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June 2013 Open Meeting Summary 06072013

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 6/7/2013 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

1. CoC Scott, and CM's Neal, Susan, Dalton, Richia, and Homer present.

2. May minutes read.

a. 5(c)(d)(1) should be a Volunteer Hours Accounting Form- not IRS Form

b. Dalton motioned to accept with changes; Homer seconded.

a. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

3. Financial Report: Michelle

a. General Fund: $3226.76

b. Building Fund: $3015.83

4. New Business

a. Committee Reports

1. Grants: Michelle

a. Lowe's Community Grant: 6/1-7/30

b. Lowe's Education Grant: 8/1-10/15

c. Lowe's Small Project Grants- no dates, up to $2500

d. SCAC: waiting to see if their budget is approved & then if we're approved

2. Buildings & Grounds: Neal

a. Work Days are the Sat. following the open meeting at 11am

b. This week: moving roses further apart

3. Pauwau: Michelle

a. Meeting 6/12: Shoney's: Conway: 6:30pm

b. Suggestions after August 1 will be considered for 2014

c. All key demonstrators confirmed; contracts starting to come in

d. Working on budget now & coordinating w/ businesses

e. Ads being sold: $50 for 1/8pg, $75 for 1/4, $150 for 1/2 pg

b. Membership Files

1. Alexander Tuccek

a. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

2. Karl Stoss

a. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

3. Richard Lehrner

a. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

4. Johnathan Siratt

a. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

5. Larry M. Roark

a. Homer-no, Neal-no, Susan-no, Richia-no, Dalton-no, Scott-no

c. Resolutions

1. DH-04-05-2013-001: Firearms Restrictions: 3rd Reading

a. John T: Will there be signs?

1. Answer: yes

b. Literature for the pauwau?

1. Answer: on fliers, on tv ads

a. Susan: we can add concealed or visible to ad

c. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

2. DH-05-03-2013-001: Membership Fees: 2nd Reading

a. Chief: Needs to be reworded

b. Johnnie F: Granddaughter turns 18, going to college, 18 could be a hardship; think they should be taken into consideration

c. Dalton: would be hard to convince me that she shouldn't get a part-time job or do work study

d. Susan: Buster needs people to make calls, look for more grants

e. Chief Hatcher: I agree with Johnnie

f. Homer: I don't think 4 hrs at the pauwau is enough; think whole pauwau or both school days

d. Policy Letters: Susan

1. Membership Fees

a. 501(c)(3): take it off taxes

2. Family Day & Other Events

a. Dalton: needs to be "per event"

3. Use of the Tribal Office

a. Homer: why would we give the deposit back?

b. Johnnie F: think they should provide their own paper products

c. Elder Frank: change deposit to rental fee

d. Paul F: make them sign a form stating they are responsible for damages

e. Chief Hatcher: realize that the people you're talking about are members

f. Alan F: someone has to look out for things floating out of the office

g. Susan to reword this policy letter

4. Use of the Tribal Grounds

a. Susan: change deposit to rental fee

b. Dalton: may want to consider both a deposit and rental fee

c. Susan to reword this one as previous letter

5. Camping on the Tribal Grounds (Excluding Pauwau Time)

a. Change weapons to firearms

b. Elder Doug: can there be an exception to the 7 days?

1. Dalton: you can ask for an extension

6. Making Loans

a. Remove last line

7. Spousal Membership

a. 2nd Chief Cheryl: they can reapply as an associate member

8. Associate Membership

a. Remove Tribal Council

1. Associate members fall under purview of Chief

9. Reviewing Files

10. Use of the Tribal Logo

a. Need % or #

1. Homer: 35

2. Chief Hatcher: someone pays a vendor fee, you're still going to charge the fee?

3. Chief Hatcher: think it's unmanageable; they don't know how many they'll sell

4. Johnnie F: licensing fee

5. Alan F: they should have a time limit

6. 2nd Chief Cheryl: fee per use

7. Chief Hatcher: put on table for further discussion

b. Mark A: want big ones for truck & give 50% back

1. Chief Hatcher to send artwork

2. Pauwau Committee agreed

3. Dalton: need to work up a contract for use of logo

a. in general- time, price

4. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

c. Dalton: did we hear back about T-shirts?

1. Susan: he's getting back to us on T's and Jackets

e. Donnie's fuel receipts: $102.64 Check 1519

1. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

f. Chief Hatcher

1. Training available here or HGTC

a. $50 for Tribal Council for half-day

b. Go to HGTC

1. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott- yes

2. Chief Chavis at CMA

a. Director Smith refuses to have a meeting

b. Chief Oxendine's recognition application has been waiting 6 months

3. Constitution Changes: need to be sent out to people for a vote

a. Want a full work day

b. Want completely different definitions for Honorary and Associate memberships

1. Honorary: ID would show an H

2. Spousal: ID would show an S

c. Want to make retroactive changes to put people into correct categories

d. Take constitution, break it down into sections

4. Dept. of Education

a. Money available: Indian Development Council: Meeting 6/17

1. College, high school, GED: 803-324-0259

b. 2nd Chief Cheryl: available if you don't get other financial aid

5. Dept. of Natural Resources: meeting in couple weeks

a. Looking to make legal all animal parts, such as turkey beard, bear claw

6. History books show pauwau pictures but don't talk about Indians

a. Tracy asked that curriculum be changed to include history of area tribes

1. Ronnie to talk, bring back proposal

7. Prison System

a. Looking for funding

b. Elder Doug assisting

c. John A can train people to help so others don't have to drive as far and more prisons are served

d. John A: they are eager to get us back in there, we make a profound difference

1. Warden allows people who don't know bloodline to attend because of the difference we have made

e. Chief Hatcher: give us 1 1/2 months & teach class

8. Sen. Rankin: bill to stop group recognition

a. bill would only affect future groups from being recognized

9. Banking

a. Lori O: TD Bank

b. Alan F: Bookkeeper effective immediately

1. Dalton: experience?

a. Alan F: handled accounts worth $25k-$2M

2. Elder Jerry: what company did you work for?

a. Alan F: US Govt.

c. CoC Scott: Chief Hatcher to email resume & we vote tonight to approve pending his resume

1. Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Susan-yes, Richia-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott- yes

10. ID machine: needs new print head; getting new machine

a. 2nd Chief Iris checking on card machines

11. Copier to be serviced

12. SCIAC meeting 6/8

a. Dalton: ask SCIAC to take over CMA duties

13. Someone said they should be able to comment on membership fees

14. Johnnie F said she'd answer phone as WIP if we transferred it to her cell

a. she's to give number to Council

g. Johnnie F

1. post cards for veterans

2. Rx discount cards

h. 2nd Chief Cheryl

1. Danielle Geraldo (sp?)- Lumbee- University of Arizona

a. Dissertation: NC/SC tribal accomplishments

b. Asking for input; come next week to meet

2. White Buffalo: Frontier made a buffalo their mascot

a. Going to meet with them for assistance for pauwau

b. Let them know significance of buffalo

Homer motioned to close the meeting; Neal seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:04 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 7/4/13 at 12:49 am.

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