March 2023 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 3/3/2023 held at the tribal office and via Zoom
CM’s Susan, Chris, Marion, Marie, Robert, Glenn, and CoC Dalton were present. VC Cheryl and 2C John were present. Elders Larry J, Becky, Glenn T, and Charles H were present.
Financial Report (as of 3/2/2023 at 12:15 am)
General Fund: $30,890.19
Building Fund: $3267.00
Cemetery Fund: $407.00
Old Business
Online Votes
2/4 Purchase filler for the ditch
CM Glenn C: no prices yet
2/4 Purchase new chairs for Council and Chiefs
No discussion yet
2/24 Approve February Meeting Summary with changes
5(a)(vi)(2)(c)(iv)(2) should be Chief, not Chie
5(a)(iv)(3) should just be drum, not HM too
Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Chris-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
New Business
Presentation from Elizabeth Ruth Wilson, Director of OLLI
OLLI: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Targets age 50+
Want to make sure their members know of our culture in the area
There are courses in the Summer
Susan: is there a cost to be a member?
Elizabeth: $40/year and $5/hr/course
Is that an affordable price?
CoC Dalton: I think $40/year is affordable
Elizabeth: some programs are free
Susan: was there for the Taste of OLLI
There are various classes, including movie making
When we met, I mentioned that management would be a good course for the tribe
Elizabeth: We had 50+ courses over the Spring
VC Cheryl: I reconnected with Dr. Bryant on the tribal leadership course, but it is in the Raleigh-Durham area- could it brought here?
Elizabeth: we can explore it; there are 125 OLLIs throughout the country
CoC Dalton: how will OLLI be affected by HR999 in FL?
Committee Reports
Buildings & Grounds: Glenn
Larry J and others fixed the step by the front door
We will finish hooking up the dump station tomorrow; David H installed it
No prices on fill dirt; I’ll call again tomorrow at 8:30
Susan donated a TV; we will hook it up tomorrow
Chris: check with Martin Sarvis for dirt
Glenn: we cleared up the back room of the old trailer
Marie: David has more logs to drop off for the longhouse
Arts & Crafts: Susan
I would like to come up with a program
7/11 program with OLLI 9-11:45- a choker and Waccamaw presentation
Do 1 in the summer and 6 weeks in the Fall
Grants: Michelle
SCAC grant money received ($5200)
We probably won’t receive one this year because we received it twice in a row
Could do drum or School Day
VC Cheryl: Sustainability grant filed with CCU near $10k
Plenty of support and they know we’re developing into bigger projects
Expecting a proposal from Earth Design
We need to do an Impact Study in case we decide to change anything
Phase I: longhouse, small garden, additional funds for rain garden
Office of Resilience, SC Parks, and SC DNR
Develop community, habitat, and restoration
The proposal shows what we’re doing and how we want to get it done
Clemson is interested in helping
Roughly $3000 from Community Engagement Grant
Can use towards the Spring Equinox
CoC Dalton: I’d like to get us back into Fishing Day
VC Cheryl: I sent a flyer for Equinox to help with engagement
EPA has EJ grants for disadvantaged areas are federal grants, but we can’t be the applicant because of the way they define a tribe
We have to collaborate with organizations and subgrant them
We have to start with a consultant
Pauwau: Michelle
Working on budget
Need a story on the history & traditions of the drum for the program book
Discussing getting a few children-sized T-shirts to see how they sell
Discussing sending people on the Gate Pass List wristbands ahead of time to indicate they have paid
Files: Marie
We got a lot of work done on the last workday
Thank you to Susan for the template for honorary certificates
We need to order an ink roller
Glenn: was around $65
CoC authorized up to $150 for the ink roller
We need to order another fireproof file cabinet, but they are expensive
Marion: get prices for the next meeting
Files meeting tomorrow at 1 pm
ID printer works well since it was cleaned
Newsletter: Susan
Lindsey will do the newsletter
I have sent a copy of the older newsletter
I will work with her if she needs help
VC Cheryl
We’re working toward the development of an outdoor living museum
Dr. Dillian will lead the steering committee
Look at all the parts we want to get done; bring them to Council as necessary
I’m trying to decide on meeting monthly or having quarterly groups working monthly
3/18 will be the kickoff of the project
I’m on the board of the Waccamaw Community Foundation, so I would have to abstain from votes concerning the project
Marion: a used grill costs $2400; a new one is $3000
Elder Glenn T: I have one you can use anytime you want it; save the money
Marie: we need oyster shells to put in the post holes on the longhouse
VC Cheryl: try Oyster Landing in Murrells Inlet
David H: Using cedar trees on the longhouse
2C John: thank you to Richard T for letting us use his grill; I would offer him a tank of gas
Glenn motioned; Marion seconde to buy a tank of propane for Richard T’s frill
Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Chris-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
Susan: Chief Hatcher got a call from Phil Comfort’s sister-in-law; Phil passed away on 12/31/2022
2C John: there was talk about activities at the Spring Equinox; we didn’t talk about food
CoC Dalton: no food for the Equinox
Susan: when we went to an oyster roast, we discussed doing another fundraiser
Hog Heaven for the pauwau
VC Cheryl: we might get a better facility for better food
Marie: on Fishing Day, are you giving away items?
CoC Dalton: yes
VC Cheryl: we can do a raffle, but there is state paperwork involved
COC Dalton: we can do it as a giveaway
Susan: Rick H has the information from past events
Marion: September Equinox is 9/23/23
CoC Dalton: continue the discussion via email
Susan: we could do it in August
Glenn C: HTC: we can get a free extension wifi and hardwire it further out on the grounds
Free installation available
HTC has Plume and EECO (?)
David B: I’m here to teach
What did our people use to make lures and hooks?
I would like to teach these during Fishing Day
I ran a large fishing tournament for college student
The fastest way to make money is through auctions
Example: bait buckets for $20
Susan motioned to close the meeting; Marie seconded.
Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Chris-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
The meeting adjourned at 8:24 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 3/17/2023 at 1:46 pm.