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August 2014 Open Meeting Summary 08012014

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 8/1/2014 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CoC Scott, CM’s Homer, Dalton, Susan, John, and Rick present.

  2. July Minutes read

  3. Dalton motioned to accept; Homer seconded

  4. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  5. Financial Report: Alan

  6. General Fund

  7. Deposits: $1465.00 Debits: $1652.52 Balance: $12,844.65

  8. Error on TN trip math: not $902, was $949.40

  9. Building Fund

  10. Deposits: $525.00 Debits: $0.00 Balance: $1600.00

  11. Online Votes

  12. 7/22 Tractor Parts

  13. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  14. Old Business

  15. Inactive Membership List

  16. Dalton motioned to remove ID’s #040 on Monthly Report Query dated 7/11/2014

  17. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  18. Elder’s Decision on Elections

  19. Candidate qualifications:

  20. Will they go in effect this year?

  21. Dalton: 1st paragraph: need to spell out who decides who makes contributions

  22. Chief Hatcher/ Dalton: suggest Council of Elders

  23. 2nd Chief Iris: 2nd Paragraph: our resolution holds felons can hold office after 5 years

  24. Dalton: who decides pardon?

  25. Scott: judge; to put you back in good standing

  26. John: need to define offense

  27. John: 3rd Paragraph: should person be appointed if not member for 2 years?

  28. Chief Hatcher: no

  29. Dalton: However, Elders can’t infringe on Chief’s appointment powers

  30. Should paragraph be eliminated?

  31. Someone who just turned 18 not really active until 18, so couldn’t run

  32. Eliminate

  33. John: 4th Paragraph: could we grandfather current members?

  34. If the people want a member back in office, they’ll vote that way

  35. Scott: Eliminate paragraph

  36. Official Ballot

  37. Chief: completely revamp

  38. Revisit over pre-stamped envelopes

  39. Intention of Candidacy

  40. Eliminates letter of intent

  41. Susan/ Scott: only basic information

  42. Not for newsletter use (those are optional)

  43. Dalton: 5th paragraph: need to specify that it be a designated representative of Election Committee

  44. Susan: Should all Elders have to agree that a person can run?

  45. Designated representative will also sign letter of intention

  46. Susan: how will this affect this year’s election?

  47. Dalton: shouldn’t affect this year

  48. Susan: Clarify: this won’t happen until next election

  49. Scott/ Dalton: yes

  50. John: is Aug 15 enough time?

  51. Chief Hatcher: yes

  52. Election Commission

  53. Dalton: section: Who Can Run For Office- needs to be same as candidacy page

  54. Chief Hatcher: also need to add “in good standing”

  55. Elder Doug: section: Who serves on election commission

  56. Should also say “women”

  57. Chief Hatcher/ Scott: strike that line completely

  58. Dalton: Section: What About a tie breaker

  59. Change to “Parliamentarian breaks all ties”

  60. John suggested striking section completely

  61. Dalton: Section: Are there disqualifications?

  62. Change committed to convicted

  63. Add: pardon by judge

  64. Dalton: Section: Who can vote

  65. Strike “core”

  66. Rick: what if someone resigns or has a leave of absence?

  67. Scott: LoA not same thing

  68. Rick: what if I need to be gone 6 months; should I resign?

  69. Scott: between you and your oath of office

  70. Chief: add to end: as long as they comply to rules contained herein

  71. Section: How To Vote

  72. Strike “voting booth”- too late to do after Pauwau

  73. Dalton: or change to: “ballot box in office”

  74. Section: When do ballots need to be received

  75. Change date of counting or postmark date

  76. Susan: which Elders are going to run booth at Pauwau

  77. 2nd Chief Iris: don’t think it should be in conjunction with Pauwau

  78. Alan: let them bring ballot to Pauwau

  79. John motioned to keep it as a mail ballot & eliminate Pauwau ballot; Susan seconded

  80. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  81. Chief to rework this area

