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July 2010 Open Meeting Summary 07092010

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 7/9/2010 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor

  1. Opened at 6:30pm with CoC Scott and CM’s Dalton, Neal, Robert, and Homer present. Richia entered halfway through the A&C report.

  2. CoC to all: Talking stick is here for a purpose. To talk, you must be given the talking stick.

  3. June Minutes read

  4. 5a (i) - Cable is bending (Donnie explained later). Needs to be replaced

  5. 3- should be May minutes (not April; was copied from template)

  6. Neal motioned to accept the minutes with changes; Robert seconded

  7. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes

  8. 5yes: 0no: 2absent: 0abstain (passed by majority)

  9. Financial Report- Scott via 2nd Chief Iris’ email

  10. Approximate funds: $4510.76

  11. Neal: fuel place says okay up to $100

  12. Committee Reports

  13. Building & Grounds: Neal

  14. Donnie keeping things mowed

  15. Riding mower needs fixed

  16. Arts & Crafts: Brian

  17. Wed 3pm: 2nd Chief Susan : tribal member feather class

  18. Feels like it’s Council’s job to find out who needs them

  19. Fri 3pm Meeting: Brian

  20. Not where he wants the committee to be yet

  21. Would like to start an account for the Arts & Crafts Committee

  22. Dalton: Mr. Moore and vending building on the grounds

  23. Grounds isn’t ideal, but a website is

  24. Brian: original plan was to put up a shop

  25. Homer: who would run it?

  26. Brian: Brian would run it

  27. Homer: feathers: 2nd Chief Iris said they would get a feather when they signed the roll book

  28. 2nd Chief Susan : they shouldn’t get a card till they sign the roll book

  29. Deborah Creech: have them available at the pauwau when people sign the book

  30. Brian: going to have to have money to buy feathers

  31. Chief Hatcher: ID card holds privilege. I wouldn’t give them either till the book is signed

  32. 2nd Chief Susan : Since we’re playing catch-up, make a feather, for everyone who has signed the book

  33. Homer: how many different feathers do we have at the moment?

  34. 2nd Chief Susan: government, tribal member, merit, and veteran

  35. Chief Hatcher: suggestion for motion: tab with part of notary seal and their signature

  36. 2nd Chief Susan: sticker has to be thin

  37. Motion to allow Buster & Susan to work it out

  38. Neal motioned, Homer seconded

  39. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes

  40. 6 yes: 0no: 1absent: 0abstain (passed by majority)

  41. PauWau: Scott & 2nd Chief Susan

  42. Meeting 7/28 Shoney’s 7pm

  43. Grants: Michelle

  44. Nothing new to report, but time to start to looking at new opportunities

  45. 2nd Chief Iris’ email via Scott

  46. Resolution Notebook to be maintained by Tribal Secretary

  47. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

  48. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes

  49. 6yes: 0no: 1absent: 0abstain (passed by majority)

  50. Two-drawer file cabinet to used at home by Tribal Secretary to file tribal records

  51. Neal motioned, Robert seconded

  52. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes

  53. 6yes: 0no: 1absent: 0abstain (passed by majority)

  54. 2nd Chief Iris to assume the Treasurer Duties (put Reba on LoA)

  55. Dalton motioned, Homer seconded

  56. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes

  57. 6yes: 0no: 1absent: 0abstain (passed by majority)

  58. Mark Ammons & T-Card extension

  59. Buster proposed we don’t issue T-cards

  60. Send letter first, attach to roll book, then send ID card

  61. Need 2nd Chief Iris’ input

  62. Reaffirm Online Votes

  63. Electric line

  64. Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Scott-yes (Jeanie-yes)

  65. Seed, fertilizer, weed killer

  66. Robert-yes, Richia-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes, Homer-yes (Jeanie did not vote)

  67. Lending out the drill

  68. Homer-yes, Scott-yes, Dalton-yes, Neal-yes

  69. Firekeeper

  70. Dalton- doesn’t believe we should tell people who to believe in

  71. “this guy, yes” or “this guy, no”

  72. Shouldn’t be a Council decision

  73. Scott: in the past, John went to Earl, got trained, came back as the tribal firekeeper

  74. Homer: needs to be officially recognized for firekeeper. Not believing in Robert, but in the Native American way

  75. Buster: accept, not appoint; perhaps bad wording

  76. Homer: still needs to be an official firekeeper

  77. Dalton: fine with accept; not with appoint

  78. Richia: chosen to do certain things; can’t be voted into that position

  79. Brian: y’all have to officially give the title to Robert “Waccamaw Tribal Firekeeper”

  80. Neal motioned

  81. Scott: looks like a play on words; using an analogy- using “Waccamaw” on Arts & Crafts certifications, requires certain criteria

  82. Neal motioned, Homer seconded- Waccamaw Tribal Firekeeper to be Robert

  83. Dalton-yes, Neal-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-abstain, Homer-yes, Scott-yes

  84. 5yes: 0no: 1absent: 1abstain (passed by majority)

  85. Up to Robert to apprentice someone

  86. Chief Hatcher

  87. May have to reconsider Wed training because of Susan’s surgery

  88. Trying to get Henry Brown to sign the bill; keep sending letters

  89. TV documentary- Linda, Dan (Brian to take)- let Buster know when ready to tape

  90. Letters to judge (change of venue granted)

  91. Vice Chief Frank Pie’s funeral yesterday

  92. Alabama meeting about state recognition- trying to do away with it; saying that only the federal government can do it

  93. No update yet

  94. Pauwau in Clemmons 7/10 and Nottoway Pauwau 7/24

  95. Scott & Donnie: Washer/ Dryer has to be stackable

  96. Work on for next month

Dalton motioned for the meeting to end; Scott seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 8/2/10 at 12:31pm.

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