau: Michelle/ Dalton

        1. Should start planning for 2021 Pauwau

        2. Will send email to committee members to get together via Zoom

      4. Drum: Alan

        1. Nothing new

        2. Chief Hatcher: getting $600 grant to get Andy Spell to train our guys

      5. Campground: John

        1. Mr. Hinson will be out Tuesday at 10am to review placement

      6. Files: Starla/ Dalton

        1. We have a meeting 3/6 at 6pm at the tribal grounds

          1. Dinner will be provided, bring sides and drinks

        2. Regular Files committee meeting 3/20 via Zoom at 6pm

    3. VC & 2C

      1. 2C John: because we can get financial educational assistance, add it to the calls by the Files committee

        1. Files Committee: ask what members’ needs are

      2. CMA grants for state-recognized tribes $50,000, $160,000

        1. VC Cheryl: they are specific to environmental justice and Covid-19 and through the EPA

          1. You can/should collaborate with other nonprofits to help meet criteria

      3. 2C John: do we still have all of Ms. Carla’s donations in the storage room?

        1. Glenn: yes, they’re still there

        2. 2C John/ VC Cheryl: look for a truck driver to get the items to Oklahoma/ Dakotas

          1. Dalton: would need an independent trucker

          2. Marie: will talk to David about his schedule

          3. Kevin D: biggest issue for Cheyenne is propane

          4. Carol Ann: Dr. Painter may have some suggestions

          5. Dalton: will let VC Cheryl and Marie work it out

      4. VC Cheryl

        1. Education Taskforce will meet next week

          1. VC Cheryl read their mission statement

          2. SCETV and Women’s Vision SC program

          3. T Lilly LittleWater was one of the first to be honored in 2020

          4. Recertify teachers approved by Dept of Education

          5. 5 day/ week courses throughout the year

          6. Museum Exhibit at CCU

          7. Had a Zoom meeting 2/11; they would like to come to equinox on 3/20 to interview people about historical information and put it into the museum

          8. Dalton: can you put together an email for Michelle to forward?

          9. VC Cheryl: yes

          10. VC Cheryl: conservation group will attend

          11. American Rivers: People of color (PoC) are the most affected by environmental issues

          12. Lack funds to repair things

          13. Spearheading getting information to tribes and PoC

          14. Help people advocate for themselves and implement change

    4. Kevin D

      1. Army veteran, retired; have lived on Cheyenne River for 20 years

      2. Helped get Natives back to work

      3. Coordinator at Standing Rock and Cheyenne

      4. Family is out of Horry and Robeson counties

  5. Ms. Johnson

    1. Retired Educator

    2. Cousin of Deborah C and Marion C

    3. Want to be involved

Glenn motioned to adjourn; Susan seconded

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 3/16/2021 at 12:27 am.


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