  82. Send ballots to Parliamentarian?

  83. Trademark

  84. Susan: still working on it

  85. New Business

  86. Committee Reports

  87. Arts & Crafts: Neal

  88. Elected officers; Neal to chair, Susan to co-chair, Sonya as secretary

  89. Rick Hudnall: approved certification

  90. Meetings are quarterly & open

  91. Little late for tribal booth at Pauwau this year

  92. Would like for committee to have booth next year

  93. 2nd Chief Iris donated gourd for museum

  94. Would like tribal art to have tribal logo tag

  95. Need to work on nature trail

  96. Will start art classes after Pauwau

  97. Susan will hold feather classes

  98. Certifications: Darlene, 2nd Chief Phil, Chief Hatcher, Rick (pending completed application- needs to attach pictures)

  99. Chief Hatcher: would like pool of tribal items to buy from for dignitaries

  100. Lots of people without feathers; needs to be done

  101. Neal: would like each artist to do 2-3

  102. 2 museums to display our art

  103. Grants: Michelle

  104. Still looking into Housing Repair grants

  105. Buildings & Grounds: John

  106. Cemetery fund: $410

  107. Lawnmower too wide; looking at small one

  108. Crucial projects: office

  109. Cool seal: $716.32 to Glen Turner check 598

  110. John motioned; Rick seconded

  111. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  112. RV project: Chris Hatcher to bring backhoe to remove trees

  113. Idea of Purchasing a new building: $45k

  114. Idea to make money: sell food at Pauwau

  115. Have cooks & servers if Pauwau committee approves

  116. Suggest Council Work Day 3rd Sat. of month; Susan seconded

  117. Need 4CM’s there

  118. Put proposals online within 5 days

  119. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  120. First one: 8/16/2014 from 2-6pm

  121. Need a complaint forum: embrace criticism

  122. Scott: let me know if you want to be on agenda

  123. Pauwau: Susan

  124. Drafts back on billboards

  125. On schedule with timeline

  126. Flyers here; tri-folds next

  127. Last day for ads and articles for program book: 8/15/2014

  128. Chief Hatcher: why cutoff date of 8/15?

  129. Susan/ Michelle: to get it in book, to/ from printer, to Council for approval

  130. Doing a couple River Talk interviews

  131. Johnnie F: send letter to Public Affairs company for non-profits

  132. Pump Project: Chief Hatcher

  133. Commitment letters to go out with newsletter

  134. Can’t sign letter with GSW&S: lien on land is against the law

  135. $4630: have to pay upfront or scrap project

  136. Drum: Rick

  137. Tried to get in touch with Andy to purchase cd’s

  138. 8/23: McKissick Museum: 10a-4pm

  139. Interested in learning, let him know

  140. Living Village with tipis

  141. Store to sell items

  142. Community group to help with recognition/ help from others

  143. CoC Scott: problem with Dalton’s seat: ran in wrong year

  144. Elders suggested Dalton resign, Council accept him coming back & reinstate

  145. Parl. Steve’s email read by Chief Hatcher

  146. Executive Order: reappointed Dalton to seat

  147. Resolution: DH-08-01-2014-001: Waccamaw Bucks Changes: 1st Reading

  148. Chief Hatcher: example: committee heads have to turn list in

  149. Michelle: not necessarily; it can be done individually, but still has to be signed off on by committee heads

  150. Fuel Receipt: $106.26 Check 599

  151. 2nd Chief Iris

  152. 316 voting members: 86 Noncore; 230 Core; 72.5%

  153. Chief Hatcher

  154. NAAC Meeting: 7/18

  155. Was informed by Chief Chavis that a closed door meeting was held at CMA

  156. All groups now have until certain date to become recognized or fade out

  157. Not the way it was originally submitted; want grandfather clause

  158. Pauwau: Santee: 9/20

  159. BIA Lower Nations: 9/27

  160. Youth Group: Hayes: play games that help children learn culture

  161. Membership Agreement for Associate Members rewritten

  162. To email Council

  163. TN Trip math error: $50.60 received

  164. Name given to Johnnie F: Sister of the Big Waters

  165. CoC Scott: Jessica wants to get married on grounds in private ceremony

Susan motioned to close the meeting; Dalton seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 8/27/14 at 2:30 pm.

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