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December 2009 Open Meeting Summary 12042009

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 12/4/2009 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor

1. October summary read

  1. Motion to accept summary made by Homer; second by Dalton

  2. Homer-yes Iris (Richia)-yes, Neal-yes, Robert- yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  3. Passed unanimously

2. Financial Report- Iris

  1. $7570.09 in bank

  2. Check 1129 out of sequence

  3. Donations- Jerry

  4. October- $65

  5. November- $280

  6. To-Date- $7255

3. Committee Reports

  1. Arts & Crafts- Brian

  2. Meeting on December 9 at 6:30

  3. Set guidelines

  4. Ability to get grant from Nancy Basket

  5. Need someone to get Mary Ellen and Carol Ann on phone for meeting

  6. Grants- Michelle

  7. Nancy Basket- fellowship grant to look in to

  8. SCAC grant final report deadline is 12/30

  9. NEA grants because we are 501 (C)(3) possible

  10. Building & Grounds- Neal

  11. Work Day December 5

  12. Deborah & Charles Creech painting inside of building

  13. Lunch on grounds

  14. Waiting on supplies for roof because of rain

  15. Drop cord to trailer? (noted trailer has power already)

  16. Safety: do not drive past trailer when grounds are wet

  17. Nature trail- hope to be complete by spring (300yd)

  18. More tipi poles

  19. Jerry- canvas

  20. Neal- is a sweat lodge ok?

  21. Buster- yes, but bark

  22. Craig- architectural diagram of sook from Charleston

  23. Neal- buy trees in memory of people

4. Misc.

  1. Iris- needs fireproof filing cabinet for membership files- 2 drawer

  2. Letters of Intent 2010

  3. Email to Susan by 1/1 and 6/1 for 1/15 and 6/15 newsletters

  4. Susan- Census 2010- keep checking site for jobs

5. Past Events

  1. Craig Talbot


  3. Fort Jackson

6. Upcoming Events

  1. 2/17- Waccamaw Day

  2. 12/21 Winter Solstice Ceremony

7. Chief Hatcher

  1. Accurate picture of pauwau and school days

  2. More money coming in

  3. Attorney Fees- need to send another $1,000

  4. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

  5. Homer-yes Iris (Richia)-yes, Neal-yes, Robert- yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  6. Passed unanimously

  7. Discovery disks- several people to go over the information piece by piece

  8. Cemetery lawsuit to be finished free-of-charge

  9. SCDOT will take part of land; drawings given to Scott

  10. 0.5 acre of land

  11. Ask them to give us the dirt they take and no money if it looks like a good deal

  12. Dalton motioned; Robert seconded

  13. Homer-yes Iris (Richia)-yes, Neal-yes, Robert- yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  14. Passed unanimously

  15. Buster- Brian- did you talk to the guy in NC?

  16. Craig- committed to going there

  17. See if Robert will go too

  18. March

  19. Susan offered to show people how to do veteran’s feathers

  20. Get back to council work days

  21. Res trying to make Pete core was killed before it was read

  22. Recorded minutes show the resolution never happened

  23. Susan- read a special needs book received from school day

  24. Homer- pictures of Rolling Thunder next year- they said they were treated better here than other places

  25. Thank you Neal for taking care of drunkard at the pauwau

  26. Susan- Thank you for a good pauwau and school days

  27. Iris- questions about money and email

  28. Frank- ramps/ wheelchair. Frank- $100, Doug- $100, Jerry- 12ft trailer

  29. $200- will not use if not needed

  30. Robert motioned; Dalton seconded

  31. Homer-yes Iris (Richia)-yes, Neal-yes, Robert- yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  32. Passed unanimously

  33. Mr. Mitchell- $100

  34. Dalton motioned; Robert seconded

  35. Homer-yes Iris (Richia)-yes, Neal-yes, Robert- yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  36. Passed unanimously

  37. Earl Manyskins- $100

  38. Robert motioned; Neal seconded

  39. Homer-yes Iris (Richia)-yes, Neal-yes, Robert- yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  40. Passed unanimously

  41. Iris- receipts for reimbursements for approval $108.07- PW Committee- yes

Homer motioned for the meeting to end; Robert seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 1/6/10 at 2:02pm.

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