May 2010 Open Meeting Summary 05072010
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/7/2010 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor
Opened at 6:32 with CoC Scott, and CM’s Dalton, Homer, Robert, Neal, and Richia present.
Elder Doug was thanked for bringing drinks
April minutes read
Further discussion of amendment to SB-09-12-2008-001 requested by Richia
Tabled for now; living document can be changed
Dalton motioned to accept the minutes; Homer seconded
Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority; 6 yes: 0 no: 0 abstain: 1 absent)
Financial Report: Iris
$7512.50 in bank
Does not include this month’s bills or Donnie’s tractor bills
Resolution RP-03-03-2010-001: Amendment to Change Article IV Paragraph 2 Subparagraph 2 of the Waccamaw Constitution as Ratified in October 2008 received its 3rd reading
Homer asked for clarification
Bernie: be prepared for challenge
Dalton read 4a from April minutes
Bernie suggested researching other tribes’ criteria
Richia motioned to change it to “majority requiring 4 yes votes”
Dalton seconded
Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-no, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority- 5 yes: 1 no: 0 abstain: 1 absent)
Committee Reports
Grants: Michelle
Nothing new to report
Building & Grounds: Neal
2 work days
Cable along road
Bernie: has to be marked- signs or markers
28 Azaleas should bloom around spring
Wayne and Billy Joe Hellem provided material & labor
Made deck and ramp for Donnie for free
Vines for dreamcatchers on the grounds
Dead tree on grounds taken down
Tree stump- can it be cut down?
Old truck- scrap metal?
Depends on who has title rights
Crape Myrtles offered to us
Want grounds to look good; 200 azaleas
Nature trail- if people use it- bird houses, benches, walkway
Richia: Donnie needs agitator for his washer, a dryer
Neal: Donnie needs things to keep in stock here: grease gun, grease, oil; he needs underpinning, approval for lawnmower belts, tractor blades
Robert says man was paid already to do underpinning
Neal to check prices at Goodwill and Repair stores
Homer: rails needs to be finished
New door on inside
Scott: Get a list together of inside and outside chores to be done
Clay Talbot, Wayne, Billy Joe, Scott, Neal, Brian, Donnie for Work Days
Agri-South for blades
Arts & Crafts: Iris
Had a meeting
Susan will set time for feathers and will still do veteran feathers
Distribution list discussed
Traditional and non-traditional debated
Should be no more back-up after tonight- last 3 certifications should make it current
Mr. Moore was mailed his certification
Linda presented Richia her artist certification & Bernie took pictures
Mr. Barber reminded people of the Brigman-Hatcher reunion on June 13
PauWau: Linda
Had a good PW meeting
Susan created Waccamaw Bucks to use as food coupons and flyers to be put out
Next meeting 5/12 at Shoney’s
Agrees with Richia that the Resolution about voting memberships needs to be looked at more
PW Guidelines read
Dalton motioned to accept; Homer seconded
Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority- 6 yes: 0 no: 0 abstain: 1 absent)
Online Votes
Admin Manual
Membership Files
Bobbie JC Torres
Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority- 6yes: 0 no: 0 abstain: 1 absent)
Malia Courtney-Ann Atkinson
Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority- 6yes: 0 no: 0 abstain: 1 absent)
Scott for Chief Hatcher
Federal Recognition
Not seen bill yet; Congressman was called overseas. Staffer to do it.
Will probably be best to go back to DC
Tuscarora PW- next weekend- 5/14
Linda requested money for printer ink
$70 (color and black)
Richia motioned; Dalton seconded
Dalton-yes, Richia-yes, Robert-yes, Neal-yes, Homer-yes, Scott-yes (passed by majority- 6yes: 0 no: 0 abstain: 1 absent)
PW book
Richia: approval needs to be done by Council
Standards need to be higher
Wants to show a PW book from another tribe
Says to remove politics from our book
Put Malia on Waccamaw bucks
Homer motioned for the meeting to end; Neal seconded.
Meeting adjourned 9:23 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 5/10/10 at 2:04pm.