May 2014 Open Meeting Summary 05022014
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/2/2014 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CoC Scott, CM’s Dalton, Homer, and John present.
CoC Scott read email from CM Richia stating her resignation; nominated Rick Hudnall to spot
Rick accepted nomination and was sworn-in by CoC Scott
April Minutes read.
Dalton motioned to accept; Homer seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Financial Report: Michelle (from Alan’s email)
General Fund
Deposits: $0.00 Debits: $1778.37 Balance: $12,440.76
Building Fund
Deposits: $545.00 Debits: $0.00 Balance: $1025.00
Deposits: $1075.00 Debits: $209.60 Balance: $865.40
Money still being moved from BB&T to HCSB
Online Votes
Filing Fee for Lawsuit
Homer-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes, Scott-yes
Old Business
Arts & Crafts
Letter sent to Carol Ann read in meeting thanking her for her service
No response
Dalton talked to Susan; wanted Council to certify Chief Hatcher
Homer: did her go through motions once?
Dalton: he did in past
John seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Has anyone else in the meeting lost certification (done paperwork before, etc…)?
Dalton motioned to reinstate Neal’s certification
Homer & Rick seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Neal will still need to get with A&C to get paperwork done
Inactive Membership List
Dalton motioned to remove from ID #172- 260 on Monthly Report Query dated 4/30/14
Homer seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
John motioned to give applications from last month (Ammons & Turner) 1 month extension
Rick seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
New Business
Committee Reports
Grants: Michelle
Still waiting on report from SCAC
Buildings & Grounds: John
Upcoming projects: drain pipe
Need wheelbarrows, shovels
Mark A: call YouLoco & have them mark for lines
Spring trimmer purchased; credit rest towards John’s Waccamaw Bucks ($33)
Richard Turner: trailer receipt: $132.59 Check 1032
Dalton motioned; Rick seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Cemetery: Sons of Confederate Veterans could help take care of it
Elder Doug: tombstones need to be acid washed
Proposal: Murray mower $750: $350 by Richard Turner; donations for rest
Keep at Richard’s place since it would be just for cemetery
John put $150 towards it
Propose giving Richard 8 years membership fees towards it
Other pending
Other building: siding coming off- take off or do something with it
Needs power
Tractor tire: Donnie said used one is good
Need correct size
Electrical outlets around dance circle: move out 5 feet
Pauwau: Michelle
John: ad sold
Asked Council to confirm Lindsey as a voting member (Iris stepped down)
Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Membership types explained to John
John motioned to open TRB to give Larry Jernigan a spousal application & Sandra Hatcher (Wayne Turner’s wife) & Mark Ammon’s wife
Dalton seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Send to tribal PO Box or to Michelle by email
Fuel Receipt: $66.17 Check 1033
Homer motioned; John seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Glasses Repair receipt $123.00 Check 1034
John motioned; Homer seconded
Glasses broke while bush hogging with tractor
Res J-HH-03-07-1014-001: Appointment of Council of Elders as Tribe’s Election Officials: 3rd Reading
Will replace SB-10-01-2010-001
Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Secretary Budget Approval
Homer motioned; John seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Membership Updates
Dalton motioned to give them 1 month; John seconded
Homer-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
John A: what about his son’s application?
Michelle: I haven’t seen it
We’ll look into it
Elder Doug: we need to look into getting a PR person
Heritage Festival went well; lots of talent
Need more people to hear about it
John A: Prison Program: great meeting with group at Allendale
Need better facilitation at Bennettsville
If you want to help, let him know- will train you
John T: if they made A&C, could we sell them?
John A: will have to ask
John T: Events other than Pauwau
Have been trying to find people to do classes
Quarterly; a few hours on a Saturday
Dalton suggested Nancy Basket
Mark suggested Bill & Suzie Gingris
John A: crafts
Mark A: Cherokee are willing to help us get set up like they are
John motioned to close the meeting; Rick seconded.
Meeting adjourned 9:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 5/20/14 at 12:59 pm.