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May 2011 Open Meeting Summary 05062011

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/06/2011 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor

1. CoC Scott, and CM's Homer, Richia, Neal, and Dalton present. CM Jeanie arrived at 7:00pm for Membership Files.

2. April Minutes read

a. Homer motioned to accept; Dalton seconded

b. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes (5yes, 0abstain, 2absent)

3. Financial Report: Michelle (for 2nd Chief Iris)

a. $3688.44 online bank balance

4. Online Votes

a. Where to have meeting (because of 10day State/ Federal notification rule)

1. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes (5yes, 0abstain, 2absent)

5. Committee Reports

a. Building & Grounds: Neal

1. Have dirt because of road work: 400+ loads

2. Road work supposed to pave here first

3. Homer/ Neal suggest throwing road work crew meals once a week/ once a month

a. Donnie to check with them for the best time to do it

4. Once donations allowed, Lowe's will help with landscaping items

5. Will need to buy seed (unless Lowe's helps)

b. Pauwau: Michelle (for Linda)

1. Meeting 5/11 @ 7pm @ Shoney's

2. All welcome and needed

c. Grants: Michelle

1. Nothing to report

2. Once grants can be filed again, we can start looking

d. Arts & Crafts: Dalton

1. Down 2 Voting Members; would like to get them up to full

a. Elder Doug and CM Dalton volunteered

1. Homer motioned to confirm; Neal seconded

a. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-abstain, Scott- yes (4yes, 1abstain, 2absent)

2. they still have no Chairperson

6. Membership Files

a. Greg Raven Morgan

1. Richia motioned to let Greg have full membership with stipulation of a full file in 90 days without a second vote; Neal seconded

a. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes (6yes, 0abstain, 1absent)

b. Robert Rainbolt

1. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes (6yes, 0abstain, 1absent)

c. Leonard Davis Boyd

1. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes (6yes, 0abstain, 1absent)

d. Lauren Davis Boyd

1. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes (6 yes, 0abstain, 1absent)

e. Brittany T. Stevens

1. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes (6 yes, 0abstain, 1absent)

f. Andrew Rainbolt

1. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes (6 yes, 0abstain, 1absent)

7. Donnie: gas $157.99 to Sunhouse 1

a. Homer-yes, Richia-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes (5yes, 0abstain, 1absent)

8. CoC Scott approved up to $50 for Michelle to buy ink and paper

9. Elder Hank suggested "Return to Sender" for letters in PO Box for Webb camp

10. Tribal member repaid $200 loan; Tribal Council gave receipt

11. Chief Hatcher

a. Read letter he plans to send to attorneys & arbiter

1. Will not accept Webb camp having special access to grounds

a. Could become issue: judge order vs. tribal constitution

b. Dalton: ask arbiter why he is giving special order when it's no different than other tribal members

c. Why is arbiter making more decisions after case is settled?

d. We must uphold our constitution

e. Feel they take tribes as social clubs

b. SCAC money no longer available

1. Mr. Johnson (Webb attorney) lied

a. He said he did it because he felt "it was all silly"

1. perjury charge?

c. Can an arbiter back up and change his order?

d. Office needs files, repairs, etc...

e. $13, 980 from road work

f. Discuss: called an online for something

1. Dalton & Scott: online votes are for things with timeline issues

g. October: Constitution changes have to be redone (working from 2000 now)

1. Would like 2 Chiefs: 1 tribal Chief, 1 Principal Chief

h. Longest Walk: in Myrtle Beach June 23-24

i. SoS: put Chief Hatcher back as Chief

j. PO Keys: Tribal Council gave to Michelle

1. PO finally obeyed arbiter's order

2. Suggestions: Return to Sender or Return to Attorney for Webb camp mail

k. Sent John Cox certified letter asking for our pipe back (it's in the order)

l. In order to be returned to us: fryers, cookers, files, etc...

m. Elder Frank: Suggest Contribution letters again ($25/ month) once 501(c)(3) status restored

1. Elder Jerry was asked if he was up to handling this again and said yes

n. Newsletter needs to go out again

1. Reanna said her school paper could go in newsletter

a. thesis paper for English class

b. talked about Columbus, gold, cutting of hands

c. Her teacher failed her for paper

d. Chief Hatcher to contact school/ teacher

Neal motioned to close the meeting; Homer seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 5/15/11 at 10:07 am.

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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