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May 2010 Open Meeting Summary 05072010

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/7/2010 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor

  1. Opened at 6:32 with CoC Scott, and CM’s Dalton, Homer, Robert, Neal, and Richia present.

  2. Elder Doug was thanked for bringing drinks

  3. April minutes read

  4. Further discussion of amendment to SB-09-12-2008-001 requested by Richia

  5. Tabled for now; living document can be changed

  6. Dalton motioned to accept the minutes; Homer seconded

  7. Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority; 6 yes: 0 no: 0 abstain: 1 absent)

  8. Financial Report: Iris

  9. $7512.50 in bank

  10. Does not include this month’s bills or Donnie’s tractor bills

  11. Resolution RP-03-03-2010-001: Amendment to Change Article IV Paragraph 2 Subparagraph 2 of the Waccamaw Constitution as Ratified in October 2008 received its 3rd reading

  12. Homer asked for clarification

  13. Bernie: be prepared for challenge

  14. Dalton read 4a from April minutes

  15. Bernie suggested researching other tribes’ criteria

  16. Richia motioned to change it to “majority requiring 4 yes votes”

  17. Dalton seconded

  18. Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-no, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority- 5 yes: 1 no: 0 abstain: 1 absent)

  19. Committee Reports

  20. Grants: Michelle

  21. Nothing new to report

  22. Building & Grounds: Neal

  23. 2 work days

  24. Cable along road

  25. Bernie: has to be marked- signs or markers

  26. 28 Azaleas should bloom around spring

  27. Wayne and Billy Joe Hellem provided material & labor

  28. Made deck and ramp for Donnie for free

  29. Vines for dreamcatchers on the grounds

  30. Dead tree on grounds taken down

  31. Tree stump- can it be cut down?

  32. Old truck- scrap metal?

  33. Depends on who has title rights

  34. Crape Myrtles offered to us

  35. Want grounds to look good; 200 azaleas

  36. Nature trail- if people use it- bird houses, benches, walkway

  37. Richia: Donnie needs agitator for his washer, a dryer

  38. Neal: Donnie needs things to keep in stock here: grease gun, grease, oil; he needs underpinning, approval for lawnmower belts, tractor blades

  39. Robert says man was paid already to do underpinning

  40. Neal to check prices at Goodwill and Repair stores

  41. Homer: rails needs to be finished

  42. New door on inside

  43. Scott: Get a list together of inside and outside chores to be done

  44. Clay Talbot, Wayne, Billy Joe, Scott, Neal, Brian, Donnie for Work Days

  45. Agri-South for blades

  46. Arts & Crafts: Iris

  47. Had a meeting

  48. Susan will set time for feathers and will still do veteran feathers

  49. Distribution list discussed

  50. Traditional and non-traditional debated

  51. Should be no more back-up after tonight- last 3 certifications should make it current

  52. Mr. Moore was mailed his certification

  53. Linda presented Richia her artist certification & Bernie took pictures

  54. Mr. Barber reminded people of the Brigman-Hatcher reunion on June 13

  55. PauWau: Linda

  56. Had a good PW meeting

  57. Susan created Waccamaw Bucks to use as food coupons and flyers to be put out

  58. Next meeting 5/12 at Shoney’s

  59. Agrees with Richia that the Resolution about voting memberships needs to be looked at more

  60. PW Guidelines read

  61. Dalton motioned to accept; Homer seconded

  62. Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority- 6 yes: 0 no: 0 abstain: 1 absent)

  63. Online Votes

  64. Admin Manual

  65. Plants

  66. Membership Files

  67. Bobbie JC Torres

  68. Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority- 6yes: 0 no: 0 abstain: 1 absent)

  69. Malia Courtney-Ann Atkinson

  70. Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority- 6yes: 0 no: 0 abstain: 1 absent)

  71. Scott for Chief Hatcher

  72. Federal Recognition

  73. Not seen bill yet; Congressman was called overseas. Staffer to do it.

  74. Will probably be best to go back to DC

  75. Tuscarora PW- next weekend- 5/14

  76. Linda requested money for printer ink

  77. $70 (color and black)

  78. Richia motioned; Dalton seconded

  79. Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority- 6yes: 0 no: 0 abstain: 1 absent)

  80. PW book

  81. Richia: approval needs to be done by Council

  82. Standards need to be higher

  83. Doug

  84. Wants to show a PW book from another tribe

  85. Says to remove politics from our book

  86. Put Malia on Waccamaw bucks

Homer motioned for the meeting to end; Neal seconded.

Meeting adjourned 9:23 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 5/10/10 at 2:04pm.

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