May 2021 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/7/2021 held via Zoom
CM’s Marion, Susan, Marie, Glenn, Alan, Robert, and CoC Dalton present. VC Cheryl, 2C John, 2C Phil, and Filekeeper Starla present. Deborah J and Dr. Wendy Trott also present.
Financial Report (as of 5/7/2021, 3:50am)
General Fund: $17,872.27
Building Fund: $4,598.29
Cemetery Fund: $1560.96
2C John: they’ve had other donations
Old Business
Resolution JT-08-07-2020-001: 2nd Reading
Updated with VC Cheryl’s suggestions from last month
2C John: make change: Integrity of the Tribal Government (to include Chiefs when they run for office)
Dalton, 2C Phil, Robert, Glenn: sounds reasonable
Dalton: cover all tribal government, elected or appointed
VC Cheryl: it should cover all 3 branches
Glenn motioned to change Tribal Council in the title to Tribal Government; Robert seconded
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Alan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
Susan: should repeal the first one because the name changed and give it a new name; Robert seconded
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Alan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
New resolution: JT-05-07-2021-001: Tribal Government Candidate Requirements
Glenn motioned to accept new resolution; Marie seconded
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Alan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
2C John: should it be formally given to the Elders so they don’t feel left out?
Dalton: will send it to them
Online Votes
Online Votes
April Meeting Summary
Marion-yes, Susan-abstain, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Alan-abstain, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
New Business
Paid by Glenn & sent by email: $391.63
Susan motioned to accept; Robert seconded
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Alan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
Add to 4/2/2021 total, write one check, send out tonight
Committee Reports
Buildings & Grounds: Glenn
Grass is looking good
Wire for pump station hooked up with Marion’s help
Nothing from GSW&SA
Arts & Crafts: 2C Phil
Alan: how do we add artists?
2C Phil: same question; I have no access to do it
2C Phil: Jerri H requested an application a long time ago, but says she didn’t get it
Susan: email it to her a long time ago
Emailed 6/18/2018 with no response
Dalton: send it again
2C Phil: we’ve use her art in Pauwaus and in exhibits
We don’t have people leading the arts commission
2C John: are you saying you want off the arts committee?
Alan: think he wants paperwork more accessible
2C John: seems like she would get in touch with the person who send the application
Glenn: the same thing happens when asking people to send photos in for membership
2C John: if she had her paperwork done, came to meeting 3 times, would she have certification?
Susan: we’d have to look at items and then certify
Chief Hatcher: as long as they are a member, they make Native art
Can’t call it Waccamaw art without certification
VC Cheryl: Indian Arts & Crafts Act is a truth in advertising act
2C Phil: motion to let Council certify artists until we have enough people on the arts committee
Dalton: as of your last recollection, Susan, who is on the committee now?
Susan: me, Robert, Phil, Rick
Susan motioned to allow the arts committee be Susan, 2C Phil, and Robert; Glenn seconded
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Alan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
Dalton: get together to determine a chair
2C Phil: motion to make Susan the chair; Robert seconded
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Alan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
2C John: so people send pictures or the items?
Susan: pictures with the application
2C John: then set up a time for them to bring items
Susan: most times, pictures were okay
Chief Hatcher: first set up a standard for items
Example: dreamcatcher should have 7 rings
Susan: most people who are certified now, we’ve seen their items at Pauwaus
Some people, we’ll need to see their items because we haven’t seen their work before
We didn’t have a meeting in April; no quorum
Contacting Demonstrators & Vendors
Susan: sending school superintendents a letter to judge interest
Drum: Glenn
Went over things with Andy 2 weeks ago
Meeting tomorrow at his place at 4pm
Might be a good School Day drum
Chief Hatcher: learn etiquette on the drum with all traditions involved
Open, close, control
Campground: Glenn
Covered under Buildings & Grounds
Files: Starla
Would like to move the meeting to the 4th Saturday (5/22) at 7pm
Starla-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Michelle-yes, Dalton-yes, Marie-yes, VC Cheryl-yes
Dalton will change the Zoom link
Grants: Michelle
SCAC: our grant will cover the documentary, Pauwau, or some combination of the two
Michelle: sent Ms. Green’s response to Council and Chiefs
Chief: think we’ve done enough to cover it
Carol Ann: Dalton read her message to Council
Dalton: was thinking of having her help the files committee with calls
Glenn: I think phone calls would be a better option for her
Susan: as far as calls, let her do them, keep a running total & report each month
Glenn: agree 100%
VC Cheryl: she should be at the Files Committee meeting too
Susan: when does her card expire?
