September 2021 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 8/6/2021 held at the tribal office and via Zoom
CM’s Susan, Marie, Glenn, Marion, and CoC Dalton present. 2C John, VC Cheryl, Elder Larry J, and Filekeeper Starla present. CM Robert joined via Zoom at 8:21pm.
Financial Report (as of 9/2/2021, 11:36am on the CNB site)
General Fund: $18487.27
Building Fund: $4390.83
Cemetery Fund: $288.00 (CNB) + $1560.96
Online Votes
8/9 Approve getting security cameras
Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-no, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
8/18 Cancel Pauwau due to rising Covid numbers
Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
8/26 Approve August meeting summary
Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
8/28 Approve fuel receipts totalling $56.00
Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
New Business
CoC Dalton swore Chris Hatcher in as CM
Glenn to check with Sunhouse
Bank Balances
Susan and Michelle to work on this together
Committee Reports
Building & Grounds: Glenn C
Price jumped on materials for sewer project
Chris H to see about getting them at a lower price
Chris H: just give me a list
Cameras installed
Only working on 2.4Ghz, not 5
2C John: Marion said there were 39 barrels still here
Susan: we can do what we want with them
Glenn: do a driveby for members
Susan: make up bags for normal PW weekend
Yard sale items still here too
2C John: Can you do both a yard sale and giveaway?
Glenn: would suggest different times
Marion: items are different sizes & colors; would be better to let people pick through them
Dalton: could take to Habitat for Humanity
Chris H: or Toys for Tots
Susan: If Habitat sells it, why can’t we?
2C John: Goodwill will take it all
Susan: motion to offer it for tribal members until 11/1 to go through the items, give to charity after; Glenn seconded
VC Cheryl: difference is Habitat will pick it up
2C John: how would we advertise it?
Susan, Glenn: Facebook
Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
Arts & Crafts: Susan
Nothing new
Pauwau: Dalton, Susan
Pauwau 2021 canceled
Susan: some vendors have sent checks, sending them back
Some vendors said to hold their check for next year
Any future checks that come in will be sent back with a letter
Glenn: emailed my contacts
Michelle: Do we still need a meeting Thursday?
Susan: need to finish T-shirt order
Susan: Chief Hatcher suggests instead of the number of years we’ve had the Pauwau, just put the year on the front of the program book (ex: 2022 Pauwau)
Pauwau committee and Council to discuss it
Drum: Glenn
We played at Richia’s funeral
Campground: Glenn
In same position as last month
Dalton: Last month, you said it would cost approximately $70k to upgrade?
Glenn: people at the sewer place put an amount on it for hookups at each site
Codes for County, EMS Right-of-way
Dalton: would do a dump station to start; it’s cheaper
2C John: Horry County said no
Chris H: they have one at Carolina Pines
2C John: they said a dump station was not acceptable
Chris H: have a friend who can check it out
Dalton: meeting tomorrow?
Glenn: let us look at the calendar
Dalton: Michelle and I can’t
Glenn: let’s do it the third weekend
Resolution: SHH-08-06-2021-001: Second Chance Membership Renewal
Dalton: Susan, did you make changes?
Susan: changed it and Chief Hatcher sent it back that night, just needs signatures
Resolution: JT-05-07-2021-01: Tribal Government Candidate Requirements: 3rd Reading
Susan: “attendance...2 years” is still saying if you’ve been a member for less than 2 years, it’s still required, right?
2C John: correct
Susan: some can’t meet that right now
VC Cheryl: especially with last year’s attendance
VC Cheryl: does it also apply to appointed seats?
Susan: we’ve never sat down to define “member in good standing”
Dalton: it should be in the constitution
2C John: briefly
Glenn: I don’t think it defines it well enough
2C John: think we discussed up-to-date on dues, not in jail
Dalton: not inactive/ expired, fees up-to-date, nothing before tribal judge
2C John: found it in Article VI (b)
VC Cheryl: think it’s more in the membership agreement
Chief Hatcher: it’s determined by Council
VC Cheryl: with Craig, it was through the membership agreement
Susan read the membership agreement to those in the meeting
VC Cheryl: how many times has it been modified for different situations?
Glenn motioned to accept the Resolution; Marion seconded
Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
2nd Chiefs
2C John: propose we decorate for Christmas, decorations, lights, have a drive-through for money
Decorate, have contests, make money, gather donations
Susan: Conway does it
VC Cheryl: consider the price of electricity
Glenn: suggested Turkey SHoot
Chief Randy does it every year; cooks & sells food
Think Aynor would be more into a turkey shoot than decorations
Do it every Thursday/ Friday night beginning late October
Dalton: cost to set up?
Glenn: minimal; 20 posts, lights
Have someone to sponsor the price of a ham or turkey (ex: IGA)
Susan: sometimes you can catch a good manager’s special price at Food Lion
Dalton: Who is interested into looking into these possibilities?
Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Dalton-yes
Chris: start small, add more with the crowd
Susan: cook hot dogs, chips, hot chocolate
Dalton: Glenn, write a proposal with cost
Glenn: and 2C John, do one for decorations & drive-through
2C John: yes, will do
Susan: Do they bring their own guns?
Elder Larry: limit it; some professionals spend $2-3k on a gun
Have different classes; use home guns
Susan: have different age groups
VC Cheryl
Please wear a mask; being tested tomorrow
2C Alan: thank you to everyone who helped over the last few weeks
Meeting 9/27 with museum; hope all tribal leaders show up
Propose that because of Covid numbers, we go back to straight Zoom meetings until the numbers come back down or are under control; Marie seconded
Susan-yes, Marie-yes, Marion-yes, Chris-yes, Glenn-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes
Chief Hatcher
Dalton: think Ms. Debra was supposed to do it; VC Cheryl assisting
Talked to VC Cheryl- have to make changes to reflect that the Pauwau was canceled
Textbook picture: Carson’s picture is being requested for another textbook
Thanks to 2C Alan for museum work
I am the new Chair of SC Indian Development Council, which funds college students books and more
Some people who came to our Pauwau have Covid, are in ICU
Please wear a mask
10/19 Veteran Stand Down with DHEC doing Covid testing & vaccines
Testing, vaccines, food available to everyone
2C John: put barrels out that day too
2C John: What time?
Chief Hatcher: will double- check, but I think 11am
Talked to Glenn and Marion about the healing ceremony at Boone
Will be moved to February; one in November has been canceled
Susan motioned to close the meeting; Robert seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 9/20/2021 at 1:45 pm