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December 2011 Open Meeting Summary 12022011

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 12/02/2011 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

1. CoC Scott, and CM's Dalton, Homer, Robert, Neal, and Susan present. CM Richia arrived at 6:55 just as minutes were being approved.

2. Res. DH-12-02-2011-001 Certification of the 2011 Tribal Election

a. Neal motioned; Homer seconded

b. Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes (5yes: 2 absent)

c. Council sworn in

d. Elect CoC

1. Dalton nominated Scott; Homer seconded- Scott will accept

2. Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Scott-abstain

e. Chief sworn in

3. October minutes read

a. Clarification: 4(c): tractor (tires)

b. Neal motioned to accept with change; Dalton seconded

c. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Scott-yes

4. Financial Report

a. $10, 675.22 in bank

5. Online Votes

a. Donnie's trailer: Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Scott-yes

6. Committee Reports

a. Grants: Michelle

1. ANA 1/31

2. SCAC 3/15

b. Arts & Crafts: Susan

1. 5 vended at pauwau

2. elections in January

3. training classes

c. Building & Grounds: Neal

1. Black mold in Donnie's trailer- more boards for approval- $1000

a. Jeff to give proposal on cost to fix before money given out

2. Pond filled in, but still a pond there. gate approval?

3. Susan on committee now & will work on budget for committee

4. don't have all the information on the donated house yet

5. Homer: pond has to be kept up if we keep it

6. Neal: would like to take up a collection for Donnie for Christmas for work he does

d. Pauwau: Michelle

1. Unconfirmed raffle by vendor

2. Gaffney- gives free vendor spots

3. Homer & Chief Hatcher: we give away too much

a. A&C committee has been talking for a year now to get our own young people to learn drum & dance

4. Homer: biggest complaint at gate: roads & ads

5. pet issues: one bit Chief of Police

7. Res. J-HH-12-02-2011-001 Second Chief Appointments

a. Susan motioned; Richia seconded

b. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Scott-yes

c. Cheryl sworn in as 2nd Chief and Richia sworn in as CM

8. Membership Files

a. Grayson R. Osborn

1. Homer-yes, Richia-abstain, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Robert-yes, Susan- yes, Scott-yes

b. Amber M. Osborn Pearson

1. Homer-yes, Richia-abstain, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Robert-yes, Susan- yes, Scott-yes

c. Steve Osborn

1. Homer-yes, Richia-abstain, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Robert-yes, Susan- yes, Scott-yes

d. Joey F. Watford

1. Homer-yes, Richia-abstain, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Robert-yes, Susan- yes, Scott-yes

e. Elizabeth Osborn

1. Homer-yes, Richia-abstain, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Robert-yes, Susan- yes, Scott-yes

f. Christopher M. Watford

1. Homer-yes, Richia-abstain, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Robert-yes, Susan- yes, Scott-yes

g. Christine L. Osborn (S)

1. Homer-yes, Richia-abstain, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Robert-yes, Susan- yes, Scott-yes

h. Note: Richia abstained because she hadn't reviewed the files before they were being voted on

9. CoC Scott: Bookkeeping: authorize Michelle $598 to take course from Penn Foster

a. Susan motioned; Homer seconded

b. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Scott-yes

c. check 1405

10. 2nd Chief

a. Susan would like to thank everyone for their support during her time as 2nd Chief

11. Chuck Mann: Can a member in Afghanistan let his father sign the roll book for him?

a. 2nd Chief Cheryl: his Power of Attorney can sign

b. Chief Hatcher: a note can be put in his file

12. Chief Hatcher

a. We should take the building that's been donated to us

1. will co-sign a loan if we can get enough people to help pay it back

a. all money would go towards the building

b. Res: HH-12/02/2011-003: Authorization for Targeted Donations

1. Chief Hatcher motioned; Susan seconded

2. 2nd Chief Cheryl: why not open it up to all types of maintenance?

a. Chief Hatcher: with $7000, there's an end in sight

b. $7000 doesn't include repairing the floor

3. Homer: how's the plumbing, wiring?

4. Susan: can meet at Senior Center/ Library when house is moved here

5. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Neal- yes, Susan-yes, Scott-yes

b. Res. HH-12/02/2011-04: Authorization to Secure a Loan in the Name of Waccamaw Indian People

1. Chief Hatcher motioned; Susan seconded

2. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Scott-yes

c. Res. J-HH-12-02-2011-002: Assistant to the 2nd Chief External Affairs Appointment

1. Chief Hatcher motioned; Neal seconded

2. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Scott-yes

d. Letter to Fab4 about missing items

1. Pete Bryant gave documents to Chief Hatcher

2. James Webb emailed Homer

3. Pete requests his membership again & retain his old number

a. Richia: yes; haven't we all done things?

b. Homer: he should have to start over & apologize in open meeting

c. Elder Doug: he made a conscious decision to do it

d. 2nd Chief Cheryl: an apology won't be enough

e. Trevor: it was our property; why can't this be his punishment?

f. Elder Doug: bring it up 5 years from now

g. Elder Frank: he's (Pete) only guilty of being ignorant

h. Elder Dan: he's (Pete) guilty of being led

i. Chief Hatcher: think Elder Doug position might be best

j. Dalton: When we took Fab4 back, all their other members were screwed

1. Makes me want to give them all opportunity to apply

2. Also: letting them back in allows them to go before Ronnie

4. Revisit in 5 years, but without old number

5. Elder Doug: we need a PR Committee

e. General James Vaught: veterans support group

1. would like to use our Federal ID showing we support their effort getting houses for disabled

2. Council approve

f. Received a plaque from the Census Bureau

g. Coastal Observer article framed: cost $200 to keep

1. Neal motioned not to keep; Susan seconded

13. Susan: School Day: $7500 ( up $400 from last year)

a. Will have to increase to 3 days or more than once per year

14. Homer: about volunteer dinner

a. thought he was told to resign if he didn't agree with position

b. Dalton: there are people I'm going to anger fairly often

c. Neal: going to argue my opinion to bitter end

d. Dalton: not about having to honor them; it's about having the opportunity to honor them

15. Donnie's receipts

a. $112.17 to Sunhouse 1: Homer motioned; Dalton seconded

b. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Scott-yes

c. CoC Scott has one receipt for $40 at home

d. check 1320

16. Authorize $100 for Billy

a. check 1402

Susan motioned to close the meeting; Homer seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 1/5/12 at 11:26 am.

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