Glenn: 8 years ago
Susan: she’s probably in the inactive stack now
VC Cheryl: her card expired in 2020
Chief Hatcher: former CoC Rick worked out a deal with her & Council should follow through with it
Glenn: Deborah Johnson, speak on behalf of what you can do with the newsletter
Deborah J: getting templates, information, etc
Shouldn’t be an issue
Deborah: need tidbits & schedule
Glenn: final approval from Council before sending
VC Cheryl: have sections with updates, events, letters, etc…
Will send you information
Glenn: motion to put Deborah J in charge of doing newsletter; Robert seconded
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Alan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
Dalton: back to Carol Ann
Chief Hatcher: give her 25 names/ month
VC Cheryl: give her 10/ week
Chief Hatcher 10/week is good, just don’t want it to be overwhelming
Dalton: would like to change expiration dates on IDs to 1-2 years because it leads to people having to pay a large sum when their card expires
Glenn: what was the purpose of the 7 years?
Dalton: expiration date on driver’s license was 7 at the time
Marion: how do I get DJ’s application in? He’s already honorary
Chief Hatcher: first, Council has to open the roll book
Marion has to be listed as his sponsor
Send the application to Michelle (check for complete items), then Susan, then to Chief
VC Cheryl
Museum was a success with Dr Dillian & Clary
Students sent a 14-page letter; it was meaningful for them
Would be nice to do a thank-you card and Starbucks gift cards
Chief Hatcher: dinner at the tribal grounds & give certificates
VC Cheryl: 3 professors & Dr Ellis helped
Chief Hatcher: think COuncil should authorize $200 for a dinner; Marie seconded
Marion-yes, Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Glenn-yes, Alan-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
Conservationists of Color doing Zoom meetings; contact VC Cheryl to participate
Tribal Government programs & Grant Writing Training available
PFAS Contamination Commission: meet next week with Dept of Defense
Contamination on military bases
2C John
To Chief Hatcher: what are your intentions of your position for next year?
Chief Hatcher: unsure; don’t want to run, but don’t want things to fall apart
2C John: think if you don’t want to run, announce it early enough for candidates to prepare
Make a referendum to make you Chief of State
Chief Hatcher: how would it work if I were Chief of State, VC Cheryl became Chief, and I thought she was messing up?
2C John: have to work it out
VC Cheryl: I understand clout is what it takes to get things done in the state
Have to be able to get your foot in the door
Chief Hatcher: we work a few people to death
We’ve come a long way in this state; I almost saw it destroyed
2C John: on restricting the Chief to people traced to the Dimery settlement
I think that needs to change in the constitution
VC Cheryl: I disagree; it led us to the Fab 4 issue (though it may not happen again) & we said were descendants from that settlement
Susan: if you change it, you may as well call us a social club
Chief Hatcher: BIA may agree with you & there are a lot of non-core who do work
VC Cheryl: what is a tribe? Would you let a Catawba come be Chief? Don’t think you want to open that door
2C John: it doesn’t change your character
Chief Hatcher
If you can’t get volunteers for work day, let’s hire some
Glenn: already talked to some CCU students
Marie motioned to close the meeting; Robert seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 9:41 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 5/21/2021 at 2:22 am.